Daughter of Air by Ellygator on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

(2016), pencil on paper, 5.5"x10.5" backed with digital frame.

The court cards are leaving space for a number of interpretations in a spread. Often they are read as actual people having an impact on the querent's life, who share characteristics of the element they are associated with and hold a certain social or familial "rank". However, they can also be aspects of the querent's personality that either define him or her or that are currently suppressed.

The Rider Waite deck shows us an androgynous figure standing on a windswept hilltop against a blue sky with clouds and flying birds brandishing a sword. His or her hair is blown about by the wind while they stare intently off to the side, perhaps at a possible foe. The Crowley Harris deck shows a young woman in a transparent short gown with a Medusa-crowned helmet on her hand making a sweeping motion with her sword. Sulfurous streaks in the sky behind her mimic the dynamic of her movement. She seems unsteady on crumbling or cloudy ground as her left arm tries for purchase against an altar behind her.

For my own card I wanted combine the element of Air with its associated geographical region of the east and chose a young Japanese woman in a silk robe sheathing or unsheathing a katana. She is looking inward in concentration as she does so and stands before an abstract pattern of stylized clouds.

In a spread the Daughter of Air signifies an intelligent, outspoken young woman who enjoys mental challenges and possesses a strong sense of right and wrong and the willingness to come to the defense of what she believes in. She has a logical mind and communicates easily with charm and the ability to convince others. When challenged or provoked she can become rash and aggressive and lose some of her rational poise. Sometimes her willingness to engage in a fight covers the fact that she herself has been wounded in some way and is now resolved to be vigilant and on her guard to never allow someone to hurt her again.

For a relationship-related question the card may indicate that we are in a situation of conflict with a partner or friend. Both of us believe we are in the right and are willing to confront the other defending our position. We may suspect each other of keeping secrets or of a betrayal. The best way to resolve the situation is to remember the fact that the suite of Air is aligned with rationalism and intelligence. Seek an open and calm conversation to clear the air and to understand where the other person is coming from. If you have to have a confrontation, don't become vindictive, hit below the belt and say something you both will regret later on.

If the card comes up for a business-related question it could mean that you are facing challenges in your job or with a project. Remain vigilant and keep an open mind. Look at what you want to get out of the situation and examine all the facts. Be honest and truthful with yourself and with others and then stand up for the things you feel you cannot compromise on. Be prepared to convince others of your position, but also be willing to learn from their arguments. Rely on your discipline and clear thinking and avoid rashness born from frustration to overcome any obstacles.

If the card stands for yourself and not someone else it urges you to use your head. Remember the curiosity and inquisitiveness of children and tap into their eagerness to learn and try out something new. Challenge yourself in a battle of wits. Stand up for what you think is right, but use your power of persuasion rather than lashing out in defensive anger.

If the card is uncovered in an adverse or blockage position it could mean that you are unwilling to open up to someone or to concede a point because your mind is trapped in paranoia and suspicion and unable to look at the situation objectively. You may feel a real or perceived hurt so keenly that you are lashing out blindly, becoming vindictive and spiteful and hurting and belittling others in turn. Guard against psychological abuse, malicious slander and misunderstandings both originating from you as well as from those around you.