-Amy- by DeNiisee on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

DeNiisee on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/deniisee/art/Amy-150650783DeNiisee

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DeNiisee's avatar

Published: Jan 16, 2010


This got out horrible xD I just wanted to upload something I haven't been drawing Sonic art that much lately, I've been more busy in saving up money for Manga Studio 4 and drawing other stuff on my other account I guess.
- Yeah I know, there are plenty of shades missing and the detail isn't exactly the greatest but I got lazy alright?! :lol:

Oh and you guys remember that sketch give away I had before? For the first people who commented on my journal? Yeah there was someone who had requested a SonAmy sketch and as stupid as I am I forgot... could that someone please step forward and tell me who it was so that I could get started already? And since I delayed so much you'll get it colored and photoshop edited too. :XD:

Image size

454x340px 40.49 KB

Chipster-roo's avatar

Amy looks really cute here :D