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Paws Part 1: An Animal/Human Swap Story

"I'm so bored" Lily Jones said. The only thing that heard her were the walls and her dog Brandi. Brandi, a 2 year old Doberman trotted over and cocked her head at her master. Lily scratched her around the ears and chin before Brandi turned back to the sliding doors. "No…I can't stay interested watching squirrels in the yard…sorry" Brandi went to the door to stand guard. As a Doberman, she was rare in that she still had her tail, Lily had raised Doberman's her whole life and didn't want the Bobtail. Brandi was no show dog, but she was very smart, fiercely loyal, and super sweet. Her tail curled back towards her back naturally. Right now it was whipping back and forth as a squirrel got closer to the door. Lily went back to her phone. Nothing new on anything. "Uuuggghhhh!" She sighed and went into the app store to search for anything new. She scrolled up and down before she saw something buried in the depths: Swap App. Lily felt an instant curiosity, one she would never understand, but it was there, and it was strong. She felt butterflies in her stomach and her throat tightened. A bit of excitement and anticipation started to build as she read the description 'Swap any trait, ability or body part with any nearby subject. Set the length of time to swap back or swap back manually. The possibilities are endless!' Lily figured it would be some goofy game but once she downloaded it, it went into a lengthy set up and scan. 'Scanning area for subjects… … …' '2 subjects found…Subject 1…Female. Age 27. Height 5'5". Weight 125 lbs. Hair Brown. Eyes Brown.' More and more numbers scrolled up as an impossibly detailed picture of Lily herself formed on screen. 3D rendered, the image rotated. It was life-like in great detail. Subject 2…Female. Age 2. Height 26". Weight 75 lbs. Hair Rust. Eyes Brown.'  Lily laughed as numbers scrolled up building a complex profile and realistic 3D rendering of her dog. "Well now…I guess if I'm going to swap, it might as well be with my good girl" she laughed. Menus and sub menus popped up building and branching out. Available Swaps now ready…choose physical or mental traits and abilities. "Ok…I'm bored so what the hell" Lily said as she began to explore.  'Physical Traits' came up first. 'Entire physical form' was the top option. Lily's jaw dropped. She looked at Brandi, who was standing at the door, completely unaware of what Lily was doing. "I could physically completely change bodies with my dog?!" Lily thought and an intense mixture of emotions stirred up inside of her. Fear, curiosity, disgust, disquieting, disquieted, amused, doubtful, pessimistic, empowered, hesitant…aroused?" Lily blushed. No one was around but she had definitely felt something different as she thought about it. The next options were all more specific.  'Head and face' she opened up and a drop down rolled out. 'Eyes' 'Ears' 'Mouth' 'Nose' 'Muzzle' 'Teeth' 'Tongue' Then 'Hair-Fur' "Ears would be cool" Lily thought. She got a quick visual of herself sitting there with big perked up Doberman ears sitting atop her head. The next option was 'Body' 'Paws' which had its own drop down of each specific hand paw combo or by pairs or all four. 'Chest' 'Arms' 'Legs'  'Size' which broke down into 'Height' 'Weight' and 'Orientation' 'Tail' came next and Lily smiled again. A smirk was more like it. 'Sexual organs' "OH shit!" Lily burst out with the exclamation. She blushed again "oh…OH…okay…calm down there. Jeez!" She scolded herself but now a new image and possibility popped into her head for better or worse. Lily paused as she saw the other main branch 'Mental Traits' 'Intellect and Intelligence' came up first. Lily clicked into it and there was a % slider from 1 to 100. "Holy Shit. I could give my whole Intelligence to my dog" Lily's mind was reeling, her body was responding in ways she didn't expect it to. 'Instincts and Mentality' was next also with a slider. 'Awareness' Lily's heart was pounding. 'Memory' 'Speech and Vocabulary' 'Reasoning' 'Numerical Ability' 'Perception' 'Concept of Self' 'Personality' Each option hit Lily deeper. Her head was pounding from the possibilities. Lily did not expect the feelings she was feeling. The temptation, the desire, the attraction of it. The possibilities were endless. She looked at Brandi who had laid down in front of the door and looked close to going to sleep. Lily put the phone in her lap and shut her eyes. Her heart was pounding, her stomach flipping. She was taking deep breaths to try and calm herself down. Her brain was racing with all the choices. "Calm down. Don't rush into anything rash and stupid. For all you know it's just on the phone and games will come up next" she told herself that but she didn't believe it. She went back to physical Traits and went to the most obvious, tail. "What if I had Brandi's tail?" It thumped a time or two as she was still awake and looking outside. Lily clicked on it. A timer popped up. Lily put in just 5 minutes although there was an option to not put on the timer and just switch it back whenever she pleased. "Deep breaths Lily…relax…you're just about to get a tail haha. Your dog's tail is just going to be yours…no biggie!"  Lily paused. She hadn't been this excited in years. Life was boring. Her job was boring. She wasn't dating. There were no thrills, nothing new. This was new. This was different. This was exciting and, she discovered, exactly what she wanted. 'Swap Tails for 5 minutes' was up. "Weird. I guess she gets 'my tail' haha" Lily clicked on it. Brandi shot up, sitting upright and staring at her tail intently.  Lily's jaw dropped as she felt an immediate pressure at the base of her spine. A pushing sensation quickly followed and then, the most pleasurable and exotic sensation she had ever experienced.  Lily pushed her leggings down as Brandi's tail began to grow out of her body. A small nub at first, like she had a bobbed tail, it continued growing longer and thicker. Tenseuscles formed up, red fur appeared and covered it as it grew. Brandi turned and began licking her tail as it shrank down and pulled back into her body. Lily saw her tail growing and she saw Brandi's shrinking in turn. For every inch hers grew, Brandi's shrank. Brandi whimpered and whined as her tail was Bob short. She tried to wiggle it furiously as it pulled even further in and vanished. Lily squealed with delight and joy as she whipped her tail back and forth. She could control it. She tucked it down, letting it curl naturally. Brandi was turning in circles in distress "Oh I'm sorry honey! You're all confused!" Lily went to mental changes "I've got an idea" She went to Awareness and clicked on it. There were two sliders. Hers was at 100% while Brandi's was at 0%. She slid it to 100% and clicked on it. The dog froze. Her head reared back and she looked straight ahead. She cocked her head and looked up at Lilly.  Then she jumped up and locked Lily's face. "Goog Girl! You get it don't you?! You understand what's happening and I think you like it too except you can't wag your tail to show it! No you can't!" Brandi went to all fours. She turned in circles trying to see her back end. Lily giggled at her, her tail wagging happily the whole time. The third time Brandi spun in front of her, Lily noticed something different. "Wait a second" she said and she grabbed Brandi's hips to hold her steady and still. The fur on her dog's rear end was thinner "OH! Oh shit haha…oh my gosh Brandi! You've got my booty!" Sticking out of the thinned fur were two distinctive butt cheeks. Smaller, scaled down to Brandi's size but it was absolutely a human shaped ass. "You did get my tail!" Lily squealed again. Brandi licked her master again. Brandi bounced happily and Lily caught her forearms and they danced "we switched butts!" Lily sang and Brandi barked. "I got your tail and you got my ass!" She added to her song. Lily was fwipping her tail back and forth when her stomach fluttered. The pleasant feeling returned just as intensely as her tail began to shrink back up. "Awwwww…5 minutes is up already!" She said as she craned her neck and watched her tail shrink. It thinned as it shrank. The rust colored fur dissipated. Brandi bounced happily as her tail popped back out. A nub at first, it grew longer, reversing the process. Every inch she got now was an inch lost by her master. Lily shivered in pleasure as her tail vanished. Her ass plumped up, she had missed it flattening out initially. Her knees buckled, it was so intense. "Wow" she said, taking a seat. She was breathing hard. Brandi circled nearby. "That was the most interesting and exciting and intense thing I've ever done in my life! That was…Amazing!" Lily grabbed her phone and started going through the menus intently studying the possibilities. Every one of them excited her. Some in a daring way. Like playing with fire. She went into perception and there were several options. 'Roles' was one. Lily dug in. Subject 1 = Master Subject 2 = Subordinate  Her mouth was watering. Her neck was numb from the possibility that she could reverse their roles and how they perceived each other. And it would actually happen and apply itself. She would be helpless and powerless to stop it. She pulled up the timer and again set it for 5 minutes. 'Switch Perception Roles of Subject 1 and Subject 2' Her hand was shaking. She wanted to do it. A deep seated compulsion. A demand to try it out. She clicked it. The roles reversed on screen. Subject 1 = Subordinate. Subject 2 = Master  Immediately, Lily felt a ground swelling change inside her. She looked at Brandi and no longer saw her dog, her pet; she saw her master, her better, the one she had to please and keep happy. Brandi stopped in her tracks. She looked at Lily and purposely strode towards her. Lily heard her Master's command and she jumped off the couch. She was ashamed, she knew better than to go up there by herself. She wasn't allowed up until her Master invited her. Brandi got up onto the couch. Lily ran to the corner and got Brandi's favorite toy. She brought it to her. Lily was able to detect a change in her Master's demeanor without even a word. Brandi took her toy from her but looked away. Lily became anxious "What else does she need from me?" She thought nervously.  Lily turned in a circle looking around Lily relaxed. Brandi patted at the cushion next to her and Lily sat down and leaned submissive up against Brandi. Lily kissed Brandi's face and Brandi nodded approval. Sheade a low growling noise that Lily instantly translated as "Good Girl" Brandi put her paw on Lily's leg and moved it back and forth. Lily was being pet. Lily was relaxed, she felt cared for and protected. Then, the switch flipped and she sat straight up. 5 minutes were up. Lily blushed and her heart thumped in her chest. "What a rush!" She thought immediately. A bit of shame, a feeling of forbidden desires came along but she quickly pushed those thoughts aside. Lily stood up and Brandi jumped down after her. She started to pace. The wonder of this. Brandi followed her closely. "Do you like what we're doing?" She asked. Brandi gave an enthusiastic Bark and jumped up, her tongue hanging out as her tail whipped happily back and forth. "You do! Yes you do! Who's a good girl who wants to play switch around with me?" Lily was overwhelmed. She was sweating as she sat down. Brandi went to the door. "Oh…I gotcha" Lily said as she opened and let her out. Lily watched as Brandi sniffed around and then did her business. Lily blushed. A thought announced itself in her mind "That's going to be you! You're going to find yourself going to the bathroom outside sooner or later. You know you will" "Shut up" she told herself. She was already visualizing it though. She was Brandi. At least fully in body. She couldn't tell how much she was mentally. She ran happily around the yard, her claws digging in as she planted her Paws and gained speed. She slowed and sniffed. She squatted. Lilly shook her head, clearing her thoughts. Brandi came inside and Lily sat. She searched through options contemplating her next move. "Bold or ease into it?" Part of her wanted to rush into this with a full head of steam. Part of her wanted to tease it out. Lily went to 'Paws' "start slow" she told herself as she chose Subject 1 Left Hand Subject 2 Left front paw. 'Swap left hand for left front paw'. She pushed down on the words. Lily had not set a timer on purpose. Lily felt her hand start to tingle immediately. Brandi perked up and held up her left paw. "It's okay girl! You know this feeling…it's a good feeling" Lily said to her dog, who happily panted at her. Lily felt her fingers come together. She tried to separate them, but couldn't. Her thumb slipped up and back as the rust colored fur began to spread out. A bit of tan and red mixed in. Lily's nails turned black and curved, turning into claws. Her jaw hung open as pads formed up where her fingers had been. Thick black pads that Lily poked with her right fingers. Up to her left wrist, Lily had Brandi's paw. She looked over and saw Brandi's paw going through the opposite direction. Her fur thinned and vanished, leaving pink skin in its wake. Her claws flattened and thinned as her pads separated and spread out long, turning into fingers. A thumb slid into place, growing out as Brandi flexed it instinctively. She wiggled and splayed her fingers. Brandi limped, afraid to walk on this new human hand she had. She did go to her bone though and easily picked it up. She clutched it, moved it around and put it in her own mouth to chew on it. "Good Girl! You know what to do with a hand! You are such a smart girl!" Lily praised her. Part of her now wanted to be praised like that. She blushed again. She got down on her knees and put her paw down. Entirely new sensations ran through her to her brain. Her entire sense of touch was different. She felt carpet and tile inside. Then her couch. Then she went outside and touched concrete, dirt, and grass. She put her paw on the trunk of the tree. She ran it over the chain link fence. Lily was just in awe. She went back to her phone and swapped their hand and paw back. The tingling was so intense and pleasurable every time, it was amazing to experience. Every time she started thinking about going deeper though, it was like a whole new gear kicked in. She brought up 'Intellect and Intelligence' A pop up came up "Sharing Intelligence is a two way street. Human intelligence can be exchanged for animal Instincts by using this function in conjunction with Instincts and Mentality. As you change the Intelligence sliders, please check the corresponding tabs also including 'Memory' 'Speech and Vocabulary' 'Reasoning' 'Numerical Ability' 'Perception' 'Concept of Self' 'Personality' as all fields will change. "Whoa. Am I ready for this?" She said to herself, swallowing hard. She put her finger on Subject 1 slider for Intellect and Intelligence. She moved it down to 75%, hesitated then took it down to 66%. As hers went down, Subject 2 went up to 34%. "I'm about to transfer a third of my intelligence to my dog. She went into Instincts and Mentality next and saw those numbers adjusted. Subject 1 = 80% human 20% dog Instincts. Mentality was now reading Subject 1 76 Subject 2 24 All the other numbers had dropped for Subject 1 and risen for Subject 2. The top field for Perception still showed Master in Subject 1 field. 'Hold all experiences in Memory for future reference…yes…no' Lily clicked yes. She set the timer for 1 hour. 'Make desired changes to Mental Traits' Lily clicked on it. Lily shut her eyes as her brain flashed bright light. An intense tickling ran down her spine, tickling her throat. Her body hummed and her brain adjusted. Brandi looked different. She had a different look in her eyes. Everything was changing for both of them. They were seeing and feeling the world like another species. They were experiencing each other's lives. The phone sat on the table. Numbers were adjusting on their own as both adjusted. Perception and Reasoning both adjusted, narrowing gaps between the two of them. Concept of Self changed next. Lily's mind was blown. Animal Instincts flooded her, overwhelming her human ones in certain cases. Brandi's brain was expanding rapidly. She had to build block upon block as she sorted through all these new thoughts that were coming her way. But one thing was certain. She liked it. Brandi went to the table and sniffed the phone. Lily smiled. She went and knelt down "You're an amazing dog!" She told Brandi and Brandi understood. She licked Lily's face. Now, mentally part dog, Lily grabbed up her phone. Only a few minutes had passed. She clicked on Speech and Vocabulary "I wonder" she thought as she entered the field. 'Switch Speech and Vocabulary abilities?' She clicked it. Lily's eyes shut down. Her eyes fluttered. Brandi whimpered and started making a strange noise, almost sounding like she was choking. "Crawarrawawa" Lily was frozen though. Knowledge was flowing freely out of her. "Rranri" Brandi got out. The dog felt her throat constricting differently than ever before. "Brandi!" She got out in a growling tone. Lily blinked open. She had the phone in her hand. She went to Physical Traits and quickly tapped on teeth, tongue, mouth/muzzle 'Switch desired physical attributes?' She could still read the words but they were scrambled and getting worse by the second. She pushed down on the words. A new shocking sensation rocked both of them. Physically and mentally, more things changed but all the while, the warm tingling of pure pleasure ran through them. Lily's tongue thinned and began to elongate. It lolled out to the side as it grew. Her teeth sharpened and changed shape form and function entirely as her lips thinned and spread out as her muzzle pushed out. Brandi's muzzle pulled back. Her tongue shortened and thickened. Her teeth now changing entirely to fit firm and function. Her nose was still black and flat. Lily's pink nose stuck out from the end of her muzzle and she shrugged. Brandi laughed and shocked both of them with the melodious sound. "Oh my gosh is that me?!" Brandi said in Lily's voice. "I can talk!" She let out a squeal of pure joy. Lily hesitated. If Brandi could talk, that meant she couldn't. Her thoughts had simplified. Narrowed. Brandi looked at her "Master" she said and Lily nodded. "Lily" she said next and Lily nodded enthusiastically. "And I'm Brandi" she said as Lily nodded and got so excited she let a slip out. Both of them blushed. "Good Girl" Brandi said and they both got excited. Brandi put a paw on the phone "Lily…thing" she paused and concentrated. "Phine!" "Close enough" Lily thought. "Lily phone…make Brandi. Into Master? Change…Lily to like me? Into Good Girl?" Lily yapped excitedly. Brandi paced "Brandi…I…" The perception, reasoning and concept of Self numbers all began to change again on their own. "I want to to try to be you" "I want Lily…to be…Brandi. To become a dog" Brandi smiled. Lily heard her Master's voice. She shivered as she realized that last thought but she couldn't correct it. Under Perception Subject 2 = Master popped up. Subject 1 = Subordinate. Lily got down on her knees, she wanted to be smaller than Brandi now. She ducked her head and whimpered and let out a few low submissive howls. Brandi's Intellect and Intelligence number had edged up to 40% "I want to have hands. To have…more foods" Lily started to drool at the word she recognized above all others. "To have a human body" Brandi added. Images now entered her mind. She was imagining, picturing, playing out what it would look like and feel like to turn fully human. She even pictured taking her dog Lily out for a walk. Picturing watching her dog, her former Master acting like she had. Eating from a bowl on the floor, being led around on a leash, going outside to go to the bathroom instead of her. Words formed in her mind that she liked "Role Reversal. Completely Swapped" She dreamt of having the hands to control the phone. She could see her hands. It was frustrating that she didn't have them right now. Lily watched Brandi pace. Brandi said some things but she couldn't hear. She wished she had swapped their ears too. Nose too. Then, they both shivered as an extremely strong current ran through them, paralyzing them. Lily's muzzle shrank back as her tongue rolled up and her teeth changed back. Her mind reeled. Brandi's mouth pushed out, reforming into a muzzle as her tongue grew and her teeth shifted and reformed. The settings on all the Mental Traits tabs reset with the exception of numbers interface Memory tab. Both Subject lines added a sub folder. Lily jerked and fell over. Brandi howled and jumped. She started panting as she sat on her haunches. Lily was exhausted "I can talk again" she said reassuring herself as she touched her mouth. She looked at her dog and Brandi looked up expressively at her in return. She panted and came over and muzzled her and licked her. Lily scratched Brandi all over. She got out her brush and gave her coat a work over as she let her mind settle. It was dinner. She got out and mixed up wet and dry food for Brandi before getting out some leftovers for herself. She ate at the kitchen table listening to Brandi's slurping and crunching. She kept playing with the app. Checking tabs. Thinking about what she could do next. Lily thought she had gone too far this last time "Too much too fast" she told herself "I need to take it slow" Brandi was asleep in her bed after dinner. The dog was exhausted. Lily went through more of the mental options. She remembered halfway through when she recognized Bradi as her Master again. She knew she hadn't flipped that; it had changed on its own. She knew the warning that numbers would change and adjust on their own. She knew Brandi was a smart dog too. Brandi dreamt of being human. It was a limited dream of her simply looking like her Master and taking a dog for a walk, but her tail thumped and her paws moved as she slept. When she woke up, she stretched out her back "Hello Miss Sleepy head!" Lily called out to her. Brandi walked through the kitchen to the bathroom. She sat down there and looked around. Lily was shocked. She had expected Brandi to go to the door to be let out but instead, she had gone to her bathroom and sat. She put her nose and muzzle to the toilet seat trying to lift the lid. "Um excuse me little Miss. I think you still need to go outside for that. You don't have those parts yet" Lily went and opened the door and Brandi went out. She didn't just go in the middle of the yard, she looked for privacy. She went behind the tree to do her business and returned right back inside. Lily got ready for bed. She invited Brandi up onto the bed and the dog jumped right up and curled up next to her. Lily snuggled in close, even resting her head on Brandi's chest so she could rise and fall with her breathing. "Maybe real soon we can spend a night like this but with our roles reversed. Brandi's ears perked up recognizing those words. "Do you want to be me?" Lily asked. Brandi replied. "I take that as a yes!" Lily laughed. "Then let me tell you a secret… I want to be you" Lily whispered. Brandi perked up and sat up. She licked Lily's face again. "I think you can understand me now!" Lily admitted. "Soon…we'll play around some more tomorrow. I need to rest" Lily had mixed dreams. Some reassuring, others disturbing. She woke up yearning to try something more. To go back and try more. She let Brandi out and she got her breakfast ready. As she mixed dry food in with the wet, she popped a piece of the kibble in her mouth, Lily relished the crunch of it, the taste of it. Brandi had gone behind the tree again and was ready to come back in and eat. Lily held Brandi's bowl up. She smirked as she put it on the table, on the placemat where she usually ate. Lily patted the dining room chair to indicate for Brandi to hop up. She did and she put her front paws on the table to eat. Ly took her bowl of cereal and put it on the ground. She bent forward and began to eat it with just her mouth. She made a game of it. Trying to see how much she could get in if she had to eat this way. She pictured her mouth growing out again into a muzzle. She wanted her tongue to be able to lap everything up in her bowl. Brandi hopped down and was watching Lily's show with confused interest. Lily eventually ended up laughing and she sat back against the cabinets on the floor and grabbed a spoon to eat. "Do you want to be the one to use a spoon? Do you girl?" Brandi looked excited. She turned in circles and her tail almost knocked the cereal bowl out of Lily's hands. "I will take that as a definite yes!" Lily was glad no one was around. What she was about to swap made her ashamed but she had to, just had to do it. She went to 'Sexual organs' and pulled down. Several options appeared. 'Breasts' 'Vagina' 'Vulva' 'Uterus, Fallopian Tubes, Ovaries' Lily clicked on them all. A new pop up appeared 'Adjust Estrogen to suit?' Lily clicked yes and 'Switch all selected areas?' appeared onscreen. Lily put her finger down on it. "OhmyGOD!" Lily moaned out, shaking in intensity. Brandi howled. Not in pain but in an equally intense way that confused her but also tapped into memories and thoughts from yesterday when she was more human than dog for a few shining moments. She felt things moving outside and inside. Brandi sat and licked as her vulva lightened from black to pink and it lowered down further away from her anus. It slid to between her legs. Her vagina changed shape and position as the changes went deeper into her. Brandi's uterus spread, her fallopian tubes stretched and her ovaries swelled. Brandi's DNA was rewriting itself, taking on characteristics of Lily. She was carrying Lily's eggs now. She had a human cycle and it was affecting more than what Lily had thought. Brandi's estrogen altered. A straight line of human estrogen rushed through her doggie body. Her tongue couldn't lick fast enough. Lily howled. A primal, animalistic sound of pleasure and desire. Her vulva darkened and thickened as the skin there changed. Her vagina shortened and twisted as it became canine in nature. Her uterus shifted and pulled up closer. Her fallopian tubes shortened and her ovaries fundamentally changed species. Her eggs were carrying Brandi's canine DNA. Lily's finger inserted and she began to masturbate even as everything moved up higher and much closer to her anus. Canine estrogen replaced her human estrogen and entered her bloodstream. Lily's DNA now altered, rewriting itself to match up better with what they were reading from these new ovaries. Lily's breasts shrank back and in. The mass there vanished leaving just nipples. 3 additional rows of nipples also appeared up and down her chest as her fingers brought her closer to the most intense and life changing orgasm of her entire life. Lily screamed out in satisfying pleasure. Over and over she moaned as she curled up, shaking but smiling. Brandi came over to check on her. As she stood over her and licked Lily's face, Lily's boobs grew out and hung down. They swayed and slapped against each other, swinging like pendulums. Lily became aware she was getting motorboated by her own boobs on her dog's chest. Lily started to push Brandi away. She was giggling and laughing as Brandi walked funny. From the difference between her legs to the breasts swaying on her, Brandi was just thrown off in trying to walk. She sat down and Lily burst out cracking up laughing. Seeing the frustration on Brandi's face combined with the casual way her boobs hung on Brandi's chest. Lily tried to get up and couldn't. Her legs were too weak. She lay on the floor, flat on her back and just stretched out her legs and back. She played with her black vulva, rolling her fingers over its sticky surface, just smiling to herself. "I just came with my dog's full equipment" she laughed. That was when she looked at her very glad chest. Lily lifted her shirt and ran her hands over her rows of nipples. "I can't believe it" Finally, she made her way up and to her phone. She took a deep breath and steeled her as she hit reverse on all their changes. "Ah GOD!" Her knees gave out and she dropped to them as everything reverted. Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva. On both of them. They squirmed as Lily's rode down and Brandi's rose back up into place. Lily's breasts grew back out as they shrank down on Brandi. Like it had happened with their tails, every inch and ounce that came off Brandi, reappeared on Lily. Internal changes lingered beyond. Their estrogen cycles adjusted but their bodies now knew a different way. They were mixed now. Lily made her way over and nuzzled up to Brandi. She scratched and pet her and put her face up to her "Next swap, I'll make sure it's something for you. Your treat. That last one was for me and I could tell you didn't like it…you like that Brandi Andy?!" Brandi licked her in return. "Yes you do! Yes you do like that don't you girl?!" Lily said, rubbing Brandi all over her muzzle and face. "I can't wait until it can be you talking to me like this. What will your fingers feel like when they scratch my muzzle and ears? I bet that feels sssssoooooo good!" Brandi looked at her Master's eyes. She heard her voice, she was getting indications. Something new to her, intuition. They sat on the floor together. Lily ran her fingers over Brandi's front legs, gently petting her up and down. "What should we do next? Let me see if I can figure out what my little Brandi would want? Hmmmmm" She smiled "Maybe you want to see the world through my eyes!" We should swap eyes!" Lily grabbed her phone and went to eyes. 'Swap vision and eyes' She set the timer this time for 2 hours before clicking on their swap. Immediately, the phone in Lily's hand blurred. Color washed away. Orange, red and green all faded to gray. Yellow became a milky cream color "whoa" Lily said as her depth perception, peripheral vision, clarity and distance vision all changed dramatically "This is what you see? Wow!" Brandi's eyes focused laser sharp. More white surrounding her pupils, they dilated as a whole new world opened to her. So many vibrant colors to go along with her still enhanced doggie smell and hearing. She had a sample of human touch with her hand change yesterday but having Lily's eyes and seeing how she sees the world; Brandi wanted more. She went all over the house. Outside, she explored the yard. Then, Lily offered to go for a walk. Brandi always got excited for walks but this time was the best. Brandi led. She realized that Lily's eyesight was currently very poor compared to hers. She took everything in. They had just made it home when the timer expired. Their eyes and eyesight reverted back and both knew they had just experienced a drastic change looking through the other's eyes. Lily blushed and her heart thumped in her chest. "What a rush!" She thought immediately.  A bit of shame, a feeling of forbidden desires came along but she quickly pushed those thoughts aside.  Lily stood up and Brandi jumped down after her. She started to pace. The wonder of this.  Brandi followed her closely. "Do you like what we're doing?" She asked.