....Get off my sword.... by DeviouslyDoomed on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

DeviouslyDoomed on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/deviouslydoomed/art/Get-off-my-sword-195684748DeviouslyDoomed

Deviation Actions

DeviouslyDoomed's avatar

Published: Feb 1, 2011


yey bec |D''

Bec/Jack Noir/Homestuck/Hivebent belongs to Andrew Hussie

Image size

960x1280px 688.33 KB

Date Taken

Jan 31, 2011, 2:46:42 PM

roxioxx's avatar

I very much like this character... and what you're doing to him. You should make an animation with all your characters one day. Like, a series of photos that you make into a movie. Something like that.