The Paragon Temple - Cloud Opal by emiisms on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

emiisms's avatar

Published: Dec 3, 2018


:iconthe-paragon-temple: :iconthe-paragon-temple: :iconthe-paragon-temple:

Name: Cloud Opal
Pronouns: She/They
Rank: Artisan - Historian
Weapon: Halo
>General Gem Abilities
>Calming Aura || Cloud can generate an aura of peace and serenity that can amplify/induce peace on beings inside their aura (it circles around them in about a 20 foot radius) and amplify their telekinesis from the emotions.
>Telekinesis || Cloud Opal does not have arms, so she is able to use her mind to lift and write things down for her as a historian.
>Halo || The halo she wears is something she can fling around with her telekinesis much like a frisbee, and it always makes its way back to her like a boomerang. It is able to cut through quite a bit of things at the right speed, even most metals. She can make up to three halos at a time.
Apperance Notes (optional): Cloud is a very tall gem with a reflective mask covering her face; only very few people know what she looks like under the mask. She wears a dress with a cape, clouds adorning it in various cool colors. She has no arms, but with her telekinesis she is able to pick things up. There is also a halo that wraps around her face from time to time, however it's not something that permanently stays there. You can hear a soft hum from it if you get close enough.
Theme Song (optional):…
Other: >Opal is not a fusion, as a heads up, but she is about the same height as a regular Opal.
>Only friends can call her Cloudy, but you can call her Cloud or Opal!
>Cloud Opal is a very calm and collected gem. She has a very calming aura around her, and her voice definitely shows that as well. She is a bit shy when speaking to other people, so you might have to make the move to talk to her first.
>Cloud Opal is generally very kind and civil to everyone she meets. She is always ready to talk about books from Ardus' wonderful library!
Voiceclaim: TBA

Art & Design by @/EXPNG

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