Boredom at Doha Airport by DragonTreasureArt on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

DragonTreasureArt's avatar

Published: Aug 9, 2006


Full Title: How to Relieve Boredom at Doha Airport

On the way back from Thailand I had to wait at Doha airport for five hours in the middle of the night. Knowing this was the case I remembered to pack my sketchbook in my hand luggage rather than my main luggage so that I would atleast have something to scribble in to prevent myself from totally losing the plot. For those of you who have never had the great misfortune of going to Doha airport, you're not missing much. It's the size of a small toilet and there is nothing there except a tiny duty free area and a crap cafeteria. Luckily though I was sitting next to a nice girl on the flight from Bangkok so we kept each other company and scrolled through hundreds of each others holiday snaps to pass the time. On the flight from BKK we both snatched our copies of the Qatar Airline Inflight Dutyfree Magazine and one of the images inside for Swatch inspired me to draw this to help pass the time.

Image size

510x850px 110.54 KB