STU: The Demon - Page 03 by ERA7 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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The third page of "Episode 0: The Demon" from "Spiritus The Universe: Dragons of the Space" series.
This one was harder to make. The last panel was redrawn several times. So the main hero is here but he was late. His wife and whole family are dead or someone could be still alive? We will see it in the next chapters! =)

When all pages will be done the whole issue will be available in original A4 resolution :nod: .

Episode 0: "The Demon" - is the special edition which tells the prehistory about the most dangerous and powerful spiritus in the Universe.

Victor Stroginov's unsuspecting family was abducted by varonjezhies. They took it to use in military experiments with ultimate goal of creating cross-breed species with spirituses. Victor was able to track the kidnappers, however while attempting to free his family he himself became captive. While in prison he was placed in cell next to a mysterious chained prisoner. This mysterious neighbor made a fateful offer, rejection of which, despite the circumstances, forever altered the course of his life...

Varonjezhies* - highly developed reptilian race.

About "Spiritus the Universe" project:

The main events of "The Spiritus" take place in fictional galaxies, narrating stories about militant civilizations and the most fascinating adventures of heroes. "Spiritus" or "spirit" in Latin language is the name of one of the most diverse inhabitants of the universe - spirituses. They are space dragons who often act as the main characters of the universe.:happybounce: The full text version of Episode 0 is already available! ==> :eager: by darkmoon3636

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