Peach in Blossom by ElegiacMarquise on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Greetings, how're you doing? Hope fine and peachy!

Sorry for my absence, I had to study for an hard exam and later I had some health problems, which luckily aren't that serious. Despite posting, I don't know if in the near future I'll post anything, since next month I'll hopefully take another difficult exam while also going to some University lessons. ;0;

It was about a year I didn't draw Princess Peach and especially with Showtime's reveal it feels criminal from an hardcore (and arguably pedantic) fan like me. So, I wanted to do the peachiest drawing I could possibly conceive!

Of course she had to have some Victorian inspiration, overall. I get so surprised about how monotonous I can be lol, but probably I'll never get tired about this match! For her jewelry I took inspiration from the ones she had in the movie, they're so mesmerizing and outright gorgeous. I'd want to have some jewel similar to her medallion.

Although my first idea was to get more inspired by 1970-1980's shoujo manga's covers, I still like this drawing to bits and it's surely one that capture my aesthetic preferences quite well. I felt peace of the senses while drawing it.

I hope to draw some pictures about Showtime too, her Patissiere and her Detective outfits are so adorable!

I hope you'll like this drawing and see you soon!