Eothnoguy-Art - Professional, General Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


My Little Virus Chapter 6 ENG

The announcement chilled the blood of the farmers' family. Sweetie Belle, after looking for Scootaloo after his escape, had gone back to the farm alone, her paw bleeding and panicked. Throwing herself at Applejack in tears, she took her directly inside to treat and listen to him. Rainbow Dash, who had come home from Cloudsdale in Wonderbolt outfits, was there too, listening to the jerky story of the ponette. His jaw was coming off as the details. It was no longer standing in place, and before the eyes of the little unicorn, still weeping, the big blue pegasus came out of the farm. Applejack joined her shortly after, having finished bandaging the ponette, seeing her shaking his head, as if to make a decision. - Is everything okay, Rainbow? - I have to find Scootaloo. We have to before something happens to him. But I don’t even know where to start! And, if it is infected, what do I do? -You will find her, I am sure, the farmer reassured. The pegasus blew a blow, bowing his head, which