MLP [Next Gen] One Princess And A Disaster by Diamant-AS on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Ships In The Pictures (Left To Right) :

Story :

Today our story takes place in Canterlot. Diamant, aged of 20 years old, is about to become the Princess Of Harmony In Equestria And Beyond. She is trying dresses made by her friends, mostly by Elza and Sunshine. However, this little testing is not going as smoothly as it was planned...

Flurry Heart and Bonbon are coming from a small room annex to the main room

Flurry Heart (clearing her voice): Hear, Hear, royals, presenting you, your imperial highness of crystal, future princess of harmony : Diamant Amore-Sparkle.

Diamant is coming from the same room. She is walking nobly when suddenly she slips on her dress and fall to the ground

Every one react immediately, Bonbon is shocked, Flurry Heart's doubtful, Ice Light's amazed, he thinks Diamant is cute anyway, and Sunshine and Elza....well they are rather annoyed

Diamant: Ouch......

Elza: Arg seriously Diams, our dress ! Can't you be cautious one minute ?

Diamant: Aww thanks Elza for worrying for your best friend. :|

Sunshine: Don't change the topic, you almost tear our beautiful dress.

Diamant: Well sorry, I guess this one is not the one.

Elza (mumbling): No one is the one with you......

Sunshine: Arg anyway, go try the next one !

Diamant : Again ? When will we end this torture ? I have been trying dresses for hours, and honestly they all look the same !

Sunshine : Gasp, how dare you ?!.....

Elza: No no no, stay calm Sunny, no stress, you know it's no good for your mane. You have to stay polite and gentle when you're facing an angry Dia. Diamant, darling, go try the next one please.

Diamant: But I'm....

Ice Light: Didi, can please try the next one, I'm sure this one will be better.

Diamant: Ok fine

She leaves to the small room too try a new one.

**Elza :**Thank you Ice Light, lucky we Diamant listens to you.

Sunshine: See I told you inviting him was a good idea !

Ice Light: Yeah, by the way why am here ? I thought it was girl only here.

Elza: No it's royal girl only, only for princesses of Equestria !

Ice Light: But I'm not a princess of Equestria ?

Sunshine: No but you're her boyfriend, and also the main star in our favorite couple : Diamlight. Believe me you don't have any idea of how much your relationship with Diamant is loved thanks to us. Right Elza ?

Elza: Obviously!

Ice Light: I haven't understood a single word you said Sunshine.

Flurry Heart: Wait, and what about Luster Dawn, she is a royal princess from Equestria ?

Sunshine: Yeah, but she is too nerdy.

Flurry Heart: :|

Bonbon: Guys, don't you think Diamant have been in hear for a long time now ?

Flurry Heart: Maybe she is having a hard time putting on the dress ?

Elza: Probably, she may be a smart girl, but not with dresses.

Ice Light: Maybe I should check on her ?

Bonbon: No, I will. She seemed quite stressed maybe I could help.

Bonbon comes in the small room. Diamant stands in front of a mirror. She indeed tried a new one.

Bonbon: You look good.

Diamant: Thanks.

Bonbon: Why not go out and show us ?

Diamant: Cause I'm tired of Elza and Sunshine's little reflections.

Bonbon: You know how they are, full of distain and gossiping.

Diamant: Yeah but that's annoying.

Bonbon: Well you can't say you were super nice too. You grumbled all afternoon.


Bonbon: So what's the problem ?

Diamant: I don't have any problem.

Bonbon: Dia...

Diamant: Ok fine, you're right. It's just that I don't like Elza and Sunshine's ways. They way of organizing my coronation like it had to be the most amazing and giant party all time.

Bonbon: And what's wrong with that ?

Diamant: Well, I don't know, I guess I just want my coronation to be simple, after all I already had my big coronation gala two years ago.

Bonbon: That's all ?

Diamant: And I guess I don't like the way Elza and Sunshine are trying to control everything.

Bonbon: That's all ?

Diamant: And I guess I'm also scared because this coronation will make me a full time princess of harmony and I'm scared of forgetting my true mission of being a good empress of crystal. That's all you're happy?

Bonbon: Very much. For the first two reasons I can understand, you want to express your ideas and to have the best coronation for you! But for the last one....sorry Dia but I don't see your point, how becoming the princess of harmony would erase the fact that you are ALSO the empress of Crystal ?

Diamant: Well I don't know, I just feel like it would. I mean now everyone will know me for being the princess of harmony in Equestria and beyond, and they will forget that I'm also the princess of crystal. Being the ruler of the Crystal Empire, that is my destiny, what I trained for all my life, and I'm good at it. But now, it just looks like it's much more important to be the princess of harmony than being the crystal empress, than being the true me. I'm sorry Bonbon, I know this is silly, but I think I'm just sacred that this coronation erases a little more of me like the previous one.

Bonbon: When you became an alicorn ?

Diamant (sad): Yeah......

Bonbon: Ok, Diamant, listen up. You know, when I became an alicorn, I felt the same doubts. I thought that becoming a ruler would erase my old self, my old earth pony self. But that's all lies, even when I gained wings and a horn, it was still the true me inside, the true Bonbon, nothing really changed. I mean, yeah I was ruling Equestria, but I was still the same, I was still me. That's exactly the same for you ! Becoming the princess of harmony would never erase your role as the empress of the Crystal Empire, because this empress is you, it's your true nature ! Princess of harmony or crystal, you remain the same, you remain Diamant Amore-Sparkle : empress of crystal AND princess of harmony. People will not forget you're an empress but they will also remember you as the princess of harmony, because you're both , but before those titles you're just you, Diamant !

Diamant (feeling better): You're right, whether I'm a unicorn, an alicorn, an empress of crystal or a princess of harmony, I'm still me. Thanks you Bonbon, I always knew you were my most caring friend (wink).

Bonbon: You're welcome !

Diamant: And you know what, since I can't escape this fittings, why not enjoy them. I perfectly know what to do, and I know the best dress for that !

Some times later, Bonbon is back in the main room. They are waiting for Diamant. She comes in wearing the same dress she tried and fall with.

Sunshine and Elza: Gasp !

Diamant: Don't say a word, let me finish first ! Elza, Sunny, I'm sorry, sorry for being a jerk all this time. I was just really stressed and frustrated, but that is not a reason for being so selfish and mean to you. I should have really tried, tried better these dresses to choose the best one, and I guess I just did! This dress, it's wonderful, this is the one!

Elza: We forgive you Diams, but only at one condition, if you let us change your dress a little bit!

Diamant: No way, this one is perfect already!

Sunshine: Haha, good answer! Now, why not trying some jewelries for the dress ?

They laugh

~The End~

☆*: .。. o Bases/ Background ☆*: .。. o


Oy Korona Upala (2)


Smiling stallion base


[look, you're a third wheel now... [MLP BASE]](


Pony Base 20


Base 2


Canterlot Room

Video: Soon

This NG only belongs to me @Diamant-AS / @StormSentry-AS

Please don't trace / Stole / or getting to much inspiration without credit

.\¨* I hope you like it *¨/.