homophobe: A comic by Derpy900 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Derpy900 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/derpy900/art/homophobe-A-comic-685743569Derpy900

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Derpy900's avatar

Published: Jun 11, 2017


A little comic I made. It was inspired by the pride festival today. I kept accidentally turning my nose up at people who were kissing, gay or not. IDK why but kissing kinda grosses me out, so I made a comic. This isn't supposed to offend anyone and my sincere apologies if I do offend anyone. ILY!

-Hannah (Derpy900)

Image size

900x1600px 244.27 KB

Vent-Shark's avatar

i can say the word gay with no context after slapping my hands on my keyboard and offend someone

someone shouldve shot up the pride festival amirite