TANKHEAD - Imperial Carrier Graf Zeppelin by emersontung on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

emersontung on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/emersontung/art/TANKHEAD-Imperial-Carrier-Graf-Zeppelin-1072639695emersontung

Deviation Actions

emersontung's avatar

Published: Jul 8, 2024


The Kyzerian Leviathan

Another piece from my book TANKHEAD Mechanical Encyclopedia, shipping out this week!

Image size

1600x1193px 263.33 KB

altho there is a mechanism that's technicly a walker and could work on giant constructs . it is a shuffler whitch basicly means it takes lots of small steps instead of one large one

maby you could make something cool whith it but it definitely wouldn't resemble a character

to be fair this scale makes more sence for a fictional world . . .