Re|Heroes: FREY by defenestratin on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


OMG I GOT IN I GOT IN ;________; RP with me, guys!!

"Let's see how your luck treats you."

Name: Miyamoto, Shun

Username: FREY

Gender: Male

Age: 19

D.o.B.: 20 September

Height: 6'0"

Occupation: University student

Personality: Detached | Silent | Observant | Fussy |

Mostly seen leaning against walls with his arms crossed in a rather sad attempt to present a 'cool' image of himself, Shun is often quiet and composed and only makes comments when he feels the need to do so. He speaks politely most of the time (though he may let some sarcastic comments slip), and would probably only progress into more casual tones once he's deemed a person close enough to kid around with (judges people intensely). He isn't easily angered, except if one pushed the wrong buttons.

Despite his seemingly uninvolved exterior, he has the tendency to worry about maybe the smallest things due to his past experiences, and that would include people he would find himself closest to. Not one to have a huge number of friends, he keeps those he cares about most close to him, and would risk himself for them if he was given the choice.

It could be said that he may be clingy, though he would not blatantly show it. He would instead be silently following a person around probably, if he felt a sort of attachment that makes himself look for them instead of the other way around.

He can be called obsessive compulsive, as he would, at times, be seen cleaning things up to keep them neat and organised. Not only that- he could even be a mother hen who would go so far as to butt into how well a person was eating.

PS: He smiles, it's just covered by the mask most of the time.

Fear: Paralipophobia: Fear of neglecting duty or responsibility

Fear Level: Orange = quite affected

A troubled past caused him to develop a fear of abandoning any kind of task given to him. He has clearly unreasonable distress towards being unable to accomplish whatever assignment or endeavour due to fearing the consequences of not being able to do so. If he is given a schedule, he will follow it right down to the second, because to him, time is of the essence, and he wouldn't want to know what would happen if he didn't do things right on time. Telling him "it's okay to not do something" will merit a quick, but short, outburst from him, but it may be worse, depending on how affected he was by a situation.

He would have headaches and avoid situations as much as he can, though he has accepted that some cannot be avoided despite his best efforts. That does not mean that he's gotten over his fear at all, of course.

Cursed Object: A pair of dice that oddly enough cannot be separate from one another.


The ability is a double edged blade- not literally, but it is very much based on luck. His power allows him to roll the dice and depending on the sum of the numbers on them, he will be able to deal a certain amount of damage to the target by, well, flicking the dice at them. The attacks can vary from 2, just a feeling like a pinch, to 12, which might as well be equal to a punch with how weak and underdeveloped his current ability is. Perhaps with more practice he would be able to deal more damage, but he'd have to get over his fear first…

He is only able to deal a few attacks at a time, which is five at most, because the very thought of placing a bet on how powerful his attack could be (or anything really) makes him anxious and cause him to be unable to do much for some time.


For Shun, the greatest weakness of the ability perhaps would be the fact that it's based on luck- if the sum of the dice he gets would be 2, and lower numbers like that happen for all five of his chances, he's left vulnerable for some time due to his anxiety.

His anxiety on the other hand, builds until his fifth chance, when he feels that he'd have no more chances at defeating the target if he hasn't already. To him, his power feels like both a duty and a curse, and he isn't happy about that predicament at all.

On the other hand, the ability may also be easily deflected, as not both dice are guaranteed to hit and damage the target. It doesn't take in consideration the level of defense the target may have.

History: Here

[laughs to myself]

Additional Info:
-Likes sour food
-Trains with his dice a couple of times a day in an attempt to get over his fear of what they remind him of, but progress is slow.
-A nervous tick of his would be his fists visibly clenching, though he tries to hide this by crossing his arms.
-The mask is more aesthetic than anything, but to avoid questions on how he got the scar he prefers wearing it.
-Tries really hard with fashion.
-He still keeps a few memories of his sister, like the gift he was supposed to give her before the accident happened. He never shows it to anyone.
-Since he can't really express himself well in person, he has a habit of using emoticons, something he'd done with his sister before.

RP Methods: Skype, Notes, Google Docs, comments (probably very seldom). I prefer lit RP over script.