Nlians by SeekHim on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The Nlians are a humanoid species native to the planet Nlia.
They are a gentle race, whose culture emphasizes sharing, cooperation and love of the environment.

Nlians are members of the United Federation of Planets and becoming increasingly common in Starfleet.

"The desert is far from barren."

The Nlian homeworld is Nlia, an M-Class planet in the Norayis Sector of the Alpha Quadrant.
The planet has three main landmasses:
The Northern Land: A tiny island continent roughly the size of Turkey.
The Western Land: A large continent the size of Eurasia.
The Eastern Land: A large continent about the size of Asia.

Both the Western and Eastern continents are referred to collectively as the Southern Lands.
The Southern Lands are largely arid, comprised of endless deserts, towering mesas, deep canyons and arid savannahs.
In complete contrast, the Northern Land is temperate and covered with thick forests.

Much of the landscape of the Southern Lands is harsh and forbidding.
Water is scarce in many areas, and the flora and fauna have adapted to survive
in these difficult conditions.

While the harshness of their world could have driven the Nlians to fiercely compete
over limited resources, it instead fostered a culture of cooperation, sharing,
and respect for the land.

One of their most common sayings is: "Be mindful of those that will live here after you,"
and the Nlians have taken this to heart with a deep love and respect of the natural world.

Every city, even those in the Great Dune Sea, devotes significant resources to vast and lush gardens: a custom which is aided by Nlians mastery of desert agriculture, efficiently utilizing oases and even the meekest of subterranean water sources.

Civilization began in the Western Land.
The Nlians were initially nomadic hunter-gatherers and later pastoralists.
Permanent settlements gradually formed by oasis, reservoirs and along the coasts.

The Nlians came to thrive on trade and extensive trade routes formed.
Towns, cities and finally city-states developed along caravan and shipping routes.
The city of Oslamth was the largest trading port on Nlia, before it became the planetary capital.

By 1420 A.D, the planet was peacefully unified under the Concord of Unity.

In 1821 AD, the Nlians began leaving their planet and exploring their system.
Over the next two centuries they established an outpost on their moon, mining colonies
on the ore-rich planet of Icar and outposts on the moons of Droshen and Zeuna, the two gas
giants in their system.

In 2012 Nlia became warp capable.
In 2014 Nlia made First Contact with the Tkarites, natives of a neighboring star system.

Nlia first begin interacting with the Federation of Planets in 2165, only four years after its founding.
In 2210 the Nlians officially joined the Federation.

Nlians physically bear a strong resemblance to Humans.
Their body functions (heart, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine) are also similar.

They have strong immune systems and a strong resistance to toxins.
Although not physically as strong as humans they have great endurance to pain and stress.

Most Nlians tend to have dark skin and range in appearance from someone from Africa
to the Middle East.
The exceptions are those from the Northern Continent who have Caucasian-like skin.

Hair colors include: black, various shades of brown, red, blond, silver-grey, and white.

Eye-colors include brown, blue, green, and hazel, as well as colors not found in Humans,
such as blue-violet, violet, and amber.

Inheritance of hair and eye color isn’t usually random, but tends to run in family lines.
Hair and eye colors may skip generations and turn up in offspring further down the line.

Nlians tend to be shorter than humans, ranging from 5’ to 5.2 feet.
Both their ears and eyes are larger and their senses more acute.

Nlians’ life-span is approximately 90 years.

Nlians are a peaceful race but have a hardiness and inner strength that enabled them to master their harsh environment and create a thriving economy.

Nlians are a very caring people.
Many are extremely empathetic and drawn to people in pain.
They are also open with their emotions and see nothing wrong with showing affection in public.
They tend to reach out to others with ‘An open hand and open heart.’

Nlians place great value on sharing and cooperation and enjoy interacting with others because they see it as an opportunity to learn and share.
They try never to hold grudges and focus on resolving conflict and reconciling.

Despite their gentle nature, they will fight if forced to.
Although not as physically strong as some races they have tremendous inner fortitude and endurance and are fiercely protective of those they love.

Nlians are touch empaths/telepaths and recognize three levels of intimacy.

The first and most basic level.
They can sense the strong emotions of members of their species that they're in physical contact with.
Its not a conscious action on their part…they naturally project their emotions
and other Nlians can sense them.
This usually only happens among their species.
Normally if a Nlian touches a member of another species, neither will sense anything.
Nlian healers are trained in enhancing their abilities so that they can perform a sensing
on a Non-Nlian, who they don't have a connection with.

Heart Touching
When they touch someone with whom they have an emotional bond and concentrate,
they can sense thoughts.
People usually only do this with friends and family members.
This is called Heart Sharing or Heart Touching.

Soul Sharing
This level is even more intimate they share not only their thoughts and feelings, but their very soul.

When two or more people go to this level they 'show' their souls to each other and 'share' them with each other.
This gives the sharers access to the most intimate parts of the other’s soul/spirit, giving them a deep inherent sense of who the other is and forging a permanent bond between them.

Once that's done, they always share a deep connection and from that point on they no longer Heart Touch but Soul Touch.

This is what Shylea L'Naym and Tuskaro Alyen wind up sharing with Captain Kirk, becoming
his Soul Siblings and vice versa.

This is not shared with others lightly and is considered one of the greatest gifts.
Those who undergo this are considered Soul Siblings.
A Soul Sibling is considered as close if not a closer relative than blood kin.

Soul Siblings are able to communicate telepathically whenever they touch.
They also know/feel when the other has died.

Soul Joining
When a Nlian couple lifemate they join their souls together permanently.
It is the most sacred, intimate act of their people and only done between lifemates.
From that moment on they know each other more intimately than any other, are always aware
of each other and nothing, short of the death of one of them, can break their Bond.

When a couple first Join they need to remain in close proximity for the next several days
because lengthy separation causes both emotional and physical distress.
Newly Bonded couples go into seclusion during this initial period of adjustment

Human lifemates often wear rings as an outward sign that they're bound to each other.
With Nlians that's unnecessary because the Lifemate Bond can be sensed, not just by the couple
but by others.
A Nlian can tell that another Nlian has Joined their soul with another from something
as casual as Sensing.

Before their people ever went to the stars, lifemates always accompanied each other on extended journeys.
Joined souls are one and while they can endure separations it can never be for a lengthy period.
The longer they're apart the greater the pain of being separated from their other half.
Nlian lifemates in Starfleet are always assigned together.

In close proximity lifemates are able to communicate telepathically without physical contact.
No matter the distance they also receive, involuntarily feedback about things that happen
to the other.
Usually this is limited to things that affect the other very strongly and causes
a "loud" emotional or physical reaction (great pain, fear or joy).

In relation to this, lifemates are able to know/feel when the other has died.
This knowing is often accompanied by an echo of the method of dying

For Nlians there is no such thing as casual sex.
Physical lovemaking is part of the Bonding/Soul Joining process.
Even if the couple are not attempting to form a Bond, physical and telepathic connections automatically form and can prevent them from Bonding with someone else.
As a rule, Nlians save themselves for their lifemates.

Nlians are strictly monogamous.
When a Nlian couple become lifemates they form a permanent telepathic/empathetic Bond.
From that point on their bodies are 'keyed' to each other and will reject erotic touch from any but from their lifemate.

Lifemates can and do touch others in clinical, causal, friendly or affectionate ways.
But anything that has the slightest hint of sexual undertones will cause both lifemates physical and telepathic pain.
If a Nlian lifemate is raped, the trauma of it is so great that it will kill not only the one being raped but their lifemate as well.

Nlians breed through the Mating.
This is an involuntary process that occurs when a Bonded couple experiences an intense mating drive.
It is a period when both go into "heat", causing ovulation in the female and enhancing
sperm viability in the male.
Conception can only occur during this period and only occurs between Bonded couples.

There is never a set prediction of when it will occur.
Usually it occurs 2-3 times within a 5-10 year period.
Some have had it occur only once and a few never experience it.
The 1st usually occurs within 1-5 years after Bonding
There have been incidents of it happening sooner.

Once a female conceives, the term of her pregnancy will be 10 months

From the day before the birth to seven days afterwards, the mother goes through a process called
the Mothering.
During this time she instinctively goes into seclusion, becoming extremely protective of her newborn and potentially aggressive toward anything she perceives as a threat.
During this time she won’t allow anyone near her except her mate, her other children, her parents or someone with whom she has shared her soul.
Because of this the midwife is often a parent or soul sibling.
If a doctor is in attendance, he/she is expected to withdraw immediately after the birth.
After the birth the parents spend the time in seclusion with their baby, bonding with it.

Nlia is divided into a series of different city-states.
Each city state has a large urban center surrounded by a vast, mostly rural territory
under the city's jurisdiction
When referring to a city state, a speaker might mean either the entire area or only the urban center.

For thousands of years each city state was completely autonomous
In 1420 they combined to form a planet-wide union, the Nlian Accord, uniting all Nlians under a single government and constitution.

Local Government
In every city state all citizens elect fifty men and women to serve in the Senate.
The Senate is presided over by a Chairman who is regarded as 'First Servant of the City'.
Elections to the Senate take place every three years.

The Senate nominates members to represent them in the Regional Council and in the High Senate.

The Senate is held within a Senate Chamber

Regional Government
The planet is divided into different geographic regions
The cities within each region form a Regional Council which decides regional affairs.
The Council is presided over by a Governor who is called 'First Servant of the Region'

Western Continent Regions
Golden Sands
Red Mountains
Valo Hills
Valo Hill Peninsula
Sunlo Canyons
Dune Sea
Southern Tips
Bay Lands

Eastern Continent Regions
Eastern Sands
Border Mountains
Northern Tip
Sky Mountains
Sunlet Hills
East Isle
Green Spear

Northern Continent Regions
Southern Forests
Northern Mountains
Central Forests

Tribal Government
In the Southern Lands, there are many nomadic groups that follow the ancient way of life.

There are several different tribes in each geographic region.
Each tribe is made up of various bands with populations ranging from 30-50.
Each band is led by a Chieftain who is appointed by the tribe.
A Chieftain is called 'First Servant of the Tribe'

Sometimes several bands of a tribe meet to hold a Tribal Council

Tribes are citizens of the region where they live and vote in elections.
Tribal Council members often join Regional Councils.

The government is run by the High Senate.
The High Senate is comprised of The Congress of Delegates

The Congress of Delegates represent the various city states and colonies.
They are made up of two members from every city state and colony
Nlian City States (80)
Tilva (2)
Icar (2)
Droshen (8)
Zeuna (12)

Elections to the High Senate take place every five years.

The High Senate is presided over by a President who functions as Head of State
Presidents serve five years terms.
A title for President is 'First Servant of Nlia.'

The Advisory Council advises the Senate

The Council of Ministers is in charge of various government departments:
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Diplomacy
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Energy
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Labor
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Law Enforcement
Ministry of Science
Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Ministry of Transportation
Ministry of Water/Irrigation
Ministry of Urban Development

The Diplomatic Corps
The Diplomatic Corps is a body of diplomats and foreign policy officers.
They maintain international peace and security.
They also communicate with the governments of other worlds.
The High Senate selects a Councilor who represents them on the Federation Council

High Senate Chamber
The High Senate Chamber, located in Oslamth, is the seat of government for Nlia.
It houses the chambers of the Senate and the office of the President.

The Nlian judiciary system is not dissimilar to that of the Federation.
Representatives are called to present their case to an Arbitrator
The Arbitrator considers the evidence and witness depositions before making a ruling.

Nlian is the language of the Nlian civilization.
Many members of Starfleet are schooled in it.

Nlian cities are small by Earth standards
Their world’s capital and largest city, only has a population of 1.2 million.

Nlian cities are regarded for their beauty and preservation of ecology.
Every city devotes significant resources to vast gardens.
This custom is aided by the Nlians' mastery of desert agriculture, efficiently utilizing oases
and even the meekest of subterranean water sources.

Nlian history is marked by a decided lack of conflict.
Their ‘war’ was not to subdue other groups but to live in harmony with the environment.
Cooperation and sharing were essential.
Individuals were taught to regard all Nlians, not just their own group/city, as brethren.
Although there were occasional disputes, every effort was made to settle them peacefully.

Nlians are a very poetic and artistic society.
Museums abound and many mediums are expressed in their artwork.

Nlians excel at performance arts such as poetry, literature, music and dance.
They have also been known to create impressive two and three dimensional art.

Nlians from the North excel at woodwork and woodcarving.

One of the trademarks of Nlian craft in the South is glassblowing.
Natural conditions make Nlia’s sands perfect for making glass in all colors.
Their artisans have an amazing proficiency in the art.
Glass is used to make vessels both for use and decoration.

Another trademark craft in the South is stone-carving.
Whole cities have been carved out of rock and canyon walls
They have also been known to create impressive sculptures and carvings.

Nlians are known to have an inherent talent for biological and planetary sciences.

Nlians relish nature, and enjoy the outdoors a great deal.
Most are avid hikers and campers and participate in a variety of outdoor activities.

A major factor that contributed to the rise of Nlian technology was easy access to ores
and heavy metals.
Both Nlia and Icar are rich in iron, aluminum, and other useful metals.

Currently they are on par with most of the Federation member worlds when it comes to technology.

Icar contains many rich deposits of ore and minerals valuable for the Federation.
Nlia is the source of a rare vaccine used to treat Lambda IV Plague.
Nlians import and export a wide variety of other goods, particularly crops.

Nlians are well known for their skill at both mining and metalwork.
Their works are exported to many worlds and regarded as being extremely well crafted.

Nlian silk is prized for its softness, and Nlian jewelry is highly collectable.

Their skills at agriculture and irrigation are in demand on many worlds.

Nlia has a very well developed trade network and a long history of seeking out trade.
They have numerous long term and short term trade deals with a diverse number of species.

Their four oldest and longest trade contacts have been with:

Since joining the Federation they have become firm supporters and economic traders with many
different member species within the borders of the Federation.
Due to this they have a strong and resilient economy.

Nlian Space Central lies in geosynchronous orbit above Oslamth.

The facility serves two purposes:
It serves as the main entry point for most Nlians and almost all non-Nlians
wishing to descend to the planet.
All individuals wanting to go to Nlia must pass through immigration in order
to land or beam on to the planet, with the exception of Nlian Defense, Starfleet,
and diplomatic personnel.

Nlia has long had a Planetary Security Force, charged with maintaining law and safety,

Nlian Defense Ministry
In 2173 the Defense Ministry was formed, charged with the protection of the Nlian System and its people.
They put together the Defense Fleet and the Ground Defense Force

Defense Fleet
In 2173 a small military fleet was put together.
At its height the Defense Fleet was comprised of twenty-eight ships and divided into 4 fleets.

1st Fleet (Revla) (Nlian/Revla System)
5 Guardian class ships
4 Defender class ships
4 Protector class ships
25 Interceptor starfighters (5 Interceptors made a Flight, 5 flights made a Squadron)

Defense Fleet Headquarters on Nlia
Nlia Spacedock

2nd Fleet (Norayis System)
2 Guardian class ships
2 Defender class ships
2 Protector class sips
25 Interceptor starfighters

3rd Fleet (Ziyafa System)
2 Guardian class ships
2 Defender class ships
2 Protector class ships
25 Interceptor starfighters

4th Fleet (Milorva Nebula)
2 Guardian class ships
2 Defender class ships
2 Protector class ships
25 Interceptor starfighters

A Flight Commander was in command of a Flight(4 Starfighters)

A Squadron Commander was in command of a Squadron(6 Flights (24 Starfighters) Basically all of the Interceptors in a Fleet.

A Ship Commander is the equivalent of a Captain and in command of a ship.
A Fleet Commander is the equivalent of a Commodore and in command of a mini Fleet
A High Commander is the equivalent of an Admiral

Ground Defense Force
The Ground Defense is responsible for homeworld operations and ground defense.

Officer Ranks (From Highest to Lowest

High Command
The High Command is responsible for overseeing all military action in both
the(Defense Fleetand Ground Defense (Infantry)
It is made up of several High Commanders and Generals

Under the Federation
When Nlia joined the Federation in 2210, the Defense Force was merged into Starfleet.
All Nlian military operations are now administered by Starfleet, however the Defense Ministry has been maintained.

Added Protection
Starbase Alpha is located 5 light years away.
The sector is regularly patrolled by two starships.

Nlians have made many notable contributions as Science officers, specializing in agricultural, environmental,
and irrigation projects. They also serve well as diplomatic officers, due to their ability to deploy understanding
and personal warmth in such situations.

Not many Nlians have entered the Command track
The few who have are canny explorers and leaders known for their strong sense of responsibility.