COMMISSION | M.A.L.I.C.E by DeusJet on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Greetings, precious Sinners!

Yes, I am still alive! I'm sorry for the long time away, life is pretty h e c t i c over here *major sweats*. If you're still sticking with me despite all this, a huge thank you <3 It means a lot!

So, what kind of monster am I bringing you today? This is Malice! The perfect combination of technology, human and spider! The original character is made by "I think, therefore, I am" who wanted me to take her creation and turn it into my style! It was an amazing journey, gosh, do I love these kind of commissions (yes, yes I sure do!)

CLICK HERE If you want to order to a commission of your own! It will take you to my price guide!

Thank you again for sticking with me! I'm working on more monster stuff, both in merch and comic shape huehue. Stay tuned for more *mwah* <3