EukayoticProkaryote - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Deviation Spotlight

Guardian of the Dawn by EukayoticProkaryote, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Snake Charmer by EukayoticProkaryote, visual art


May you find someone to watch over you at night by EukayoticProkaryote, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Protector by EukayoticProkaryote, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Who has proclaimed himself God, this time? by EukayoticProkaryote, visual art






My Bio

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists

Manchester Orchestra, Nothing But Thieves, R.E.M., Genesis, Billy Joel, Hozier, Mae, Matthew And the Atlas, Matthew Good, Vienna Teng, Muse, Neil Diamond, OWEL, Vocal Few

Favourite Books

A Wrinkle in Time, LOTR, Otherland Trilogy, Neverwhere, The Ocean at the End of the Lane

Favourite Games

Ori and the Blind Forest, Antichamber, Skyrim, Sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Sonic Adventure

Favourite Gaming Platform


Tools of the Trade

Depression, Anxiety, ADHD

This sticky journal post serves to keep track of art I have officially agreed to do, or plan on doing. If you don't see yourself here, and I agreed to do one of these things with you, please send me a note and remind me. Thanks. Trades @AverageEarthFolk - Finishing up!. @OptimisticJerk - Done @JaredtheFox92 - Done @Plutalian - @jessalia - @Leafsugar - Done @wisahkecahk - Exchanges @annya-yl - Done Requests @akindofsquid ( - Lineart finished Commissions Gifts *************** ********** @AverageEarthFolk - Design an alien race. @Nightwarriorstar - Done @StarlightHawk - Dove @annya-yl - Quinn interacting with Aether

Is it me, or is there an uptick in art generated from Midjourney on DeviantArt?

Sorry for the lapse in activity, lately. Earlier this year, I decided to learn more about one of the modern theories of Physics, and found, much to my dismay (and chargin), that one of the pillars of my ideas was way off base! But that actually turned put to be a good thing, because it allowed me to see things in a completely different way! In fact, recognizing this failure of mine allowed me make substantial progress with my ideas. Unfortunately, as you might have guessed, I have been focussing more on my physics work and less on my art. And if that weren’t bad enough, I have had certain developments in my life that also contribute to me having less time to work on my art. But take heart! I have been steadily working on a new piece I am pretty excited about. I hope to finish and release it within the next two weeks. As for my physics ideas, I wish I could share what I have found in a way that makes sense to you, but I suspect it will mostly come out sounding like Charlie Brown’s mom. However, I suppose I can offer a little insight into what I am thinking. In particular: 1. Almost all data has hidden complexity. In particular, you can take data, and decompose it into signals in a specific way (similar to how you can take a song and split it into frequencies, or light and split it into colors with a prism). If you do this, the separate signals will create a kind of current, and this current acquires physical laws like Electromagnetism, but it will also be subject to Quantum Mechnical laws (since the signals would act as quantum fields)! 2. For these signals, matter and force-carrying particles (which almost everyone erroneously refers to as energy), are two sides of the same coin! Force carriers can be expressed as matter fields, and matter can be expressed as force fields. 3. These signals also possess momentum-like and energy-like quantites, and these also act like currents (though of monentum/energy, rather than charge). 4. I suspect that gravity emerges from two things: 1. The fact that there is a mathematical analogy between pseudo-forces you get when you measure the world in a non-inertial coordinate system and the electromagnetic 4-potential. (An example would be the coriolis force on pcean currents observed by inhabitants on a rotating ball). 2. The fact that you can apply my main idea a second time, and decompose momentum/energy into signals (in a certain way). 3. This is a stretch, but this might also explain where at least some dark matter comes from, because it would be possible to have momentum that is orthogonal to the current density but not the signals (remember that current density is constructed from these signals, but isn’t the same as them). So, there would be no bosonic/fermionic interaction, even though there would be a gravitational interaction! If I am correct, then, for me, this almost completely answers one of the most fundamental questions of reality one could ask: why is the universe the way it is? And the answer would be: because it (almost) can’t be avoided. At any rate, this is still very much a work in progress, one which is advancing slowly not just due to time constraints, but also die to the fact that Clifford Algebras and Differential Geometry are so difficult to think about and horribly taught (The other day, for example, I made significant progress because, I realized that some mysterious quantity could be expressed as a simple function of the current density.) That being said, I can immediately tell you a fascinating (handwavey) prediction of mine: Things like winds and ocean currents will have hidden complexity. In particular, it is very possible that there are self-organizing, complex…things (perhaps even life, though, that’s a stretch) embedded within the very air we breathe! Furthermore, there is a chance that we could leverage this hidden complexity to make things like water and wind behave in unconventional ways. The idea would be to decompose ocean or air currents into signals in the way that I was speaking of before. There is nothing stopping you from doing this. It is just applying a mathematical transformation as an oscilloscope does to an electric signal. Then apply my ideas to these signals. Voila, you get sub-atomic atoms, molecules, and even chemical and nuclear reactions! And once you know what is there, you can then introduce a signal to the air or water that causes some desired reaction. But don’t be confused. These reactions would exist in some abstract way, and you likely would have to do some pretty clever things before you got a remakable result. Anyway, I am aware that I sound like a raving lunatic at this point, so I’ll stop. I hope to release my next piece of art, soon. Stay tuned!

Profile Comments 282


Thanks for the watch dude.


Your artwork is wonderful, wish I had found you sooner.

Thank you for the kind comment!