Poeticverse: Honeydew Raindrop by DingoBreath on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Honeydew Raindrop Appleshy

Parents: Applejack and Fluttershy

Siblings: Morning Harvest, Johnny Gold, Sunny, Strawberry, Lark and Autumn Bluegrass

Species: Pegasus

Body Type: Adolescent/Lean

Special Talent: Taking care of creatures of the classification felidae; big, small or weird. They will love him no matter how difficult they initially are.

Occupation: Student of Poetic Justice.

Nickname(s): Honey, Honey Badger, Pear Head, Rude Boy, Hypersonic Death Roar, Rain (by friends).


Being the only pegasus in his family isn’t the only reason Honeydew Raindrop sticks out like a sore thumb; he is brash, rude, angry and a bully - this young colt is a force to be reckoned with. He rose in infamy around Ponyville as he grew into a preteen along with his gaggle of loudmouthed friends. Not many are fond of him besides his beloved felines, but those who get to know him find out that he is hiding a heart cut into many pieces and a feeling of crippling inadequacy. He is from a large family and suffers from Middle Child Syndrome. Doesn’t help the situation that his moms are two of the most loved ponies in Equestria, so a lot was expected from him even at a young age that he feels like he can’t live up to.

He is almost the exact replica of late Grandma Smith, being the end of many of the citizens of Ponyville bringing this up. Though many ponies are careful to mention it in front of his face in fear of being brayed and cursed at like an unruly donkey!


- Honey does not have many adults that he respects in his life, but he does seem to like Maud Pie, retiree Mayor Mare and Treehugger. Maud Pie is a very matter of fact, logical pony and a mare Honey respects. Geology and rocks are badass! Mayor Mare always let him use the library whenever he felt he needed to get away, and treated him like his own pony. She was kind and patient even when Honey let his claws out. Treehugger...is a fuckin’ weirdo, but he loves her anyways. He doesn’t believe in that woo-woo shit but ponies underestimate her, which he hates. Like the other two mares she is very patient with him and helped him through pretty rough patches.

- Academia is something Honey never struggled with. He is a natural born genius and excels at all subjects, especially science. Both his moms were...very subpar students and were not much help when it came to homework or projects (even though he didn’t need them, but he just wanted his mommies to learn all the cool stuff with him). It’s a wonder where his brilliance came from. He's found an interest in engineering.

- Honey is very skilled at skateboarding, and has the rare cutiemark where both his strongest talents are represented - a radical cat on a skateboard!

- Boy was never that good at flying. Well. Okay, he’s shit at it. And it is a sore subject Honey doesn’t really like talking about. His wings are very long like Fluttershy’s and as a young colt he found himself tripping over them all the time. Fluttershy thought it was best to let close friend Rainbow Dash help coax his natural flying instincts out but he um. Crash and burned. A lot. To the point even Rainbow Dash herself pulled his moms aside to tell them there wasn’t much hope for him. Always having keen ears Honey overheard one day and hasn’t felt the same about Auntie RD since…

- Speaking of RD, he had the hugest crush on her as a younger, more hopeful kid. Her eldest, Lucky Star used to babysit him so anytime Honey had the chance to see the famous RD he would.

- He much prefers to be on the ground but goes to a Cloudsdale school anyways. His parents thought it was a good idea because they want him to feel connected to his pegasus roots.

- The element that he is most in tune with as a pegasus is light.

- Younger Honey had a southern accent. Eeyup. With sheer willpower and spite, he omitted his cadence to sound less like Applejack and the rest of his family.

- Discord is just a big cat.

- For a pegasus, Honey is not very flashy. Granted, not all pegasus are brightly colored (EX. Dumbbell, Hoops, etc) but it’s something that is more common among their species. The teen blames the earth pony side of him for the more muted colors.

- Most everyone stays away from Honey, but a couple have some sort of predisposed death wish whenever they interact willingly with him - like Firefly. Same goes for popular boy Stinger who could give less of a shit if Honey makes a big stink about them having to partner up in something, or when Firefly brings him along to attempt to make friends with Honey.

- Honey has a helluva kick, despite his almost frail looks. He’s not above walloping asses into garbage cans.

- He is very handsome. That tends to happen when your other mother is the drop dead gorgeous Fluttershy. Many fillies (and even colts) had crushes on him, some of them even thinking of him as the ‘Bad Boy’ type. He has broken a lot of hearts though which turns even more ponies against him but it’s not undeniable that he probably gets away with some situations because he is cute. To be honest, Honey is not terribly interested in crushes at the moment.

- Doesn’t like hanging out with the other Mane Six’s children. Most of them are grown adults anyways and he feels out of place among them.


Honey has a copious amount of problems that need resolving. He was a happy child but quickly regressed as the years went by. His mothers don’t know why due to stubbornness or plain old ignorance, and an unwillingness to see that part of their son’s problems is because of them. Flutters and AJ aren’t...bad moms, since they obviously raised good adult children and are doing pretty well with the twins who are a couple years older than their son. They just made mistakes with Honey and don’t know how to remedy them.

Well, that is...my favorite boy. With an updated reference that he sorely needed since his introduction a year ago. He’s evolved a lot since then. As a sort of one off character he was just going to be the youngest kid of the Appleshy fam without much else, maybe I would mention him once in a while. I didn’t think people would even like him as much as they did! Now Honey has a bigger part because people still like him quite a bit. I totally thank PokemonTrainerMax for helping me develop him more :) He is a lot like one of my favorite characters, Bakugou Katsuki from BNHA. Maybe that’s a part of the reason I really enjoy working on him.