WHO WE ARE (SEPHIROTH X READER) CHAPTER 15-PART 1 by EmilyEliteKnight on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

- Overcome what?- my voice was trembling and I tried my best to not show her how bad I was-

- … Losing Sadler- he was Erick’s father. He passed away when he was just a baby due an "accident"-

- … Something happen to you, don’t?

- Yeah…

- Well, it wasn’t easy Emily. You know how much I loved him and how blessed we felt with Erick. When he passed away we had plans, dreams, and a future in our mind and… I found myself alone with all of that, that it was supposed to be done by two persons

- …

- It was too painful at first and I wasn’t able to get out of my house or do anything, and thinking about those times made me feel glad to have you- by that time I was already adopted by my auntie and I was visiting Mythril town often, due to that I met with Ana before that tragedy and we found out we were childhood friends of before Mythril Massacre. The embarrassing pictures of us playing all over the old version of Mthril Town and our clothes full of grass and dust. When Sadler died I went to live with her and I decided to help her out until she could stand on her own-

- It was the least I could do

- With your help and Erick’s sweet smile I found the strength to move on and to find my new resolution to do so

- … which was?

- You two, my parents, my friends in town, my tiny apartment and…- she took a deep breath- all the memories I have with Sadler

- …

- It’s true that I lost him and my world had turn upside down, and the pain was really huge to me, but letting myself be beaten by that and lose all that surrounded me, all the beauty and the amazing warm that everything made me feel, how could I let all that go?

- …

- I don’t know was is happening to you, but trust me when I tell you that you shouldn’t gave up. Succumb into darkness and despair is easy and it is an eternal suffering. Is not worth it.

- …

- But waking up every day, enjoy all with what you have been blessed, fight for what you want, you love, be at the side of the persons you care and enjoy them, have memories that you can hold on onto later, and more sweetie. Life is about that, lose some things but win others. Is up to us to turn a curse into a blessing or vice versa. At the end we are the ones who decide that

- … I see…

- Emily- I focused more on her voice- you gave me the support a sister will give. So if I can help you out now, let me do it please. You were a blessing to me when I lost Sadler and I’m in debt with you, so please, is anything I can do for you? – I smiled. I remember now. How much pain she went through and how glad I felt when she overcame it. I now know what she mean with her words-

- You just did it Ana. Thank you

- Anytime sweetie

- Have a good sleep

- You too- I hang up and made another phone call-

- …

- *beep-beep*- it was answered-Emily?

I was finishing the last meeting with Lazard before it was time to leave and still inside his office it seemed to me that I heard Sephiroth’s voice. I froze myself there and stood still in front of the door. How I was supposed to face him after what happened that day? Acting like nothing happened to me or acting cold wasn’t appropriate, nevertheless he will try to find out what was going on with me and why I behave like that.

God, what do I do?

He then left as fast as he arrived. My grasp on the door knob loosened and I was finally able to open the door. I went to my desk and let everything ready for the next day. Surely I was avoiding him and the rest. For some reason after finding out what I am and not being familiar with it yet, made me feel embarrassed and ashamed to see them, and besides, I wasn’t sure how will I work out things now. I have a lot to think about.

But, again, I think life wasn’t enough happy with me and force me to face Sephiroth at the lobby. I was leaving and he was entering. I saw him immediately after the elevator doors opened, so there was no way I could avoid him. We both walked crossing our paths; he made sure I will be facing him when I stopped a few steps away of him. I didn’t know what to say, or do, or what face should I put. He took the initiative.

- Is good to see you better- I faced him surprised. I wasn’t expecting that reaction. He really seemed relieved-

- … thanks, and…- I detour my face to a side- I’m sorry for that night

- … we have to talk- I faced him again- you know that

- It will be a waste of time

- Why- he was very direct-

- Because I can’t tell you what happened me- before he would get mad I said one of the main reasons- is regarded my family matters. So don’t worry about it anymore

- Anymore?

- You can’t hide me the fact you were thinking about it. Or what else would you want to talk with me?- I smiled and that appease him a little, but knowing him, he won’t stop until get sure there is nothing else behind-

- At least you are yourself again, so I guess you may be right- I nodded and started to leave, but when I was at his same level, he grabbed me from the arm without anyone around us will notice it and said something to my ear- but if you ended up having a similar situation like that again, you can be sure I won’t stop until I found out everything about it- he then let me go and started to went towards the elevator. I just stare at him until he turned around to press a button inside of it. I turned at that very moment and started to leave the building-

Already in my house I felt how my body was still aroused where he touched me. This man, what type of spell has put into me?

Short time after, things were already fine between all of us, and our usual dynamic was on the road; the Wutair War was still on but it seemed it was about to end, so logically we spent less time than before and I took that chance to re-organize our plan. There was no way they could be involved or that I will put them in danger, even if I risk myself to be hated by them afterwards, after they find out the truth…

However, disaster strikes us again.

After a meeting I had I found out Genesis got hurt in one of the simulation rooms due to an over excitement the three of them had training- something usual in them- but when I tried to see him Hollander avoided at all costs. He kept me like that for several days forward, until my patience ran out and I forced him to let me see him. His wounds for some reason weren’t healing and I even got the news Sephiroth offer himself to help him but Hollander refused him, saying only Angeal was a match to do so. When I went inside the infirmary room where he was I got kinda shocked to see him: he was a little bit more pale than usual and it seemed he wasn’t too well.

- Hey there- he got surprised to see me-

- What are you doing here?

- You ask? Why wouldn’t i? I was worried about you

- …

- And it seems you are mad that I came- he was troubled. There was no doubt about that-

- Is not that. I’m just irritated

- Because your wounds are not healing?

- Because these incompetents are not doing anything to improve my recovery- he leaned back to his pillow. His torso was naked and only bandages covered his damaged shoulder-

- For what I see is a deep wound, so you should be patient

- You sound like them

- I’m trying to calm you down. I don’t need to remind you that you are impatient and impulsive, do I?- he saw to a side- jajaja, you can’t deny it. You’ll be fine so don’t worry

- … I’m tired of waiting

- Yeah. I can imagine it

- Really?

- Of course. There are no pretty women here you can flirt on. Of course you are bored- he saw me and we both laugh. I sat next to him and put a hand over is healthy shoulder. The moment I did it I felt something wrong, but I hide my concern to him- in any case, if there is anything I can help with, just name it

- Well, now that you mention it…- he put a cocky face- a kiss would help me

- … agh…- I got close to his face and give him a kiss in the cheek. Then I stood up- is all you will get, so get better okay. I’ll come by again

- I don’t know, if I’m still bad will you kiss me again?

- Just get better Genesis- I left him wearing a smile in my face and hoping he will really be fine-

It was departure time for the administrative sector and I took the elevator as usual to leave, when I found Sephiroth inside of it.

- Leaving already?

- Yeah- I went inside and the door closed- where are you going?

- A mission

- At this hour? It must be important then

- Indeed- he was stern, more “calm” than usual-

- You are concerned about Genesis, don’t you?

- …

- I managed to see him- he stare at me directly- and he is not improving too fast

- … is frustrating knowing that

- I know- besides, that feeling I just had when I touched him, similar to the cells running towards my veins. Could it be possible…?-

- I don’t understand why he is not healing like usual

- What do you mean

- Since we are infused with Mako our wounds heal faster than those on normal people. By now he should be already healed- he showed real concern for him-

- Well, we have no other choice but to wait and hope for the best

- You indeed care for him- I stare at him, to those tired and concern eyes I loved so much-

- For all of you Sephiroth. You all are dear to me- we stood there, silent for a moment, just staring each other-

- … And the feeling is the same towards you- that took me by surprised. So I only smiled-

- I know- the door opened in the lobby- good luck in your mission- he nodded and I only walked to the main door of the building, while he went down the elevator-… and don’t get hurt…

That same night I called Zening and ask him to come to my apartment. I needed to tell him the real truth of what was going on and something else I found out thanks to him and my recovered memories. He arrived an hour after we talked and amazingly Snow recognize him. They haven’t met too much, but it seems he left a good impression in her.

- Your dog surely is impatient- Snow was really excited to see him-

- Yeah, she behaves like that with Zack too

- Ah, that SOLDIER friend of yours

- The same one- we went to the living room-

- So, what do you need to talk with me- I took a deep breath and explained him all the truth I just found out, and how that helped me to tie more loose ends-

- … wow- he was took by surprise too-

- Yeah, I know. A lot to digest-he saw me really concern-

- But are you alright, after what you found out…-I cut him there-

- I am Zening… really, don’t worry

- I hope so

- Anyway, besides you needed to know this, there is something else I figure out thanks to you

- What is it

- Do you remember those pictures you gave me of Hojo, near the entrances of the old tunnels in Midgar slums?

- Yeah, what about them?

- … Hojo is connected to the cult

- What!! How can you know that?- I saw at my hands, then to him-

- One of the memories I have being under Hojo’s hands, is that he is saying the name of the cult’s former leader, whom passed out after my Snap episode in their main central. At first I didn’t gave it too much thought, but then I remembered that that incident occurred underground and it was mistaken by everyone as a mere earthquake under the mountains, so only someone who knew about them would have been able to find me there

- Are you sure there was no other way they could find you?

- No Zening, I was buried deep down under meters of rocks and earth pieces, there was no way they could have find me without knowing

- … And what do you think he does with them?

- They help him getting rid of the “failures” he has on his experiments. There are some strategic places where he dumps them and the cult picks them up later. At first I wasn’t able to understand how they could get the material, the bodies and people to play along…. But know I get it. They do the dirty job for him while Hojo just keeps going with what he wants

- For God’s sake… I never imagined they will be SOO INVOLVED IN THIS. I really thought that what they did to your parents was the main reason for Mr. Darkcross to do all of this against Shinra and that the thing with the cult was a mere coincidence you had to live in the slums, but…

- He altered my memories so that I didn’t forget about the cult and I will take care of them, that’s why he made me believe Shinra was the main culprit of what happened to my parents and that by a mere coincidence the cult found me in the slums and use me till I managed to escape, when in reality they lost me track until not so long ago

- So they never caught you in the slums?

- No. when Alaric betray me back then and sold me to Shinra, I started to escape the slums in a hurry and when they were about to catch me, I bump into the director of CRYSALIDA along with other members. They somehow knew I needed help, so they took me in and I started to live with them

- I see, so we have to be more cautious than we thought

- … there is something else I want you to do for me

- Name it

- I want you to investigate Genesis’s parents

- An why do you want that

- I have a hunch and I need to check it

- In what do you want me to focus mainly?

- Any unnecessary bounds regarding Shinra or Hojo

- Understood- he stood up- do you want me to tell your uncle about it?

- No. I will do it when it’s appropriate

- Okay. If there is nothing else, I’m leaving

- Thanks Zening

- See you later- he got out of my apartment-

I was really concern about Genesis, the feeling I got after touching him, it was like his body was “not organized”. What I mean by that is that it felt like his entire body wasn’t working properly and it seemed to do something else, like degrading itself. If what I think is true, those bastards in Shinra dared to experiment with him sometime since he has been working in there.

I hope that is not the case, or that the rest may have gone the same path.

Even after I prayed and hope nothing bad would keep happening, a few days later we got the news that Genesis, Hollander and a few other people vanished from Shinra facilities without leaving no trace. Me and the guys were weeks trying to contact with him or at least got some news from him, until one day Zening gave the news I feared to hear.

- What?

- He is creating an army with Hollander, they are planning to bring Shinra down

- You are joking right? He is till wounded and what the hell is he doing with Hollander?! Nothing of this makes sense

- I don’t know, but I managed to sight them in the outskirts of Banora. He is very real with this

- Dammit…

- That would explain why he got rid of his cellphone and said nothing to all of you

- … thanks for letting me know

- If I have anything else, I let you know

- Thanks- for all heavens, what are you doing Genesis?-

Unfortunately he vanished again leaving no trace, even for Zening, whom is considered as an Ace regarding searching and spying; I was so frustrated about it but there was nothing else we could do for now; to worsen things, the environment between the guys and I was tense, we couldn’t enjoy nothing without thinking for a while if Genesis, at the very least, was alright. But what concerned me more was that Sephiroth begin to keep more distance with me, like avoiding that we could get closer. I know this is really difficult for him, since he is not used to face his most inner feelings, but why with me? He knows I won’t ever judge him or tell anyone. Did I make a mistake?

Wait. Why do I care so much about it? Oh yeah. It’s because I love him.

Even though I know, he will never love me the same

It aches, a lot. Knowing that I will always love him and never having the chance to tell him. or hearing from his mouth those words. However, since I’m going to die eventually after finishing with the cult, I guess is better that way.

A month after it we had another hit, straight to the friendship we have built so far.

Lazard had ordered Zack, Angeal and Sephiroth to go to Fort tambling to end finally Wutai War and also captured Genesis if they find him there. Shinra decided that Genesis, Hollander and the SOLDIERS that left them were traitors and a danger needed to be exterminated. They had no other choice but to accept it, despite I could see in their eyes the need to not doing it. I was just sitting there, in my desk, while they took the bother to come before going to the mission to tell me all about it.

- … I can’t believe it- I tried not to cry- how did all ended up like this?

- …

- …

- … he took that decision for a reason

- I wished he could tell us that reason…- I saw to them, hoping nothing else happens-

- We thought you needed to know before we left

- Thank you for the detail- Sephiroth kept silent, avoiding my sight-

- We are leaving now. We’ll tell you everything after we get back- I nodded and they started to leave, but something inside me told me that I couldn’t let them go just like that. In an urge I rushed towards the elevator just before Zack entered. I managed to get in front of the door before it get shut an face the three surprised men in front of me-

- Guys, please, come back safely- after saying those words, the doors shut tightly, leaving me there, alone again-