One Piece OC Profile: Indy by Enjoumou on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

do not use by murasaki55 My Art Is Not Your Template, ETC by Enjoumou Stamp: Effing Dollmakers by Enjoumou
...I hate to have to put these here, but some people evidently don't understand these things -_-

Yes in case anyone was wondering, I did change her name :XD: It used to be 'Indigo' but after some consideration I altered it to 'Indiana' instead. It doesn't really matter, I always call her 'Indy' anyway ;p SO YEAH EVERYONE SLAP YOUR FOREHEAD AND GROAN BECAUSE LOOK ANOTHER LAW PAIRING trololol Well I've had this character for like three years now so that's hardly anything new XD Probably had this profile sitting unfinished on my computer for about that long, too, actually... *looks* NOPE JUST TWO YEARS >_>;


WELL ANYWAY so yeah, this is my Indy bb~ I love her to death actually even though my gallery fails to indicate this fact. She's been going through some revision lately, because as usual I look at my characters and go, "OMG I HATE IT time for a revamp." And I would love to develop her relationship with Law further, but I'm waiting on more information before I get too deep in that. There are too many things that we don't know about him, I can't accurately judge just yet...

So on that note, please forgive the fact that this profile has less information than my others (or dance with joy because there aren't as many walls of text idk XD). I'm still in the process of figuring out exactly how I'd like to play her and what role she will fill in the RP/fanfic, therefore the information here is subject to change (although I suppose that's no different than any of my other characters ;p Everybody is constantly evolving it seems, lol~)

ALSO XD I find it completely hilarious that Law is an entire foot taller than her. I just never imagined he'd be THAT FREAKING TALL and she's always been a shorty but DAMN he's going to tower over her! :XD:

⭐ PLEASE NOTE!! I've been getting a lot of questions from people wanting to know if I would be willing to release a blank template so others can use it. To save anyone else from asking, the answer is always going to be "No" (the only exception I could possibly make is for a close friend). I made this design for myself so that my OCs could have profiles that are unique to me as an artist, and that's important to me. So please, don't ask me if you can use it. Instead, make something that can be unique to you as well! ♥

General Information

AKA "what couldn't fit onto the sheet"

First Appearance

in development

Home Island



"Trigger-Happy" which refers to the fact that she fights with guns and always looks abnormally happy about it.

Fighting Style

Indy prefers ranged combat using a firearm, favoring handguns (like this one) as they are easy to stow and carry around with her as well as quick to draw when needed. When armed, she can be a deadly force, although she is pretty much useless without a weapon; she's small and lacks muscle so she is easily overpowered and when she is unarmed she cannot do much except avoid being hit.



Indiana (or 'Indy' for short) is a bit of a cloudcuckoolander. When asked about her past, she typically makes up something ridiculous or slightly unbelievable and the story changes depending on who asks. She always appears to be cheerful and happily plays along with peoples' perception of her as a weird-yet-harmless and cute girl. She doesn't mind being underestimated and won't correct anyone if they assume that she is weak and not capable of much else aside from a bad joke and a smile. Indy has been something of a nomad for many years, moving from one place to another, never staying in one place long enough to develop any sort of relationships with others. She has a tendency to run when things go badly in life, and they usually do once her berserk persona rears its head. This phenomenon seems to be directly linked to Indy's negative emotions, and she's attempted to control it by stifling those negative feelings, instead forcing herself to laugh it off and smile...which is a rather dangerous game. Bottling up emotions always leads to some sort of breaking point and Indy is no exception.

When in her berserk mode, Indy's firearm skills dramatically increase - she's able to hit targets from long distances with impeccable precision, can take out multiple targets with surprising speed and accuracy, and in this state of mind she's even able to utilize busoshoku haki to encase her bullets in armor. This, unfortunately, does not apply to enemies only. Her berserk persona is cold and self-preserving, and in this state of mind she won't think twice about attacking an ally if he/she is in the way of another target. It lasts until she can manage to pull herself out of it and calm down, though she can also be shocked out of it or physically struck by another person - both methods are quite effective. She's hurt a few innocent people, which has earned her the bounty she's got, and so the marines have also been added to the list of things she runs from.

She mainly floats around in life, not having much of a purpose because she refuses to settle down anywhere. She doesn't have many skills that are actually marketable, although she sometimes makes some extra money by hunting game and selling it when the opportunity presents itself. She tries to find small joys wherever she can, and is often prone to random little acts of generosity, perhaps as some sort of attempt to make amends for things she's done in the past that she's not proud of. On the other hand, she occasionally displays a bit of a dark streak...something that had begun to manifest in her along with the berserk persona after a traumatic childhood event. It often works as a defense mechanism, allowing her to justify things she's done so that her mind isn't consumed by guilt over them (for example: that ally who was wounded during a berserk episode? It's alright. He was most likely going to stab her in the back eventually).

Indy has very many layers and doesn't allow anyone to see who she really is, as she believes that deep down she really isn't a good person. Rather than something she becomes depressed about, this is simply something that she accepts as fact. Indy is a very friendly and cheerful person, which had allowed her to make friends very easily as a child. As an adult, however, she avoids becoming too close to others. She keeps them at arms' length by not allowing them to truly get to know her, and anything she tells them about herself is potentially a lie. She has difficulty in maintaining relationships because once others have seen her darker side, it's difficult for them to trust her again. However, she remains a quite charming individual with an abundance of charisma, and has a talent for talking her way out of bad situations or gaining information from otherwise uncommunicative sources.

Some time after the events of the war at Marineford, Indy finds herself on a mysterious island along with the Heart, Drake and Kid pirates. They all forge an uneasy alliance purely for the sake of getting the hell off the island. Indy and Law were amicable until an unexpected turn of events in which she turned on him and nearly took his head off during a berserk episode. This resulted in Law cutting off her right hand (her gun hand) and leaving her on the island while everyone escaped, presumably left for dead... that's the gist of it ayway. I'm being purposely vague because I actually plan to write about this lol.

Quick Facts



coming eventually


coming eventually

Love Interest

Misc. Information

Other Profiles

Alander Van:
Esparza Senka:
Mara Leitner:…
Portgas D. Jack:
Remi Thayer:

One Piece & all characters (c) Oda
Indy is my fan character