So virtually real by DivJustice on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Peace is what all true warriors strive for. Yoko Littner had never known the wise man who once said that. And it was for the better, considering that she was unsure of what she would reply to that statement. Surely, these four months after humanity, following the Gurren brigade’s path inspired by its leader, Simon the digger; finally defeated the Spiral King had brought a sense of quietude that was welcomed for a change. The exuberant redhead did not complain. Not having to fight for her life or to be wary of the attacks by the beastmen was a dream she never thought would come true. Peace did not mean that she and her friends would be able to rest without preoccupations yet, quite the contrary. The first months had still been busy with skirmishes against a few remnants of beastmen forces that had not given up the fight and wanted to avenge their leader Lordgenome. To that, it had to be added the continuous work to rebuild what their enemies had destroyed after years of subjugation. Translated, all of this meant that nobody had a moment of respite at first. This included Yoko that helped in any way she could. Unfortunately, as time went by, the redhead found fewer activities where she could be helpful to society. Then, the problem arose, the same dilemma that always struck should she be inactive: her mind, if not occupied, would recall the past. “I wish you were here to see all of this” She thought bitterly, looking at the buildings that little by little grew aiming to pierce heavens. Just like he used to say. A tear menaced to fall from her left eye. Yoko stood on her feet covered in white boots embroidered with fiery red flames. She was not that kind of girl. Melancholy did not suit her. She should look around, bathe in the happiness and hard-working spirit of everybody and be positive, for the sake of those who were left behind. “That’s right, Kamina would have made fun of me if he saw that I’m this moody” She stretched her arms, her time for reflection was over. So was the rest she decided to take. With firm steps, she walked around the newborn Kamina city, looking for something to do.

Her quest was fruitless. In all instances, Yoko was a warrior, much like many of her friends in the Gurren Brigade. They had been useful in the war, but after it? They had not much to do. Yet, people look up to them and asked for guidance, as if they know... This made her feel especially bad for her friend Simon, he was a boy after all, yet many voices wanted to elect him mayor of the city in the making. At least he had the charming Nia to help him share this burden. “I’ve never felt this useless” Thought Yoko, looking jealous at a group of humans and beastmen working together to build what would soon be a hospital. “If only could help them” Thought the girl bitterly, knowing that she would turn to be a hindrance rather than any assistance to them. Her golden eyes scanned the area without a real goal until they stumbled to a pair of kids playing with a ball. She smiled. That simple image had been unthinkable four months ago. An idea that had been hovering in her mind for a while came back with force. “Maybe I should really focus in studying. Someone has to teach these kids and those that will come to enjoy a world without fear” She thought with decision. But that would come later, she still felt gloomy. What she needed was action, not studying! She clenched her right globed hand and came to a realisation. When was the last time she practiced her shooting?

“Oh, Yoko! Long time no see!” Said Rossieu, the young boy who had taken the place of Kamina as the pilot of the Gurren saluted Yoko with his head, for he struggled with a pile of documents and artefacts that menaced to fall from his grasp. “Leeron is making you work too much?” Asked the girl returning the gesture while taking half of the boy’s load. “You know how he is” Replied the boy “After the war he has more time to investigate about everything, not just weapons. I’ve never seen him this excited” Added the brunet sighing. Yoko could not help but to share the boy’s exhaustion. It had been the same back at village Littner; the eccentric scientist always had her running errands for the sake of his investigation. “And what brings you here?” Asked the boy as politely as curious, taking the redhead back to reality. “It’s nothing, I was just wondering if Leeron would help me with something. Maybe he can make me a shooting range to practice a little with my rifle or...” “Yoko! Perfect timing!” The unmanly voice of the peculiar scientist startled the duo because of its suddenness. From under a strange machine, a pair of legs stood out and shook energetically “I was just working on something you’ll like, just let me get out of this and... Curses! I’m trapped! Rossieu, get me out of here, now!” Ordered the man waving his legs violently. The assistant let his shoulders fall and tried to follow the order while avoiding his superior’s nasty kicks.

After the humorous event, which Yoko had the prudence not to comment aloud, she found herself sitting inside of a machine that resembled the cockpit of a Gunman, save for the fact that it missed a hatch. “I’m not very sure about this...” Said the girl voicing her concerns. She was seated with her ankles and wrists tied to the seat while patches connected to cables covered most of her exposed skin. Her eyes could see nothing due to the helmet Leeron had put over her head. “Don’t worry, it’s all for your own security” Replied the man in the distance. “But still, what did you call it? ‘Simulator’ is going to do to help me train?” Asked Yoko as uneasy as intrigued. “Easy girl” Replied Leeron trying to sound reassuring “This little thing will make your brain believe you are in a battlefield. Your reflexes and reactions will be put to the test and the best thing of all is that you will think is as real as reality can be!” These words pumped Yoko’s blood. “Then, what are we waiting for? Let’s do it!” Said the girl with decision.

Unknown to the duo, a mischievous pair of little hands approached Yoko’s exposed belly. Their target was simple: to have a little squeeze at her tempting breasts. Gimmy smiled maliciously. Just a little more and he would reach that wonderful world. The occasion was perfect, nobody would ever notice... Except for Rossieu, who saw his intentions and, despite he would not mind partaking into that act, he plunged forward to stop the naughty child. “Gimmy, just what do you think you are doing?!” Yelled the boy ready to strike the child’s hands. Unfortunately, Gimmy reacted faster and ducked in time, meaning the brunet’s strike missed it target. Although what it did not miss was a switch that broke before emitting a pale light. Gimmy and Rossieu looked at each other in silence; their stares were easy to understand: you don’t say anything and I won’t say anything. They both nodded with agreement leaving the place of the crime covertly. The switch lighted on again, however a message they did not read appeared. “Initiating alternative energy source: Spiral Energy at 10%...20%...30%...”

Steady... She breathed calmly. Not because she needed to hold her pulse. This was a videogame after all. Her body functions would not affect the experience, nonetheless, Shino Asada liked to immerse herself in Gun Gale Online, or GGO for short, as much as possible. That was why she always held her breath when aiming with her sniper rifle while lying on her stomach. She got a clear target, in any second she would pull the trigger and finish the quest she had accepted. Nor that it was an important one or she would get a significant amount of EXP from it, a search and destroy mission was supposed to be one of the most tedious GGO had to offer, still she did it because she enjoyed the game in all of its senses and a little play once in a while helped her relax. Shino, she casted that thought aside, in the game she was Sinon, a complete different person. Her avatar and she might share traits, but they were dissimilar individuals all the same, like the colour of her hair, brunet in the real world, aqua in GGO, for instance. Sinon breathed once more, confirmed the target and applied force to the trigger. Perhaps she should not have been this focussed and having looked upwards would have helped her. “Whoaaaah!!!” Yelled a girl out of sudden. Before Sinon could react something fell over her, screwing with her target that ran away inside the ruins of a crumbling building. The unexpected of the appearance startled and enraged her. She tried to get up, but the weight of a person impeded her from doing so. She turned her head around to face this sudden attacker. She literally appeared out of nowhere! If she was a PK, she was a good one; normally nobody could catch her off-guard. But a quick look at the stranger made her think it was not the case. Her senses told her she was a rookie. Perhaps someone who was playing for the first time, judging from her bizarre equipment. “Odd” She thought “I can’t see her player data” Reflected the blue-haired girl checking the menus of the game in search of anything that could help her discern who this person was. “Hey, would you mind getting off me?” Said Sinon aloud in a tone that despite having courtesy, it did not hide certain enmity. But the girl was mesmerised, looking at her surroundings completely dazzled. “Oh my! This is amazing. Leeron has outdone himself this time!” Said the newcomer. “Correction” Thought the bluenette “She’s not rookie, even worse, a noob” She added in online jargon. Having her patience reached its maximum, she pulled with her arms until the redhead over her was forcibly pushed aside with a gasp of surprise. “What the? Oh, a person!” Said the girl quickly standing up “My goodness, you look so real…” Added the stranger looking at Sinon intensely. Nonetheless, the later ignored this babbling. Upon standing up, Sinon grunted in pain. Her back ached, the spine in her body at the real world send the signal that told her brain it was in pain. That was impossible. Sinon shook her head aside. She had been playing for a while and she had probably taken a bad position. She had other matters to worry about. “Hello simulated girl, I’m Yoko” Said the strange girl smiling amiably while offering her hand. “Sinon” Replied the girl, unsure of what to think about this person. When she accepted the hand she gasped in surprise: she felt the warmth of it. “Impossible, GGO doesn’t to this. Have they updated the game to make it even more immersive?” Thought the girl in disbelief. “So, where can one practice her aim?” Asked the one called Yoko holding an imposing rifle that got Sinon stuck in awe. “Where did you get this weapon? Also, in which level are you? Class? Any guild you are member of? What about your gear” She asked. Confusion took the best of her, no matter what menus she used, no information of it would appear. “This?” Asked the redhead “It’s just my rifle. The rest of things... I got no idea what you are talking about” Added as if she had said the most obvious thing. Sinon had plenty of questions to do. The way this girl talked and acted made clear she was s rookie. She breathed exasperated, remembered she once was also new to GGO and decided to help this person enjoy the game. “Say Yoko, I was in the middle of a quest. Do you want to join me?” Asked Sinon offering a kind smile to the other girl. “Sure, you know for not being real you are very nice” Replied Yoko waiting for a stupefied Sinon to lead the way. “Not only she’s a rookie, she’s a bit off her head too” Thought the bluenette.

Against all odds, Yoko proved very capable of taking care of herself. At first Sinon thought her lack of experience made the redhead to be reckless: they had been attacked by a high level monster specialised in close quarters combat. Yoko, instead of putting some distance to use her rifle, jumped over the creature’s body and shot three rounds at point-black range at its head, delivering a lethal blow. Sinon observed this display of skill speechless after having prepared her own riffle at a safe distance. Another thing that took the girl off-guard was the fact that near Yoko she could feel everything around her, almost as if she was really in GGO. On the contrary, if she separated from the girl, the game played as usual. She pulled a hair to test her theory. “Nothing” She thought. This was strange indeed. Should she report the mods that her game was glitched? What if Yoko was in fact a hacker? She was in good-terms with someone capable of changing the game’s code, meaning this would not be new for her. As she was meditating what to do, a surprise attack took place. “Sinon! Let’s go for the next target!” Yelled Yoko squeezing the girl’s exposed hips. The reaction Sinon had was as immediate as explosive. “Ahahaha! Don’t do that!” She screamed among laughter. How come she felt this girl tickling her? “Don’t do what?” Asked Yoko mischievously pinching at the girl’s sides “Oh, you mean this? It’s not my problem that you cover all of your body save these ticklish hips. It’s almost as if you wanted them tickled!” Mocked Yoko enjoying her interlocutor’s helpless reactions. “Speaks the one who shows everythihihihing! Knock it off! Ohohoho!” Replied Sinon with a true remark. The redhead sure did leave most of her body exposed.

Unknown to them. This innocent scene was being observed far away by a pair of eyes that spied upon Sinon’s hapless attempts to get free of Yoko’s grasp with evil intention. “Interesting...” Said an ominous voice “Very interesting...”

Leeron scratched his head with confusion. From a computer he could monitor all that Yoko saw and he did not like what it displayed. “This is not the simulation I programmed. Just where this machine did send Yoko?” Asked the scientist to himself. Rossieu, upon hearing this stiffened his back and continued working under the suspicious gaze of Leeron, who had always been a perceptive fellow. “Mysterious... Better check the machine...” Thought the peculiar man.

“Finally!” Said Sinon panting “The quest’s over!” She did not expect the target would group with a pack of monsters, consequently making their job harder. The fact that she could feel each blow, each drop of sweat in her body and the heavy breathing from her lungs gasping for air did not help either. “This is too much for an immersive experience” Thought Sinon, who was more determined than ever to report this glitch to the mods. But first she and Yoko would have to claim the spoils of war. Clapping hands were heard against all predictions. Yoko and Sinon shared an alerted gaze, they both felt the enmity in the sound. “Congratulations ladies” Said a male white-haired character appearing out of the shadows inside of the devastated room they were. Sinon bit her lips worried, it was an avatar she knew far too well. “Spiegel. Does this mean Kyouji is back from the hospital?” Thought the girl bitterly, she expected to have turned the page of that chapt in her life. But past had come to haunt her all the same. “What do you want?” Asked Sinon coldly. “You don’t say hello, my dear Asada?” Replied the boy greening with deranged lust. “Asada? I thought you were Sinon?” The later ignored Yoko’s question, she knew this person was dangerous and could not leave her eyes from him even for a second. He did not seem to mind the interruption though. “After all the time I spent without seeing you. There was not a moment I didn’t think about you. About how I love you. My dear Asada...” Said Spiegel evilly. “No way! Is him your boyfriend?! You sure have bad taste!” Said Yoko who did not realise the tense of the situation. “He’s not my boyfriend and...” She saw that Yoko was expecting an explanation “It’s a long story, for now let’s just leave so I can call the police if he tries anything funny” She expected the redhead would accept her reasoning, she did something different instead. “If he’s a bother we just get rid of him” She said aiming her rifle, "he’s just another character and if he’s a bad guy...” Spiegel did not appear puzzled to be pointed at the barrel of the rifle. “Asada... Haven’t you realised one can feel pain around this girl?” He said pointing a finger at Yoko “I wonder what will happen if she shot me? Would you like to carry the burden of having killed me?” Sinon became frantic, Kyouji was crazy with unrequited love, but that did not mean she would like him dead. Just before anything unrepairable took place, she kicked Yoko’s rifle. “Let’s just run for now!” Yelled the girl pulling at the confused Yoko’s hand. In that precise instant Spiegel smiled. A console appeared in his hands where he pressed buttons after buttons with expertise. “No way, he’s hacking GGO!” Thought Sinon, too late to react. Tendril-like hands wrapped both hers and Yoko’s body, rendering them immobile, at the mercy of this maniac.

“Let us go!” Screamed Yoko “I’m getting dizzy, you can’t just hang us around like this!” The fiery redhead fought violently against her bounds. On her hand Sinon remained silent. Never in her life would she expect she could feel the coolness of the air in the bare soles of her feet inside of a videogame as she hung from her tied ankles over a metal bar in the ceiling of a dark dungeon. That was exactly why she remained silent in concern. Why did Spiegel tied the two of them and then removed their shoes and, in the case of Yoko, nylons as well? It did not make any sense. “I’m sorry lady” Said Spiegel from bellow them “My business is with Asada, but you’ll have to join us for a while. After all I’ve need you around to convince her...” “Convince her of what?” Asked Yoko rebelliously. “I’ve been thinking all the time I’ve spent at the hospital. About how to win your love, my dear Asada...” Said Spiegel caressing the girl’s upside-down turned face “That’s why I learned how to hack the game. With any chance I could at least ban that stupid Kirito” Sinon’s expression hardened at the mention of her friend “Don’t worry, I know that what you did to me was because of his influence. You just need to forget about him. And this girl has showed me exactly what to do” Having said this, he played with the black boot that used to be over Sinon’s left foot. Much to the girls’ disgust, for its owner had walked and swat with her boots on, he sniffed at it “Ah, to think I could perceive your aroma on a game...” “You are insane. There’s no way I could love you!” Said Sinon defiantly. He smiled, threw the shoe aside and procured his console again. “Of course you will. Because I’ve learnt a weakness you have. It’s just a matter of time until you give up” Having said this, tendrils ended in hands and brushes gleaming with oil appeared. They all approached menacing to a part of the girls' body: their bare exposed feet. Sinon gulped, she understood what was going to happen to them but did not gain any happiness from such revelation. “How long will I have to tickle your feet until you admit your love to me?” Whispered Spiegel in Sinon’s ear who trembled in fear. Fear that turned into deranged laughter for Yoko and hissing desperate giggles for her. The situation turned desperate in a matter of seconds: on the one hand Yoko laughed at the top of her lungs. It was evident a strong and independent girl like her was not used to this kind of defenceless. Her feet twirled frenetically at the ticklish onslaught threw on them. On the other hand, Sinon, who was as sensitive as her new partner, did her best not to give in to the torture. But the oil made them so slippery! It took all of her will to resist, although she knew it was for naught. The tickling was stronger than anything she could take. Yet the worse was about to come. “Excellent” Said an ecstatic Spiegel. “Don’t try to hold it my dear Asada, laugh until you accept my love for you” He looked at the girl with lust “Because I will show it to you and then you will laugh, of course you will...” The girl would have shivered if it was not for the tickling that overwhelmed her. Alas, the boy continued with his explanation “I will leave my avatar on standby, programmed to continue tickling you. Meanwhile... I’ll get to your house, find your immobile body and give those beautiful feet of yours a dose of tickling. I wonder how you will deal with a double assault, both in reality and in the game... And what if I decide to worship your feet there? What will be stronger: the tickling or the pleasure? I can’t wait to find out! And don’t expect that Kirito come to save you!”

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! LEEERON! I DON’T LIHIHIHIKE THIS! MAKE THIS SIMULATION STOP!!!” Yelled Yoko screaming hysterically. She trashed against her bounds inside of the simulator, much to Leeron dismay, who saw with powerlessness his friend terrifying state. “Just what’s going on?” Asked the man shacking Rossieu by his shoulders “Look at her vitals, she will be damaged if this goes on! Just where is Yoko, where did I send her?!” “Ehh...” The boy removed the perspiration on his forehead “I don’t know, but maybe the machine is malfunctioning...” Leeron observed him with suspicious eyes. “You know something, do you?” He stopped shacking him so the boy could speak. “Let’s just say that Gimmy and I touched something by error...” Replied Rossieu before being pushed back. “THE SPIRAL ENERGY SUB-REACTOR?!!! YOU TURNED IT ON?! IT’S STILL ON THE TESTING PHASE?! DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND? SPIRAL ENERGY IS THE KEY OF LIFE, MEANING THAT EVERYTHING YOKO IS EXPERIENCING IS REAL. AND SOMEONE IS TICKLING HER TO DEATH FOR GOD KNOWS WHY!!!” Shouted Leeron who was at the verge of mental breakdown. “What’s with all this noise? Is there a party going on? Yoko sure is having a good laugh. Whatever she’s doing I want to try is, I bet it’s funny!” Out of sudden, Kittan, the leader of the Black Brothers and one of the heroes of the Gurren Brigade entered the lab and looked at the blushing Yoko with curiosity. “Kittan!” Said Leeron shacking his shoulders. “Yo, long time no see Leeron, I finished my round and I thought about paying a visit, didn’t expect to find Yoko like...” “There’s no time for this! Yoko’s in danger I need you to get into the back-up simulator and bring her back!” Interrupted the scientist pointing at a helmet near the machine where Yoko laughed desperately. “She’s in danger?!” Said Kittan putting on said helmet “No worries, I’ll save her!!”

Far away from both Kamina city and GGO. In a humble abode shared by a recently wed young couple, a dark-haired boy scrapped his head with nervousness. “This is weird. Sinon’s not answering my PMs. And here I wanted to play a bit of GGO or ALO...” He sighed. As he did, a familiar voice caressed his ear. “Kirito... If you want to play, I have something in mind for you...” It was Asuna, his wife, the one who spoke with a sensual tone that made the boy imagine the kind of game she was thinking about. He was not surprised to see her waiting for him at their bed, wearing only her underwear. Though something made his brow twitch: she was bound to the corners of the piece of furniture. “Oh Kirito, someone captured me again. Will you save me? I’ll have a reward for you if you do...” She said in a tempting tone. The boy sighed, looked at the beautiful girl he had decided to spend his life with from head to toes. At the later, his eyes stopped, a malignant smile appeared in his face. “Actually...” He said kneeling in front of the right foot, which he caressed lightly, causing Asuna to giggle cutely “I think you got too much of a licking to being captured. I’m doing to make you consider the inconveniences of it...” He added scrapping harder at the soft sole as the girl laughed with force.

“Yoko! Where are you?! The valiant Kittan has come to save you!” Shouted the blond man getting no response whatsoever. “Hey bro” He said turning to the strange yellow beastman that had been following him since he appeared to this world “Agumon, was it? Where did you say the redhead was?” “Just there!” Pointed the reptilian with sharp claws at the distance. Kittan saw nothing until a gigantic creature, clearly a composed Gunman appeared in his sight. “That’s not my friend! That’s a monster!” Yelled the man. “But Chimeramon has red hair” Replied the beastman called Agumon. Not being preoccupied by the thing getting close. “My friend’s human, you dumbass!” Replied Kittan exasperated by his new ‘friend’s’ tranquillity “Wait, here it comes!” He said preparing a shotgun he brought with him. “Chimeramon is a powerful Digimon, we can’t fight it. We have to run!” Replied Agumon who was beginning to understand the severity of the situation. “Run? A member of the Gurren Brigade never turns his back to an enemy!” Kittan shot at the hulking monster “Hey, Gunman, come at me. I’m not afraid; just who the hell do you think I am?!” Shouted the blond while his weapon fired round after round despite the monster not reacting to it. Agumon was inspired by this man’s courage, to the point that he felt his energy swelling inside of him. “Partner... I’ll help you... AGUMON WARP DIGIVOLVES TO... VICTORY GREYMON!” Slashing the monster with a massive sword, the now turned into a warrior Agumon, protected Kittan from a claw that threatened to kill him on the spot. “Wow, this world is awesome!” Said the man getting fired up. Unfortunately, a fired up Kittan was a synonym for someone who could easily forget his initial mission. Meaning Yoko would continue laughing against her will for a while.

Commission for :iconaznsbbs: who peculiarly at fist wanted a comic starring Yoko Littner being interrogated by having her feet tickler. Then in a wise move he decided to check my skills first with an ilustration and, while he was at it, add Sinon to the equation to make the most unlikely crossover. But I must warn you, I dislike SAO, meaning that any comment stating "Why don't you draw [insert character's name here] next time?", will be ignored or hidden. Leaving that aside, this was a laborious piece to do, that, as always, took longer than it should. Nonetheless, I got the chance to make an amusing streaming out of it where I put to practice a few tricks I've learned from a certain senpai of mine.

Yoko and all of the TTGL characters mentioned are copyrighted by Gainax.
Sinon and all of the SAO characters mentioned are copyrighted by ASCII media works.
Agumon and all of the Digimon characters mentioned are copyrighted by Bandai.

Fun facts:
-The BG is a bit crappy, but the client only paid for a simple one. Also, despite some shadding errors I can't fix it because after more than an hour of work with it I didn't save the PSd fille. So no editing for you, sorry about that.
-There are many people who receive money, draw the characters and that's all. Let nobody say I'm like that, you'd be surprised at the long conversations I had with the commissioner to fully justify this crossover.
-In fact, we struggled to find a villain, until he remembered about a guy in SAO called Kyouji. Meaning that I managed to write this story WITH THE HELP OF KYOUJI!…
-But if you think about it it Sinon and Yoko could pose for characters of the same series.
-This perspective was hard to pull off. As far as I know there's only one picture that I could use as a reference.
-Did you notice the oil effect I did? Finally grasped how it works after some observation!
-Why Digimon at the end? Because we are talking about digital worlds, and what's more digital than that?
-What's with the epilogue starring Asuna and Kirito? My subttle way to mock the series "Popeye formula".
-Wait a moment, why does an Agumon evolve like that to Victorygreymon…;? Because with the Spiral energy of Kittan a Wargreymon would not be enough!
-Flipped version here