[P] Debut Season by dom-ine on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

My character Inara sitting beside hyxcnth's character, Lucian, for an ongoing roleplay we have :]

----- Lucien -----

Azure eyes followed the silver woman's entrance into the clearing. The stones felt familiar beneath his paws, grounding him in the moment. Lucian was expecting Hasurix to make his appearance soon, as his Ruka, of course. But the appearance of the Lovac brought a sense of joy to the Kralj.

_Luc didn't expect Inara to come to an event such as this one, but seeing her sitting in the center of the clearing this early brought a loose smile to his face.

The awkward sound of her clearing her throat caused him to raise his brows.

"It appears so, Miss Inara."

He chuckled as he dropped his rump to a sit.

"Excited to find a match, perhaps?"

He asked nonchalantly, though the idea irked him for a reason. While Lucian had no claim on her, he did not want her to look at another. The Prince could sense that the huntress had an affection for him, could see it in her eyes. The way they softened when they looked at him. Even Inara's mannerisms changed around him. And deep down, she reminded him of her.

Of his youth spent with her near the creek and the days spent trying to fish. And within himself, the prince longed for a connection.

Longed for the friendship and kindness it'd offer him. But perhaps this event would be his chance to find what he had been looking for.

----- Inara


Frankly, it caught even her by surprise to arrive at the Debut Season, nonetheless the first to arrive. However, despite the familiarity, she couldn't deny her desire for the company present.

As the sun's early rays spilled over the expanse of Caelistis territory, the broad, cool stone came alive with hues of gold and pastel pink, casting a luminous glow upon the Prince's pale figure.

His gaze met hers, and she felt a flutter in her heart, a sudden calm washing over her. It wasn't an easy thing, being the strong one, only to discover the source of your weakness. The one who was your undoing. Inara had once considered Lucian solely for his influence in Caelistis, echoing her mother's ambitions for her to rule. But now she sees him differently.

He brought her comfort like no one else in the pack, accepting her for who she was, smart mouth and all. Approaching him tentatively, she drew near enough to feel the intensity of his gaze.

"It seems so, Miss Inara," he remarked with a smirk, prompting her to draw closer. "Excited to find a match, perhaps?"

"No, "

Her answer was guarded, and her tone hung in the air expectantly, like peering through a keyhole--as if everything she would wish to say was held back by a mere curtain. In truth, she wasn't lying. There was no need to search when the answer lay right before her.

" What about you?" A simple, yet assertive question. Yet much more than that. It was more than a simple handing-off, it was a prying curiosity, a prying hope that there wasn't another vying for his attention.