On Borrowed Time: Cover by Wooled on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Arrow right by Drawn-MarioNext Arrow left by Drawn-Mario

Waves lazily lap the shore, shimmering and reflecting the bubbles that waft across the painted sunset on this cool summer evening. The world seems too still and calm to be dying. But as time itself slows to a standstill from the theft of ancient relics, life is leeching away from the once vibrant lands.

Enter Malachi, a partially evolved Shinx appointed by the mysterious "Maelstrom" as her champion. Problem is, neither of them quite know what has to be done to save the world. Matters are only complicated when an amnesiac Alolan Vulpix washes ashore with her own mysteries to solve. As our heroes meet new friends and foes alike, they find that they may be involved in something much greater, much larger, and much more sinister than any of them bargained for.

A PMD comic based off of a Nuzlocke playthrough of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky! Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Quick Navigation
Chapter 1: A Storm At Sea
Chapter 2: The New Guild Recruits
Chapter 3: The Scream
Chapter 4: The Gatekeepers
Chapter 5: The First Official Exploration
Chapter 6: Team Skull
Chapter 7: The Guild's Big Expedition
Chapter 8: Heart of Earth

Special Episodes
Special Episode 1: Dielle's Wish
New! Special Episode 2: Dungeons & Damages (in progress)

Other Mirrors
Nuzlocke Forums

New! OBT's Redbubble

Want to cameo a character from OBT in your own works? I totally approve of all cameos, just be sure to tag me so I can see it! You can find a compilation of references for the cast here.

¡Traducción al Español! (Translation in Spanish!)
(Translation by dragonhonor2)
Перевод на русский язык! (Translation in Russian!) Mirrors: 1, 2
(Translation by JustinNSFW)
Leia em português! (Translation in Portuguese!) Mirrors: 1
(Translation by SolarFlare)

Playlist of fanmade dubs!

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Last Updated 01/31/2024: Added a link to OBT's Redbubble!