016-Machinbyrd by Dragonith on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

=====Evolution Chart=====

014-Humbeak by Dragonith ►► LVL 16 ►► 015-Birjet by Dragonith ►► LVL 34 ►► 016-Machinbyrd by Dragonith

Origin of Name: Mockingbird+Mach= Machinbyrd
Based on: A hummingbird crossed with a jet.

BST: 70/110/80/50/50/140 = 500

*Pokemon retaliates if hit by a phasing move. (Does not switch out)
(Ex: Whirlwind, Dragon Tail, etc.)

*New Move: Rocket Slam
Category: Physical
Type: Steel
Power: 60
PP: 15
Accuracy: 100%
The user slams at the foe with supersonic speed. This move's priority increases after each continuous use by one stage.


EDIT(09/05/14): Added BST provided by :iconkyuzeth:!
EDIT(09/04/14): New display template and design!
Long overdue design update! Machinbyrd flies once again!

Whenever I went to Birjet's or Humbeak's pages, I was very much annoyed that I still haven't gotten Machinbyrd's design updated. Problem was I was having trouble getting it the way I wanted to until recently. It was a very demotivating process up to this point, but I finally got it the way I wanted it. Apart from redesigning it to keep consistency with its pre-evolutions, I mixed in some elements from its two older designs. The lighter color palette also looks a lot better than how it looked before. It's not viewable from this angle, but Machinbyrd's back resembles a jet's/plane's window shape. Overall, I'm glad I finally managed to update this. Ah, and a random fact from the last description: The "light steel" blurb from the Jade Description is a reference to Aerogel, a substance created by the Japanese that is strong as steel, yet light as a feather.

Machinbyrd is among the fastest Flying-types around, only growing faster with its Speed Boost ability. Apart from priority (we'll get to that in a second), this thing is unrivaled when it comes to moving fast in the air. It's not necessarily the bulkiest in terms of defenses, but its Steel-typing allows it to have natural resistance to most forms of attacks. Now you're probably wondering, "Why should I use this over Brave Bird spamming Talonflame? It can totally roast this toy plane easy!" First, slap yourself across the face cuz Talonflame's a cheap shot at killing shit. Second, while Machinbyrd lacks the flaming prowess of its falcon friend, it can build priority over time with its signature move, Rocket Slam! With each use, the move gains one stage of priority, instantly allowing it to outspeed things over time. Heck, continuous use of it and you can bypass Protect and switching out! Pretty nifty when you think about it. "But wait, Talonflame resists Rocket Slam!" Well Mr. OU, don't use Rocket Slam and just whack the damn bird with Extremespeed or your own Brave Bird! It won't be flying for long, I assure you. Boomerang is also a handy niche ability that prevents foes from switching Machinbyrd out with phasing moves, and allows it to deal some damage back in return. Great for preserving Baton Pass boosts or passes! Soar to victory on the wings of this badass jet bird!

Previous Version: fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/201…
Old Version: dragonith.deviantart.com/art/E…
Machinbyrd © Dragonith
Pokemon © Nintendo