Ophelia by ElbsFootsteps on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Published: Mar 15, 2009
"Whereas for Hamlet madness is metaphysical, linked with culture, for Ophelia it is a product of the female body and female nature. . . . Ophelia's virginal and vacant white is contrasted with Hamlet's scholar's garb, his 'suits of solemn black.' Her flowers suggest the discordant double images of female sexuality as both innocent blossoming and whorish contamination; she is the 'green girl' of pastoral, the virginal 'Rose of May' and the sexually explicit madwoman who, in giving away her wild flowers and herbs, is symbolically deflowering herself...." (Elaine Showalter, "Representing Ophelia")
Info: Canon eos 3000N. color film iso200. Multiple exposure. Negative scan.
Image size
758x509px 190.75 KB