UTAU + VOCALOID are DIFFERENT by Devious-Bunny on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I hate to be one of those stamp creators that say this same thing but fuck it, I'm disabling comments. This stamp is over 5 years old, there's no comment I could get on this that I'd even want to read (no offence.)

To me, it's like calling a PC and a Mac the same thing. Are they really the same?

and omfg please don't do the "mac IS PC", it only serves to make you look like a fucking idiot because it's not even relevant to the damn stamp. It's great and all that you know the letters of "PC" stand for "Personal Computer" but I used it as an example that everyone could understand - whether they agreed with it or not - because at the time the Mac vs PC argument (especially with all those adverts) were so popular. That's it. Done. I don't give a shit if a mac is a PC, I don't even give a shit if you disagree with the stamp because I don't even use UTAU anymore and haven't for 6 damn years. Either like the stamp or don't, just please... for the love of all things good... please stop with the dumbass comments!!

I ignore stamps I don't agree with or understand, you should do the same (not that you will.)

What's the difference between Vocaloid and UTAU?

If you want to believe they're the same thing, don't bloody comment.
I made this stamp AGES ago, I really don't care what you have to say about why you think they're the same thing, I was stating a fact, not an opinion, so this really isn't a place for debates.

I have an UTAU, it is copyright to me, not Crypton. There is a difference...

I made this stamp for the REAL fans, not the people who think Haku, Teto and Neru are vocaloids, because you guys are not real fans and I therefore couldn't care less about your opinion.

Teto wasn't always an UTAU.
She was created as an April fools joke to trick people into thinking she was a new VOCALOID.

I don't know the exact details, but I think it was something to do with vip@2ch? (vip@2ch created UTAU's like Ritsu Namine.)

UTAUloids - UTAU wiki

Teto's UTAU wiki page

Official VOCALOID products




I'm lazy. I hate reading huge amounts of text on the internet, so if I can do the research - everyone else can, too.
It's not that hard.

The thing that I find most annoying is when someone draws or cosplays an UTAU (mostly Teto) and writes in the deviation title 'VOCALOID - Teto'.
She is not a VOCALOID.
She never was. She never will be.

Yes, Teto has a downloadable voice (I actually saw someone say that this was proof that she was an 'official' VOCALOID...), but since when could you LEGALLY download VOCALOID voices for free?

UTAU is LEGALLY free, with THOUSANDS of downloadable voices.
The default voice for UTAU is Defoko (Uta Utane) - she isn't a VOCALOID, either.

Seriously, if you want to join in with the VOCALOID fan base, at least learn what it is, and what the differences between an UTAU and a VOCALOID is. It makes you look like... I don't know, fake?

When I see people draw/cosplay/say they love VOCALOID Teto, it makes me think they only like it because it's popular.

It annoys me just as much as the people who think MMD is an Anime, or that Miku and Kaito are a canon couple, but that's a rant for another day.

Stamp Base by Kencho