[DOTW] Olathe Virtus Application by dom-ine on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Fall leaf - F2U Application finished 9/20/24! Fingers Crossed!



Name: Olathe Alban

Age: 4 years, 4 months

Gender: Cisfemale (she/her)

Sexuality: Bicurious

Height: 33”

Weight: 100lbs

Build: A tad overweight, stocky, mostly average build.

Territory: Virtus


Lark x Boone (parents), Tallulah, Duncan, Juniper (siblings), Lodgepole, Massika, Takala, Ghost, Inara (nephews and nieces)

Rank: Recruit



Olathe’s form reflects her father’s lineage, with wide-set, pointed ears that sit poised atop her square-shaped, large head. Her long, almond-shaped eyes hint at a sharpness beneath their feminine contour. Her delicate nose, contrasts with her thick neck and prominent shoulders, both testaments to her strength and fixedness. Flat, large paws ground her, built for the rough landscape she once roamed as a pup.

She shares her father’s coal-hued coat, dark and sleek, with a light underbelly that provides a stark contrast to its overcoat and accompanying slate midtones.



Altruistic | Principled | Pragmatic | Loyal | Narrow-Minded | Dim | Prideful | Haunted

A deeply honor-bound wolf with a rough exterior, Olathe is far more complex than she appears at first glance. Hardened by the many trials and tribulations she has faced throughout her life, her stoic demeanor is a shield forged from adversity. From a young age, her loyalties rested with those she deemed worthy of respect, a trait that set her apart from her siblings and led to her eventual ostracization. Yet, over time, Olathe grew to find solace in her isolation—though it is a double-edged sword, one that both wounds and fortifies her.

Despite her hardened past, Olathe strives to do good by her pack, determined to prove herself a wolf of loyalty and integrity, deserving of the praise and success she seeks in her role within Virtus. While her puphood was once a source of regret, she has chosen to transform her hardships into strength—some might say pride, though hers is a pride born of authenticity rather than pretense.

Yet, there is a darker side to Olathe—one shaped by the haunting memory of her father and the lingering bitterness she harbors toward her siblings. What began as regret over her departure has festered into deep-seated frustration and indignation, a chronic grudge against her siblings for the isolation they imposed on her. But even more than this resentment is her unrelenting longing for her father. The bond they shared was sacred, and she aches for the wisdom and guidance he once provided, feeling an intense loneliness in his absence.

Though many recognize her underlying benevolence, Olathe struggles to intuit the emotional needs of others, both in conversation and action. This lack of sensitivity has earned her a reputation for being somewhat ignorant, yet her genuine compassion and desire to do right by others offer a path toward redemption. A compassion born from her desperation to be loved rather than indulgence.

In moments of uncertainty, this yearning often drives her to impulsive decisions, quick to act in an effort to solve problems swiftly rather than with care. Her need for resolution sometimes blinds her to more thoughtful solutions, a testament to both the strength and the flaw in her desire to live up to her father’s legacy.

Born into a pack that values tradition above all else, Olathe is undeniably a product of her upbringing. She believes tradition holds purpose, and those who stray from it are either misguided or misinformed. Although it is rare, she occasionally finds herself lost in trying to understand those who reject the customs she holds dear. When necessary, she has no qualms about quelling the weak or rebellious to maintain discipline. Ultimately, Olathe believes her purpose is to ensure order and prosperity, no matter the cost.

Pre-Group History

From an early age, Olathe found herself on the fringes of her own family. Her siblings, Duncan and Tallulah, had formed a bond so deep that Olathe often felt like an outsider. The two had already made a pact to disperse together when the time came, leaving Olathe to watch from afar as they grew closer. Rather than intrude on their relationship, she sought solace elsewhere—in the companionship of her father, Boone. As the alpha of their pack, Boone was a strong but troubled leader, struggling to maintain the fragile alliance with his brother's neighboring pack. Tensions between the packs had grown shaky, and Boone's hopes rested on his children staying within the pack to help restore order.

During their time together, Boone instilled in Olathe a deep respect for the customs and traditions that bound their pack. These teachings became her foundation, a way to feel connected in a world where she often felt left behind. Olathe's bond with her father was her refuge, and she vowed to uphold his values, pledging herself to the path of discipline and duty that Boone envisioned for his offspring.

Yet, as the seasons passed and the time to disperse arrived, her siblings made good on their vow, leaving the pack together as planned. Olathe, torn between her desire to honor her father's wishes and the growing sense of independence within her, chose to stay behind. Her decision, however, weighed heavily on Boone, who, in the face of his children's departure, withdrew from his role as her mentor. The alpha who once guided her so closely began to retreat into his sorrow, his ambitions for Olathe fading along with the hope of uniting their family.

With her father lost in grief and her siblings long gone, Olathe's mother urged her to leave as well, to forge her own path. Conflicted and torn between duty and her yearning for belonging, Olathe made a solemn vow to Boone: no matter where she went, she would carry his teachings with her and uphold the traditions that had shaped her. And so, with her heart full of resolve and the weight of her promise heavy on her shoulders, Olathe set out into the world, determined to ensure that her father’s values would not fade with time. Yet, regret and guilt haunt her, even now. She wants nothing more than to be committed to her ranking in Virtus, but an ever-present lonelinesshas occupied the space he once inhabited. Forlorn memories of her father and bitterness she holds towards her siblings fester within, a dark past she efforts to forget as she looks ahead.

Group History

She has yet to complete Initiation. I plan to have this be her first “introductory” roleplay/art piece.


She hopes to rise to the ranks of Virtus, though she hopes to become a Warrior once she is promoted from her rank as Recruit.

Her arc will either be redemptive or defiling-- depending on those she surrounds herself with, she may either find a place for her grief to heal, perhaps by involving herself in her work; or she may find the path to revenge more satisfying.


Spotify Playlist

Family tree: https://www.familyecho.com/?p=START&c=jv81wofb6w5ickkx&f=752760007411959057&lang=en

Olathe Icon