Skadeon by Deviantfantastic on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Deviantfantastic's avatar

Published: Nov 14, 2023


Skadeon Skadi (a jötunn and goddess associated with bowhunting, skiing, winter, and mountains in Norse mythology) + eon (an immeasurably long period of time, possibly referring to how long evolution takes naturally).
-The Snow Cloud Pokémon
-Ability: Snow Cloak/Aerialate
-Hidden Ability: Ice Body
-Height: 2'07"
-Weight: 57.1 lbs.
-Evolves from: Glaceon (Use Prism Scale)
-Dex: It can harness water in the atmosphere to power up its icy attacks. The fur on its body mirrors the image of clouds or fog. Shy and timid in nature, it mostly avoids detection by hiding in the snow. By manipulating the air around it, it can jump to great heights or even fly.


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1913x1080px 595.07 KB