[Inktober] - Beast by EbbySharp on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

EbbySharp on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ebbysharp/art/Inktober-Beast-990700717EbbySharp

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Published: Oct 27, 2023


Inktober 2023 - Day 27 - Beast

Oh, what to say about little Sparky? I don't hate him sure, but I don't particularly like him either. Pretty much just a means to deliver some very low-bar jokes into the program. Looking forward to them aging him up to Spike's age so he can have some brain functionality, just sayin'.

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900x600px 137.04 KB

TheCrimsonSpark's avatar

Sparky Sparkeroni. If ever there was a name for a character that could be described as minimum wage I think that's it.