Can You Hear Me? by dirtypaintbrush on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

dirtypaintbrush's avatar

Published: Feb 7, 2007


So... this is Can You Hear Me for the 100 themey thingy (I decided to copy darkmoon3636 and do it, see?).

He coughs, is ignored and throws a scranny. The timing isn't great but when was it ever? Besides I quite like how quickly and violently he gets annoyed. Originally he'd cough and then use like a megaphone but I couldn't pixellate one to my liking so I cut it =P

I've decided to try not having mouths, I started emoticoning and they always had them. Recently I've gone to what seems the standard, only having them when they're used but now I wanna try not even having them then (this kinda makes conversations hard but ah well) there was some pompous reasoning behind it but really I just don't like doing em

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