Lost Tapes season 4: Arica raptor by DracoScorpio on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
DracoScorpio on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dracoscorpio/art/Lost-Tapes-season-4-Arica-raptor-958093672DracoScorpio
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Published: Apr 14, 2023
3 soldiers (Steven George and Rick) travel the desert of Chile to find what have been killing the other soldiers but soon meet the same fate as their fallen friends
Death: Steven and George
Rick has reached to the navy helicopter and take him back home the bodies of George and Rick was never found and it was believed they die from heat stroke Rick retired from the amy and join the police force. The people of Chile have been hearding strange sound and weird footprints which leave us to wonder do they live among us
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630x400px 73.17 KB