Iron Wrought Wraith by django-red on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Fairly Recent, one of those " i've had this drawing for months and never finished it becuase i didnt "need" it" kind of situations.

This rather intimidating fellow is Inigo, The Fantôme des Chaînes (Ghost of Chains) and is something akin to a Wraith, though not actually dead. His moniker comes from the seemingly endless supply of chains (bladed, spiked, or original flavor) that manifest themselves from him,and his supernatural skill with them. While he is not actually a ghost, he does have access to a variety of (seemingly?...) otherworldy powers, and uses them in order to exact his revenge against those who have wronged him. However, such simple plans as Vengeance often go astray....

I would seriously appreciatte someone having a go at coloring my ghostly firend here, and am willing to make a bit of a Contest out of such a dillema: Breathe some liquid color "life" into this little wraith, and If i pick your version, i'll render you a lovely character of your choosing (preferably your own character). Not only that, but your color scheme will appear in the upcoming web comic Inigo resides in!

..and...i dont know...i'lll give you super powers or something...-_-...