Together forever by Dino-drawer on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Dino-drawer on DeviantArt

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Dino-drawer's avatar

Published: Dec 5, 2011


The love is a strong feeling.You can make whatever thing for love.
This feeling fascinate me and I drew this for represent it.
Enjoy the drawing.
El amor es un fuerte sentimiento.Puedes hacer cualquier cosa por amor.
Este sentimiento me fascina y dibujé esto para representarlo.
Disfrutad del dibujo.

Image size

3423x2409px 1.24 MB

Date Taken

Sep 12, 2011, 9:16:12 PM

paratroopaCx's avatar

Love this :D They always go through a lot of drama, but you can't separate them no matter what! :la: They look so cute here~ And very relaxed... keep up the great work! c: