The Moose, The Dove, and the Fawn by DragonWithAShotgun on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Watched Alpha and Omega recently and I remembered why I liked some parts of the first movie (I kinda ignore the events of the sequels...). Some of the characters were nice and I liked that there were multiple plots going on in the film; Garth and Lilly were my favorite due to the general couple type and character archs.


Garth had to overcome a lifetime of rearing by his father, Tony; he grew up a strong, confident alpha that... really wasn't too strong and confident where it counted. He was turned into a wolf with more brawn than brains, and likely often used his size and bulk to put fellow pack members in their place, thus his scars. Lilly always took the back seat of her family, always softspoken and shy; was a soft, lovable female with... nobody to really love. Too low in confidence herself, and with Kate always hauling in the spotlight, she was forced to keep her head down and live life day by boring day. Both Garth and Lilly feel alone in a world that doesn't seem to notice them for the right reasons, and... those reasons draw each other to one another. Garth is both intrigued and curious about her shy nature that fights so valiantly to hold back joy and a pup-like playfulness in his presence. She sees that underneath that scarred pelt is a sensitive male who just wants love. After the death of his mother (headcanon, she probs died of old age), Garth was left feeling abandoned by her loving caress and reassuring words. Perhaps, he sought to find someone who could love him not just for what he could offer as an alpha, but... also as someone who was also capable of loving. He rarely gets to let himself be vulnerable with his pack constantly retaining a harsh culture in trying to survive, probably perceived as thieves and bullies by those with more privilege to a comfortable life (Winston's pack).

By reassuring one another that they love and support one another, not because of their weaknesses, but because of their bond and strengths, Garth and Lilly live a comfortable life away from their pack for some time. It's during this time that Lilly even begins to learn hunting skills, something Garth convinces her is essential for ANY wolf, no matter the circumstances. Eventually, Lilly becomes pregnant. While some wolves are worried due to Lilly's small, weak body, she has every confidence that she can handle this, and Garth, while briefly concerned himself, doesn't hesitate to back her up and promises that he'll take care of both her and their pups.

Garth and Lilly moved out again before she would give birth, much to Eve, Winston, and Toni's protests. However, Lilly felt that in order to overcome her creeping doubts about her ability to have her puppies, she would need to escape the constant, nagging attention of her pack, excluding Garth of course. Ultimately, Lilly's pregnancy resulted in only one pup, and one which both her and Garth broke into tears of joy over. Jaeger was small and weak, but a free-spirited youngster who was absolutely a mama's boy. He stuck to Lilly's side wherever they went, once he found his legs in the coming weeks. He was wary of his extended family at first, always cowering behind his mother and needing encouragement to let his grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins sniff and get a good look at this youngster.

Jaeger ultimately becomes a sort of hippie-type boy. Free-spirited and often taking to going on relaxing strolls and rolling in flowers, Garth worried for Jaeger for a while; the question of whether Jaeger would be an alpha or an omega came into thought. Lilly wasn't concerned about Jaeger's place in the pack, as long as he was loved and he loved others. Garth began to realize the reason why Tony was always so hard on him when he was a pup. Jaeger, despite his gentle nature and his kind eyes, found some trouble with some distant young cousins within the pack. Bullying amongst wolves wasn't unheard of and was quite common, typically a means of wolves reasserting their positions within the pack. Jaeger was an easy target for other pups and came back with ruffled fur and tail between his legs, but nothing too serious outside of hurt feelings. For a short period of time, Garth attempted to correct Jaeger's gentle nature in order to help him be able to learn to defend himself, to assert his dominance. However, Jaeger fell short of Garth's hopes - that is, until one day, during Jaeger's early stages of adolescence, he finally stood up for himself. At first, it scared his mother and father when he returned him, bloody and fur plucked at random places on his scrawny body. But, Garth felt a swelling of pride within him when he caught that raised tail, not one of happiness, but of dominance and pride, as he came strutting up to his mother. As she licked his wounds, flooding him with demands to know what happened, Jaeger smiled broadly. "They won't bother me anymore! I promise!"


I had a previous OC for Alpha and Omega, initially for a RP group, but it really isn't so active sadly so I decided to make this boy Garth and Lilly's son - whilst giving the two a needed makeover.

Garth and Lilly, Alpha and Omega (c) Lionsgate
Art and Jaeger (c) Me