Blinky Blue Kitty by EeveeHop on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

EeveeHop on DeviantArt

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EeveeHop's avatar

Published: Jul 10, 2013


Journal Doll Request for :iconbluestreamwarrior:

Edit// She blinks now~
ajkvjsklks Blue is so cute<33
Oh my goodness. I swear she is animated with a blinking eye. This has been done for a week but I just can't get Iaza to work right, so I'm waiting for my boyfriend to animate this for you<//3

Blue (c) =Bluestreamwarrior
Art (c) ~EeveeHop

Image size

150x150px 26.45 KB

Exploratory-Nibble's avatar

Your pixel stuff is just... Wow. c: