Anime Base 52 by ElementBases on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Heart Emoji Bullet This base was traced from the official artwork of Tiki: Naga's Voice from Fire Emblem Heroes.

:bluehearts: Heart--- Rules Heart--- :bluehearts:

Tinytinyred (f2u) ~Credit me. You can do this by mentioning me in the description! (Mention by typing : iconElementBases : without the spaces)

Tinytinyorange (f2u) ~You can use it freely for personal art, trades, collabs, ect.
Tinytinylorange (f2u) ~I advise against using this for anything of monetary value. This base is traced from assets owned by Nintendo. I checked FE Heroes' terms and conditions for any mention of use of it's art and although I didn't find anything, I do still advise caution.

Tinytinylime (f2u) ~Frankendolling is allowed.
Tinytinymgreen (f2u) ~The base is free. You don't have to ask to use it.
Tinytinylgreen (f2u) ~Feel free to link back your work in the comments if you want to!
Tinytinyturquois (f2u) ~Please don't claim the base as your own.
Tinytinylblue (f2u) ~Remember to take your time! No one is rushing you to get it done.

Tinytinyblue (f2u) ~Feel free to change the genders and races. I love seeing OCs of all kinds. ^^

Tinytinybluepurple (f2u) ~Don't forget to have fun!
Tinytinypink (f2u) ~If you're unsure about doing something against the rules, don't be afraid to ask me about it!
Tinytinyhpink (f2u) ~Download the base for the best quality. If you right click and save, the quality will mess up. Please use the download button.

Heart Emoji Bullet FAQ:…