DragonNation | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Group Info

A nation of Scale, Fur, Skin and Feather! Originally a dAmn club, we created our group page in late 2007, then -- following the shutdown of dAmn -- we migrated our chat to Discord in 2016.

Hi all! This is just a short and to the point post, one of our admins accounts was recently hacked which let to a number of people in our Discord server getting kicked or banned by the hacked account. We are extremely sorry about this and the affected admin has now regained control of their account and updated their security info. All those that were banned have been unbanned, however you along with all those kicked will need to rejoin the server using our invite https://discord.gg/8AezavRAFW, we'll then reinstate any roles and access you had prior. We are again incredibly sorry this has happened and for the confusion and inconvience of having to rejoin! In addition we will also look at measures we can take to prevent a single member of staff from banning or kicking on mass as happened during this incident. Thank you for your understanding, the DN team. EDIT: I should also mention, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or anyone else on the team if you have any questions

Hello, #DragonNation! It's been a little while since our last update, during which we've done a bit of house keeping to keep the group running smoothly and I wanted to let you all know what's been going on and to give you an oppurtunity to provide any feedback you might have for us! Submission rules updated We’ve made some important changes to ensure our gallery remains a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone to use: General tidy up: We’ve re-formatted our whole rules section (you can find it on our main club page) to provide more clarity and ease of understanding, including grouping our content and submission restrictions together to make it clearer the type of submissions we don't accept. AI Artwork: This rule has been added to clarify the type of AI artwork we accept to our newly created AI Generated gallery folder. We will go into AI artwork more in the next section. Adoptables, Commercial and YCH: We have always been a bit more lenient with what is accepted to this

Rules & Guidelines

Submission Rules

Group 2112

_ 1. Artwork Submissions: _

_2. Commissioned/Purchased/Gifted Artwork:_

_3. Adoptables, Commercial and YCH:_

_4. AI Artwork:_

_5. Submission Restrictions:_

_6. Content Restrictions:_


Comments 1.7K

Heya guys, I think some stricter measures need to be taken about submissions. Someone just submitted a flood of outright porn (not even dragon-related /j).

Hey Electrosa! Thank you for the heads up! We've removed the offending submissions and messaged the member to remind them our rules. It was a worry of opening up the adopt/commercial folder to not require staff voting. I'm hoping this is a one off but if it becomes a recurring issue we may have to go back to requiring vetting on that folder too.

I'm really sorry you had to see that though as it's a point of pride that we try to maintain a SFW space here on dA


No worries, mature content doesn't bother me at all but I know it's important to the group's rules so I figured a mention couldn't hurt! I have a little personal experience in how hard it can be running submission-based groups so I definitely appreciate the hard work you all put in. That person was clearly spamming as many groups as they could for views and we just got caught up in that.

Hey. I was in the DIscord server for this group and I just got kicked out. I think it was a hacker who kicked me, though I'm not 100% sure. I'm hoping I could at least get an explanation as to why I was kicked...

Hey there!! First of all we are so sorry about the hacker. Half the server got kicked for no proper reason. Our newest blog entry on the group page explains it more

You are more than welcome to rejoin!!!!

Thanks. I've already rejoined. :)

Hey Wilfoe, yes one of our admins accounts got hacked and banned or kicked a bunch of people. Really sorry you were effected! You should be able to join again via the link in our Welcome section, but if not let me know.