Decimator Assault Tank by DissidentZombie on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Been awhile since i drew. Finally got a shape i could work on, so i did. The results were originally supposed to be a hovering Jo-car infantry carrier from the Wheel of Time series, but it just didn't look right without tracks. So i added tracks and decided to make a Jo-car another day.

Tech Specs:
Weight: 48 tons
Top Speed: 90 KPH
Armor: Ultra High Density (UHD) Neutronium Alloy
-120mm Plasma Cannon
-30mm Anti-Infantry Cannon (in primary turret)
-30mm Gattling Cannon
-Battering Ram
-Flamethrower (under battering ram)
Crew: 2 req, 6 Infantry

The NTG Decimator tank was created in response to the heavy artillery the rebels used against the standard slow moving armored vehicles. This heavily armed battletank is capable of extremely fast travel over open ground. Captured rebels sometimes tell their NTG captors of legions of Decimator tanks literally leaping over sandbagged positions, all the while firing their weapons. The double tread design also allows the Decimator to turn on a dime, then zip away from danger.

With all the speediness this unit has, one might assume it's armor is light or non-existent. The Decimator tank is the first mobile ground unit to be built with the UHD Neutronium alloy armor, previously only found on the hulls of Anvil class superdreadnoughts. Althought the layer is only 3 cm thick, its total protection is equivalent of 16 cm of honeycombed titanium-A armor.

Rounding out the Decimator tank is the ability to carry six fully armed and armored infantrymen into battle. Although there have been reports of injuries sustained by the soldiers being speedily ferried into battle, the speed of delivery is only exceeded by the comparatively safer but more expensive dropships.