STAMP: Search first. PLEASE. by Emotikonz on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Seriously, this is just basic logic:
:bulletyellow: Even if I get your message right away, it will still take me several minutes to find the answers I think you're looking for and compile them for you.
:bulletyellow: Chances are I don't even have the information you're looking for.
:bulletyellow: Chances are also pretty good the problem has nothing to do with me specifically or anything I have been made or done, but a general question that has been asked many times already. (At best, I or something I have made or done coincides with you needing the information.)

:bulletgreen: Googling (or using Bing) will load within SECONDS.
:bulletgreen: You didn't expect anyone else to do your work for you, so they don't resent you!
:bulletgreen: You alone know exactly what you're looking for, so you alone can know whether you have found it.

Personal Clarification

NB: I am willing to provide help for:
:bulletblack: Problems or questions specific to things I have made or done
:bulletblack: Problems or questions that you believe I can answer that are so rare as to not appear in deviantART's FAQ and Help system or Google's results
:bulletblack: Clarification on using features that I have experience in that are inadequately described in the help/FAQ/etc
:bulletblack: Redirecting to good resource groups such as #Emotication and recommending artists/resources/tutorials (however don't forget you can use deviantART search!)

:bulletblue: How do you shade the text to look recessed? This is something I personally do.
:bulletblue: How do you do that shine effect? I have my own method for soft shine and bubble gloss, so you won't find a tutorial on this.
:bulletblue: Are you going to be making an avatar or [name] since you have done [name] and [name]? This is specific to something I do that you are wanting more information about.
:bulletblue: May I please use [piece] in [project]? Good on you for asking. This is not an aswer Google or dA's FAQ can give since it is based on my choice.

:bulletred: How do I open/unzip a zip/rar file? This... is an unbelievably common question there is PLENTY of help for without even scrolling past the first page . It is not worth waiting the ten minutes to a day-and-a-half for me to receive your message and answer it.
:bulletred: How do u maek stamps/emotes Hey, guess, what? deviantART has a tutorial section! And you can search for stamps, emoticons, or sprites at your leisure! In the case of emoticons, I recommend #Emotication. They have a list of great tutorials, projects, mentors and more!