Erin-Gamer-90 - Hobbyist, Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


How Sonic X-Treme would have continued

How Sonic X-Treme would've ended. Written by Reece Wooldridge With me (Reece) nolonger doing any writing, and yesterday's news of Kiva cancelling most of his Sonic projects, me and Erin have come to realise we've lost the spark of motivation to continue our series, so we're wrapping it up and calling time on Sonic Xtreme, so we will reveal what was to come from the rest of the series. Season 5 would've taken place a few years after season 4 of Xtreme, with the cities reconstructed, Knothole Village has gotten bigger due to its growing population, and Sonic and Tails are considering proposing to Sally and Fiona. However, after Nicole, Emerl