Gogoat sprite Animated by Diegotoon20 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp

Diegotoon20 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/diegotoon20/art/Gogoat-sprite-Animated-598908809Diegotoon20

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Diegotoon20's avatar

Published: Mar 25, 2016


Image size

96x96px 17.46 KB

TylerPKMN's avatar

Hi man! I think your Sprites are awesome and they should stay in a pokemon game! So I have a question: I'm doing a Pokemon Fan Game with mega evolutions, animated sprites and a lot of more! Can I use some of your sprites?
I think they are really cool and i will put you in the credits. That would be fantastic! :) (Smile)