movie ed and al chibis by elkindragon on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

elkindragon on DeviantArt

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elkindragon's avatar

Published: Dec 8, 2005


yaay i finally posted another picture up ^_^
happy happy joy joy! school is over for the year! yaaay going back some time in jan or feb.. ^___^ well... i don't like the shading much... or the background.. but.. i needed to post something...
ah well... christmas is coming up sooooon! *claps*

drawn in adobe photoshop 7.0
coloured in adobe photoshop 7.0

Image size

630x647px 323 KB

byondthshadows781's avatar

SOOO CUTE *glomps* I love it... once again. Man, I saw your gallery. I'm gonna fav like everything >< I'll just say this once, and it counts towards ALL your pictures.

You're very talented and your art is so awesome its not even questionable

OK... now to go fav everything like the wierdo I am