My Joker Design by donut-toast on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

i always get inspired by the designs the joker has gotten over the years. like.. it's usually all so... different in a way? each design gives off a different mood. one feels more like mob boss, the other feels more like a clown, then there's the version where he's basically some tattoo artist... not to mention the one where his face got torn off and just loosely put back on. that's pretty wicked alright!

so in this version i wanted to make him come over more as a madman. less controlled and kind of all over the place? the shading ruins it a bit (click here for no shading) but he's got different tones of green in his hair because i really don't think he would care that much if it was a solid green. his hair isn't painted that well too as it kind of fades closer to his head to his original colour. his body paint isn't sealed either so it just kind of smudges onto everything and leaves some spots of his skin exposed (especially in like.. the wrinkles). his lipstick also isn't that smooth, it's kinda smudged from talking and smiling. and then there's just the basic clothing things that just kind of show few shits he gives. like his untied tie and rainbow shoelaces on shoes that don't even match.. that kinda stuff. i really tried to give more realistic aspects to him and i'm kind of proud of myself!

but like every version of the Joker, he's got a slightly altered story. hey.. he prefers it to be multiple choice after all? so here's what i managed to cook up late at night?
so this version of the story is based on the whole Red hood heist he started out with. he used to be a very timid person working at this chemical waste facility. he didn't really have a voice of his own at the time and usually just did what what was asked of him without a second thought. he was very lonely though, so in his spare time he performed as a comedian in bars. one day, after his act was done, he got dragged outside into a dark alleyway and was put under gunpoint by two guys. they had been observing him for a few weeks and knew he worked at that chemical waste facility. they needed a specific chemical that was being dumped there and basically planned to use him as their key inside. he obliged of course and brought the two men to the facility. once there, he was forced to dress up as Red hood so that he technically would get the blame for everything. the lad was absolutely scared out of his mind. i mean, who wouldn't be in such a situation? well, once inside the answer came swooping right down. Batman. he stopped them right in their tracks.
the two criminals weren't having any of it though, so they fought back! but even in their greatest attempt, they were no match for batman, who got them down to the ground in no time. "Red hood" however wasn't prepared to face off with the batman so he ran like his life depended on it. all the while while being chased by the dark knight. eventually he tripped over his own feet and fell almost right into one of the acid containers, if it weren't for batman saving his ass. as he saved him the mask fell and jokey boi's face was revealed. all that was visible on his face was awe. after explaining the whole situation to batman, batman let his actions slide and went off again.

the joker, now left alone again, went back home too. he spend all night thinking about what happened that evening. what he could have done to avoid all that drama and how he almost died. and when the sun rose again, he knew exactly what to do next.
thank batman of course! duh-huh. the guy saved your damn life!? and what better way to thank him than to do it with your own jokes? the guy needs to lighten up.
so with that in mind he tried to search for him day and night, with no luck. he concluded that batman only comes when there's danger around. so he started searching for that! with every little accident he came across, he stayed for a while, hoping that the bat would swoop down to help too. but he either was always too late or he never came. so he came up with a new plan and started spying on police radios, actively searching for the danger as it happened. he saw the bat once or twice yeah, but never long enough to be able to approach him.

by now this had slowly become an obsession. the hanging-pictures-on-a-pin-up-board-and-connecting-the-dots kind of obsession. he wasn't interested anymore in being able to thank batman, now he was striving more to get his attention, to get some sort of reaction out of him besides that stupid blank and serious face the bat always has. his humour had grown more grim and dark with each accident too. he couldn't help but come up with a punchline as the accident unfolded, and it became harder not to laugh at his own jokes too. even in the bars, less and less people started to enjoy his acts and sooner or later he got banned from even coming back into them for disturbing the customers. he was hurt for a little while, sure, but he had a bigger audience to aim for now.
a few more attempts on catching the batman in the act unfolded until one day a little voice in his head gave him an idea.. "what if I made the accident. then he'd come to ME". and so he did.
he started out small and unnoticeable. creating car accidents, accidents on work grounds... it was enough to get the police to notice him, but still batman never came. he needed to pack it out big. he needed to give a show to a wide audience! and he needed to be crafty about it.. so he secretly took home a bunch of toxins from work and started crafting his tools. but you can't perform in front of an audience in you pajama so he bought a suit, hair dye and some makeup. draw a permanent smile on your face, y'know? if you're gonna be a clown you gotta look like a clown.
so now, with a plan and his gadgets he waited for the right moment to strike.

skip to a few weeks later and Harvey Dent is holding a press conference. which is the perfect way to get the attention you want, and he didn't let that slide.
he bombed the place with laugh gas and made his entrance grand a memorable with fireworks that spooked the HELL out of people! then, he grabbed the mic and announced his stage name, the Joker.
people scattered in fear but the Joker wouldn't let them leave just yet. he grabbed his gun and put it against Harvey's head, threatening to kill him if anyone left.
one of the interviewers bravely asked what the HELL he wanted from them, to which he simply replied that he wanted attention from the bat.

{:Sévéràl Bàd Púns Làtér:}
and batman finally shows up. almost immediately the Joker drops Harvey. he worked very hard to get himself noticed again and he was honestly quite nervous. he spoke up but instantly got decked in the face. well, with fight and flight reflexes kicking in, he fought back. and thus an epic first battle unfolded. the Joker was satisfied at first but that feeling died out quickly. all because batman was fighting him with the same serious face he gave everyone. the Joker didn't think he was just ANYONE. he had WAITED for this day, he wanted more. so when he got tossed away in one of their struggles he took his chance. from the little pocket inside of his jacket he grabbed this capsule, made a witty comment, and threw it at Harvey Dent. the capsule busted open on impact and acid flew everywhere, severely wounding Harvey's face. the Joker glanced at batman and achieved his goal as he was faced with both shock and anger. batman could fuck him up all he wanted now, he got what he wanted.
the joker was quickly detained and send to Arkham Asylum for the first time. where he plotted their next meeting with a grin from ear to ear

i got a bit too carried away there ^-^'
i just love making stories alongside the drawings i make. and this sure as hell was a lot of fun to develop! even though it's never gonna be used for anything..
oh well.. i hope you guys at least enjoyed reading it?