Strong in the sun - The prequel by DragonKnight-Shadow on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It's a sunny day and you're taking a walk on the beach.
You walk around dreamily and suddenly realize you are not alone.
When you turn around, you see a young woman in a red bikini. But above all, you notice that she is quite muscular.
"You shouldn't go out so far," she says to you in a calm tone. "What do you mean?" you ask her.
"The tide is about to come in. Then everything here will be full of water. So you should stay a little closer to the shore." "Oh," you say in surprise. "Thanks for the warning". "No problem", as she says that, she turns around "I'll be off then". She turned on the spot and was about to leave. "Wait," you're still calling after her. "Don't you want to go for a drink together?" "Sorry. I'm afraid I don't have time. But I'd love to some other time.", she said and continued walking. "Will you please tell me your name?" You thought you wouldn't get an answer. But then she turned around again, smiled and said "Cora". Then she walked away.

Since then you went to the beach every week, hoping to see her again.
But until today, you never met her again.

To be continued.