Bring on the wonder ch.5 by EvilNurseVoorhees on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Chapter 5

Morndas 17th of Frosfall, 3E 432

Mari had wandered through her cottage aimlessly for two days, her thoughts steadily returning to the recent events. She couldn't believe how the tables had turned. Couldn't believe what she had done. She did feel bad about the little kiss she had given the probably most meanspirited Dunmer on all of Nirn. She had tried to reason with herself, that it was only a quick peck on the cheek, nothing more. But she failed miserably at convincing herself that it meant nothing. She sighed deeply, looking out of her window. Snow had fallen overnight, blanketing her yard in a thin white layer. It was just a reminder, that winter was coming. She could smell it in the wind already. And once the real winter storms hit, she would be trapped inside her little home. Trapped with her thoughts about a certain Dunmer. It was the time of year she hated most. Pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, she pulled her thick winter coat tightly around her shoulder. Again, she found her thoughts wandering to the moody Dunmer, she feared so much. But despite her fear of him, there was something else. Something that made her feel guilty. Deep down she asked herself if she feared him this much after all. He had proven to be only the one who stood up for her when no one else would. And perhaps, his hateful demeanour did hide a gentler soul. She shook her head.

It was only to say thank you,

She thought, as she finally stepped out into the cold and made her way over towards the stable.

Yet, I feel like I have betrayed my husband.

With a heavy heart, she looked around. Every inch reminded Mari of her beloved Gerard. He had built her homestead, it was his dream to live on a small farm out in the wild. If only he had not chosen this patch of land. She would have been happy in Highrock as well. Or somewhere along the Gold Cost. Living here was harsh and it birthed harsh people. With a small smile on her lips, she thought of the day they met in Wayrest. She still remembered it quite vividly, as if it had been yesterday. His brown doe eyes had struck her like a lightning bolt. His touch had always been soft and tender and he had treated everybody with respect and kindness. And he had loved her above all. In a sad gesture, she touched her silver wedding band. There had not been a single day when she had not thought of him, not wished that he would return. But now she found her thoughts gradually wandering to Uvani, who was so very different from her beloved Gerard. That Dunmer was old, moody, rough, hateful and very dangerous. That man was a killer, she had seen it in his eyes. Had felt his rage and she was sure that she would be dead if that brave Khajiit had not intervened. But still, she could not stop herself from thinking about him. About his hands and eyes. True, he had helped her with Edin and had risked an injury for her, but this did not rectify the behaviour he had shown earlier towards her. So what was it, she saw in this Dunmer?
With a long sigh, she pulled herself into the saddle of her old brown mare and made for Bruma. The recent events had shown her that she had to do something about Edin. In hindsight, Olav was right about reporting him.

Nearly an hour later, Mari sat nervously on a wooden chair in front of a massive wooden desk. To keep calm, she played with the silver ring on her left hand, turning it around and around in an endless motion. Opposite of her, Burd, Captain of the Bruma Guard scribbled something on a parchment. The scratching on the feather tugged on her already tense nerves even more.
After what felt like hours to the little woman the guard finally looked up.

“So, let me recap.”

Burd said in a grave tone of voice.

“You are filing a report against Edin Asgerson for assault and stalking?”

There was an air of doubt in his voice as he stared the Breton woman down. Mari nodded timidly.

“Y-yes. He is following me around Bruma for a while now.”

Burd shook his head.

“Following you around the town is no crime, Mari. Every citizen is free to go wherever they want, as long as they don't break the law. I fear there is nothing we can do...”

“But it's not only following around! It has gotten worse! I already told you!”

Mari interjected angrily. Burd straightened a bit.

“Edin tried to kiss me, he grabbed my arm and told me, that he would make love to me. That sounds like rape to me...”

In an angry motion, the Breton pulled the sleeve of her dress up, revealing a hand-shaped bruise around her wrist. Burd sighed.

“Look. Skyrim birthed many tough warriors, male and female. He is a young hothead and lacks manners. You are if you don't mind me saying, an attractive young woman. He just doesn't know how to court you properly. He has not really hurt you, now has he?”

“Haven't you seen my bruise? He grabbed my arm and forced a kiss on me. If it wasn't for that travelling merchant, he would have done more!”

The captain of the guard tilted his head to the side.

“The same travelling merchant, that threatened you and tried aggravated assault with magic on you?”

Mari just stared at Burd for a long moment, too shocked and surprised to say anything. Burd saw her surprise and explained.

“We had a tip from a concerned citizen, that there is a travelling Dunmer merchant, that threatened to burn and hurt people at random. We are looking into that matter at the moment and consider banning that mer from entering the town. It came to our attention, you had a run-in with him earlier this year?”

“Well... yes. But that was a misunderstanding. He just wanted to be left alone and I intruded on his personal space... Can we come back to Edin now? I'm complaining about him, not a grumpy Dunmer.”

The guard looked down at his parchment for a moment, before letting out a long drawn-out sigh.

“I fear, there is nothing we can do as for now. He has not broken the law, at least not that we were aware of. If you like we can keep an eye on him, but as long as he doesn't do anything more severe than trying to steal a kiss from you, we can't help you.”

Mari's eyes widened a bit.

“You mean, as long as he does not force himself on me right in the middle of a street you will look away? Well... What about I look away, next time one of your guards gets hurt?”

Mari was shaking with barely contained anger. Burd only shrugged.

“That would be a failure to assist a person in danger and could be fined with 3600 Septims or one year prison.”

Mari glared at the Captain for a couple of heartbeats, before she got up and briskly walked out. Behind her, the door to the captain's office slammed shut and Mari released a breath she wasn't aware she was holding. She had not anticipated that kind of outcome when she entered the office. She had hoped, Burd would be able to help her, but she was once again on her own. With her head hanging low, she made her way to the castle gate. But after a few steps, she heard her name being called. Turning around, she recognised Pinarus Mussillius, the guard she had treated for a couple of weeks. A smile lit her face up, as she saw the man back on duty again.

Edin was still fuming as he walked down the icy road outside the city. His anger was directed towards Mari. She had humiliated him. Worse even, she had betrayed him and met with a Greyskin behind his back. An old, ugly Greyskin. He balled his hand into a tight fist. He had it wrapped in a bandage but the ointment underneath did little to ease the pain from his burns. Mari had made him burn himself. But Edin knew he would forgive her. They belonged together. She loved him as much as he loved her. They were destined to be together, she would bear his children. And he was determined to do everything necessary to bind her to him. Forever.
Edin looked around, making sure, he was not followed.

First, I'll make sure, she has no means of transportation.

Edin thought to himself. He had learned, that she lived somewhere in the wilderness. He had not figured out where exactly, but that was only a matter of time. And when he did, he would visit her and keep her warm at night.

But maybe, if she has to walk all the way, she will stay in Bruma. It's cold and dark and very dangerous. Sweet Roll is not a stupid woman.

He smirked, again looking around. He knew, that Mari was running errands in the Castle, it would surely take her a while to get out of there again. And he had bribed the stablehand as soon as Mari had arrived. Mari's mare was a tame beast, willingly following him along, as he led it down the road towards Applewatch. That was a dangerous stretch of land, full of wolves and bears and bandits. Accidents could happen there.
Edin stopped, as he felt he had gone far enough and looked around carefully. He didn't want to run into an Imperial forester for now. They would come in handy later on, however. Slowly he turned towards the horse, who chewed its bit calmly.

“What a good old girl.”

Edin mumbled stroking the mare's nose. Without warning, he stabbed his knife into the mare's throat and slashed it open. The old horse reared in shock. Edin let go of her as she galloped away, but after only a few feet, the horse collapsed into the snow. Steam rose from the crimson puddle that formed around her body. Edin smirked.

Now it's only a matter of time until a forester will find her. The crows will lead them to the carcass. And poor little Sweetroll will need a shoulder to cry on.

Satisfied with his work, he wiped the blood off his knife. The stablehand will tell the guards that something spooked the horses and she ran away into the wild, where she fell prey to a bear. Or a bandit. Still smiling, he sauntered back to Bruma.

Mari felt exhausted as she finally made her way out of the castle. Sure, chatting with Mussillius was rather nice and she had received a little present from his wife, but she could not fully concentrate on their conversation. She still was in turmoil, her mind painting horrible pictures of what could happen when Edin found her alone.
And then there had been a small accident. An elderly Nord had slipped on ice and dislocated her shoulder. Mari, of course, had offered her service in healing the old woman. It took her a bit of time, but the outcome was satisfactory and the woman was more than a little thankful. Still, the Breton yearned for the warmth of her bed and the security of her home.

Let's just hope I don't run into Edin, he's the last one I want to see...

She was about to approach the main gate when a guard ran up to her.

“Mari Parean?”

Mari froze, there was something in the guard's voice that did not sit well with her. Slowly she turned to face the Imperial, a muscular guy by the name of Rallan Venoncius.

“Yes. What can I do for you.”

The guard cleared his throat.

“I'm sorry, but I have to inform you that your horse has died.”

Mari blinked a couple of times, trying to process the information.

“Girl? Dead? But how? She was fine this morning.”

Rallan sighed.

“According to the stablehand, the horses got spooked and she ran away. Looked like she fell prey to a pack of wolves.”

Mari wrung her hands, shaking her head simultaneously. Her old mare was not easily spooked, it was uncharacteristic for her to just run away. Something did not seem right. She looked up at the guard and was just about to open her mouth when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

“Sweet roll. My poor darling. I'm so sorry.”

Rolling her eyes Mari turned around to see Edin saunter over to her with open arms. Beside her, the guard turned away but Mari held him back.

“Rallan, please wait a moment.”

She said while pushing Edin away from her. She was appalled by how matter of factly he went in for a hug. A hug she did want as much as fleas.

“Edin, you are the last person I want to see. Not now, not ever!!”

The Breton woman hissed. A brief shadow crossed the Nord's face, but he shook himself.

“Don't be that way, my love. I just want to help you. It's a shame your horse died, you'll surely need a place to stay for the night.”

He paused and winked.

"I would keep you warm and save."

“And I would not stay with you, even if you were the last person in all of on all of Nirn! Do you think I forget so easily? You assaulted me.”

There it was again, that shadow crossing his face. It made her uncomfortable. The young man held his hand up.

“But sweet roll, you owe me one. I've been injured because of you.”

Mari huffed.

“You were injured, because you attacked an innocent bystander! Now leave me alone!”

Beside her, the guard began to shift uncomfortably and Mari turned to him.

“Take me to my horse.”

The Imperial's eyes widened a little.

“I don't think...”

“Please. I had her for such a long time, I want to say my goodbyes.”

The Imperial sighed.

“Very well. Then follow me, but I have to warn you, it's not a pretty sight.”

The small woman nodded and started to follow the guard out of Bruma. As they were about to pass the main gate, Mari again held the guard back and half turned around. Edin had been following them.

“I want to say my goodbyes in peace. Without you anywhere around Edin. I don't want to see you ever again.”

And yet again there was this shadow, the Breton recognised as barely suppressed anger. And of course, Edin began to protest until the Bruma city guard lost his temper as well.

“I think it's enough now. The lady wants to be left alone, and she is obviously upset with you. Leave now, and you won't get into trouble.”

Edin gasped in anger. How dared the guard talk to him like this? He balled his hands into tight fists, but seeing that the guards at the gate were looking over to them as well he had no other choice but to walk away. Before he left, however, he grabbed the small woman by the arm and hissed.

“You'll be very sorry for this Sweet roll. I offered you a better life, and you waste it on a Greyskin and an Imperial? I'll think I'll have to punish you my little sweet roll when you get home. A good spanking should put some sense into your pretty head again, don't you think?”

Mari's eyes grew wide, not knowing what to do or what to say. This Nord began to creep her out and her mind was racing. Just as she was about to protest, the Rallan's hand wandered to his sword.

“You there, STOP!”

He barked, drawing even more attention to the trio. Edin let go of the small Breton's arm immediately, raising both hands in a defensive gesture.


With that, he walked off, visibly fuming. Mari swallowed dryly. She had the feeling that this was far from over and worse would follow.

Maybe when winter hits and I'm not getting out of my cottage his mood will cool a little,

She thought warily. Her thoughts were disrupted by a heavy hand, landing on her shoulders.

“You ok?”

Rallan Venoncius, the guard, asked. Mari nodded, while the Imperial led her out of the city.

“That did not look right, you know?”

Again, she only nodded, then added.

“I tried to report him just a couple of hours ago. He had tried to force a kiss on me. He doesn't get, that I'm not interested. But Captain Burd said that you cannot do anything about him. Have you heard what he just said? He would punish me? Spank me? I think Edin is insane! I told him time and time again, that I'm married and have no interest in him!”

Rallan huffed.

“If he tries something again, call me. By the way, what did he mean you are wasting your time on Greyskins and Imperials?”

The Breton sighed with a shrug.

“I'm not sure. I think the Greyskin might refer to the Dunmer who helped me last Fredas. I'm starting to fear, that Edin might think I have some kind of relationship with the Dark Elf...which I have not. I barely know the guy.”

The guard stared at her intently for a long moment.

“That does not bode well, Mari. And funny that you are mentioning a Dunmer. Rumours are going around about a Dunmer merchant, that attacks at random.”

A small smile grazed her lips, as she thought about said Dunmer, then shook her head.

“No. He's not attacking at random. Granted, he is one unhappy, grumpy mer with a short fuse, but he just wants to be left alone. As far as I know, he enters the city by nightfall, heads straight for the Inn, pays for his room and food and is gone the next morning. Ask Olav."

Rallan just nodded and a few moments later they arrived at the carcass of Mari's mare. As the Breton saw her poor horse, tears started to well up in her eyes. A big pool of blood around the neck had melted the snow away. Crows had already picked her eyes out and wolves had started to disembowel her. There was still an expression of terror on her horse's face, that made Mari's heart heavy.

“I had her for 15 years.”

She told Rallan with a breaking voice.

“She was a good girl, never once ran away.”

And then her eyes narrowed on the throat of the mare. Frowning she stepped closer to her poor horse.

“The stablehand told you she got spooked and ran away?”

“Why yes?”

The guard perked up at her suspicious tone of voice.

“Well, I have never seen a wolf cut its prey's throat before. Or how would you explain this wound?”

Rallan frowned and stepped beside the small Breton. Indeed, now pointed out, the cut to the horse's throat was more than obvious. Mari clasped her small hand around Rallan's arm, as realisation finally hit her.

“Edin did this...”

Her voice was thin and toneless. The gaze of her bright blue eyes met with the Imperial dark ones.

“He wanted me to stay with him. So he slashed her throat. He robbed me of a way home. Or maybe he wanted to follow me there.”

The city guard sighed deeply.

“You have no evidence, that Edin did this. Here are enough bandits roaming the countryside. As well as goblins. True, Edin is acting rather oddly, but these are serious accusations.”

Mari nodded, disappointment and fear weighing heavy on her shoulders.

I know it was him. I just know it.

She thought, staring down at her poor old girl.

By midnight, Alval Uvani finally arrived in Bravil and made his way to the Lonely Suiters Lodge. He was exhausted. So exhausted indeed that he took his food into his rented room. He sat cross-legged on the bed and wolfed his meal down. And while he did, his thought returned to Bruma as they had so often the last two days. With an angry growl, he shook his head, trying to ban all thoughts of her.
They had enough problems in the Brotherhood, he did not need any outside distractions. And yet it was exactly what happened. He was distracted. Greatly. He found himself barely listening at the meeting earlier this day. He knew he should have, as they were discussing a purification of Lachance's sanctuary. But instead of listening, he found himself daydreaming about her. Fantasying about the kiss she gave him, again. Alval knew how foolish he was. It was little more than a quick peck on the cheek, nothing more nothing less. A thank you because he had stood up for her against her Nord friend. And yet, she had kept him under her spell with this little gesture, until his body yearned for her. And it already had gotten to a point, where he couldn't bear it anymore. He found a little release, as he was attacked by one unwise bandit on the road. The poor bastard had screamed and fought him but to no avail. He had unleashed his anger on him until he felt spent and drained. It had been a little bit better then, but still, his thoughts wandered to her again and again. It made him furious, with himself, with her and with the world in general.

This bitch will be the death of me.

He thought silently fuming while kicking his shoes away. He threw himself on the bed with a huff. With his hands crossed beneath his head, he stared up at the ceiling.

How could I let myself get involved so easily? After all those years?

He asked himself. She wasn't the first pretty face he met on his travels. And not the first friendly woman he had met. Though he preferred the niceties of the ladies of the night. They kept quiet and stayed in his arms until they were paid. No fuss, no feeling. Just sex.

She must have used some kind of spell on me.

He mused, though he guessed, that it was her eyes, that reminded him of another life. One so long ago. He didn't even know much about her. All he could gather was her working as a freelance healer in Bruma. Even J'Ghasta couldn't tell him more. Said, she lived somewhere between Bruma and Cheydinhal up in the Jerall Mountains. A piece of information that was not very helpful. He sighed deeply.

Maybe I should just kill her, next time I see her in Bruma.

With that thought, he closed his eyes. It was late already, their meeting had taken longer than expected. Lucien Lachance had fought for his Sanctuary as a good father would, but finally, Ungolim had decided that a Purification should be performed. Alval tried to ease his mind down. The way from Bravil to Skingrad was a long and dangerous one and he should be well-rested.
Moments later his eyes snapped open, as a small warm hand rested on his lower leg. Slowly and very tenderly the hand made its way up, over his knee and thigh. He sat up and was surprised to see Mari, in a very revealing gown sitting next to him on the bed.

How did she get in here so quietly?

He opened his mouth to say something, but she pressed her index finger against his lips and shushed him. With a seductive smile, she inched closer, letting her slender hands rest on his chest.

“Hello, Alval.”

She whispered.

“I've missed you.”

Gently she pressed her lips on his while straddling his hips, pressing him down in the process. The Dunmer stared up at her, his eyes wide in a mixture of bewilderment and lust. Their kiss deepened and their tongues began to fight for dominance. His hands travelled down the length of her spine and over her backside, stroking her cheeks gently.

“How did you get here.”

He mouthed his thoughts between kisses. She straightened up, hand pressed firmly against his abs and moved her hips in a circular movement over his loins. He bit his lower lip to suppress a moan, while he rubbed her breasts. His dark hands stood in stark contrast to her pale skin. She threw her head back, letting her wavy hair cascade down her back.

“I've missed you so much Alval.”

One of her hands reached behind her and moments later her fingers gently played with his private parts. He couldn't stop himself from groaning out in pleasure. Mari lifted her hip only to ease herself on him. He gasped out. She was so hot and tight. She started to move slowly, bending forward and biting his lower lip tenderly.

“Come on Alval. Take me.”

She whispered. He buried his head deep into his pillow and closed his eyes, while she picked up her pace. It was then, he was hit by a thought. He had never told her his first name. His eyes snapped open and he sat up in one movement, looking around the room panting and sweating.
He was alone, still laying on the bed fully closed.

It was all a dream...a damn dream...

He thought, looking down at the telltale signs of his fantasies, uncomfortably trapped in his pants. With a low growl, he took care of his needs.

Dear Sithis why do you test me so...

Mari had waited outside the city until night fell then she made for the long walk home. She was not carrying any light source with her. She knew, that the road was dangerous but she did not want to stay in the city any longer. Did not want to take the chance that Edin might follow her. As she walked her senses were all on high alert. It was not only Edin that planted fear in her heart, but there were also wild animals and creatures. Still, her thoughts wandered back to the young Nord and the recent events. He was young and strong and good-looking. And quite insane. That her mare had been killed, was no coincidence.

Why in all Oblivion has he chosen me? Some Nordwomen are younger than me. More fit and pretty...

The fingers of her right hand closed around her wedding band, and absentmindedly she began to turn the ring around her finger.

If only Gerard was here...

And then her thoughts began to drift to another man. How she had been afraid of Uvani and with good reason. Lately, however, she felt a shift in his demeanour towards her. His gaze still gave her chills, even after he had helped her. His eyes were still cold and she could tell that he could be ruthless. But still...

Her musings were disrupted by the thundering of hooves in the darkness behind her. Her heartbeat sped up in fear and she looked around frantically for something she could defend herself with. The rider approached her at a fast pace and Mari grabbed for the small knife she had in the pocket of her coat. It was not much, but it gave her a sense of security. Then the warm glow of a light spell hit her and the rider slowed his impressive draft horse down to a stop. The rider jumped down in one fluid motion and closed the distance to the young Breton woman. Strong warm fingers closed around Mari's wrist, where she held the knife. The other warm hand landed on her shoulder. Blinking Mari stared up into a set of mismatched coloured eyes, darkened by a concerned scowl while relief washed over her. His gravelly voice anchored her back into reality.

“By Mephala, Mari. I'm glad, I found you!”

Putting her knife away the little Breton woman went to hug the Dunmer mage.

“Sorilkad? Where did you come from? I didn't know you were in town...”

The mage looked around carefully, scanning the landscape.

“I arrived back from some errands by the darkest hour of the night. Rumours in Bruma are running rampant about all kinds of tragic accidents and other crimes. I heard about you being attacked and that your horse had been killed.”

Mari nodded sadly.

“Yes. My poor old girl. That stupid guy has slashed her throat.”

The Morrowind native straightened and bit his lip ring in thought.

“Looks like we have to chat. Seriously, Mari, I'm quite concerned. But first I'll take you home. Come on, I'll help up you on Fetcher.”

Half an hour later, Sorilkad entered Mari's little home. Despite being a heavy warhorse, the smokey grullo was faster than her old mare. Now they settled down by the fireplace, which the mage lit with a well-measured firebolt. In front of each of them stood a steaming cup of tea. The Breton woman tugged nervously on a strand of hair.

“You are the first visitor I had in years.”

She paused, before adding

“If I had known you were coming, I'd cleaned a bit better.”

The Dark Elf took a good look around. Her small cottages had only one big room with a central fireplace. In one corner stood a big bed, in the other next to the kitchen a small table with two chairs. It was very sparsely furnished.

“It looks fine to me, don't worry.”

He said though he did pity her for living here.

To think she lives here alone, that's depressing. I at least have guildmates albeit annoying once. And my servants at my humble abode out in the wild...and Caman eating all my supplies

Sorilkad thought but then turned his full attention to the small woman.


He stated in his gruff low voice.

“What is it with that asshole wizard and you? First, he tried to burn your face off and now he attacked you again and killed your horse?”

He paused shaking his head.

“I told you to come to me. I'd just love to have a … with him.”

For a long moment, Mari just stared at her friend not quite grasping the meaning of the mer's word. Finally, she drew a deep breath and told her friend.

“Sorilkad... that is not quite what happened. Where have you heard that nonsense? You are the second one today, who thought I was attacked by Uvani.”

The tall sorcerer frowned, his scowl deepening in the process.

“Nonsense you say. Very well. Looks like someone is going around telling bullshit rumours.”

He stood up and started pacing in front of the fireplace, twirling his goatee in deep thought. After a while, he fixed his eyes on the small Breton woman, who had quietly sipped on her tea. A shiver ran down Mari's spine. She had always found Dunmer eyes unsettling but Sorilkad's gaze gave her chills. His good eye had the colour of freshly shed blood and his sclera was as dark as the ashes of his homeland. But the other one, that blank stare out of milky white reminded her of the dead.

“Someone is messing with you, Mari. Royally. Now, I may be able to help you. But first I need some informations.”

A thankful smile lit the woman's face up, though she wasn't quite sure how a simple mage could help her.

Maybe he has friends in higher places. The guilds are mighty.

She thought before she finally asked.

“What do you need to know?”

Sorilkad huffed.

“Everything evidently. Tell me about the S'wit...Uvani, right? He's in this, even though he might not be aware of it yet.”

Mari sighed. Uvani was the last mer she wanted to think about. He already occupied her thoughts more than she liked.

“Sorilkad. Please sit down, you are making me nervous. This is not an interrogation, now is it?”

The mer smirked darkly.

“Not yet.”

He grumbled but sat down.

“I met Uvani at Olav's Tap and Tack. He's a regular and comes to the city every Fredas evening and is gone by Loredas noon. He's a merchant of some sort. Anyway. I made the mistake of sitting down at his table and got into an argument. He has a short fuse I guess.”

“And because of that argument, he tried to fry you.”

Sorilkad concluded. Mari shrugged with a lopsided grin.

“ be honest, he tried to fry me after I emptied a cup of boiling tea into his face.”

She explained, her fingertips ghosting over her cheek. She still was a little shaken by that event. But the more trouble Edin gave her the more Uvani's misstep seemed to fade from her memory. Sorilkad huffed.

“What a sissy.”

“After that, I ignored him and we did not speak any further. But...there is a Nord, Edin. I think he is responsible for Girl's death and all those rumours.”

One eyebrow on the mage's face went up.

“How come?”

“Edin is following me around for a while now. At first, I thought, he has a harmless crush on me...but it evolved into something much worse.”

Mari paused, taking a sip of her tea while thinking about all her run-ins with the young Nord.

"It started with him calling me pet names and waiting for hours at the city plaza while I was working. But lately, he tries to force me into marriage with him. Last Fredas he became violent. He followed me into Olav's tavern, he grabbed me and told me 'I will make you love me'. He would not take no for an answer....”

Sorilkad had straightened up as he heard the petit woman's tale. He did not like what he heard, it raised so many red flags. Shaking his head with a low growl he stood up and began his pacing again.

“Did you call the guards on him?”

Mari sighed.

“No. But that wizard, Uvani, actually got between Edin and me.”

Mari laughed, a quick-dry laugh.

“You know. Of all the people inside the tavern, this grumpy mer was the only one who stood up for me and got Edin to leave. The others were whether too drunk or too afraid of Edin to do something.”

Again Mari paused a moment, her thoughts briefly returning to the moment, Uvani stepped out of the shadows. There had been something in his eyes, something deadly. She shook herself and shrugged in a helpless gesture.

“I tried to report Edin to the guards today, but Captain Burd was not very helpful. As I left, I was told my horse got spooked and ran away. Edin was there too, offering me a place to stay. I declined of course and then he threatened to punish me. Wanted to 'spank some sense into me '.”

Sorilkad turned towards the Breton his eyebrows raised in surprise.

“Your horse's death is certainly no coincidence. And you are in grave danger, little Mari. He will not stop.”

He paused and a malicious grin appeared on his features.

“Do you remember my dear old friend? He would just love to ruff Edin up a bit. Especially when I tell him about the assault. Edin might be a strong young guy, but Caman is a streetwise bastard. Edin would never lay a finger on you again. Given he would have some fingers left after Caman is through with him.”

Mari chuckled, the thought of the red-haired brute teaching the young Nord manners was indeed entertaining. But soon she got serious again.

“Sorilkad. I went to see my poor old Girl. She wasn't attacked by wolves. Well, not while she was alive. Someone had slashed her throat.”

The mer's head perked up.

“Someone who bribed the stablehands as it would appear.”

A long silence fell on them. Each of them in deep thought. Outside the wind had picked up and howled around the cottage. Sorilkad put another log on the fire before turning to the Breton.

“This does not bode well. Neither for you nor anyone close to you. This Edin is delusional. It would be best for you not to show up in Bruma for a while.”

Mari stood up herself.

“I know, but I need to restock supplies. Winter is coming. And when the snow starts falling, my trips will become less frequent anyways. And now without a horse, it'll be a demanding trip.”

Sorilkad nodded slowly.

“I see.”

He grumbled and moved over to the window. For a long time, he stared into the dark, but when he turned, he had a smile on his face.

“The horse is no problem. You can have Fetcher. He'll cope well with the snow and... “

“Your horse? No, I cannot accept that. I can't leave you stranded here on foot!”

Sorilkad laughed haughtily.

“Oh, now don't you worry about this old mer. I still can rent a horse from the stables in Bruma. Besides I may have some tricks up my sleeve.”

He closed their distance and placed his hands on her shoulder. Mari looked up into his eyes, which had turned soft. Having a horse again would be a major help in getting through the winter.

“But I want you to be safe. You living here all alone does not sit right with me.”

The dark elf continued, his voice soft, yet serious.

“Come with me outside. I'll need to take my leave anyways.”

The Breton's gaze wandered to the window.

“Now? It's the middle of the night.”

Sorilkad shrugged.

“Yes, but the sooner I go, the sooner I arrive at the Arcane University.”

Mari blinked in confusion yet followed Sorilkad outside into the cold.

“And how will you get to the City at this time of night? It's a long way.”

“Don't worry, I'll manage.”

The dark elf went over to the stable and gently patted the nose of his stallion while whispering something into his ear. The grullo rubbed his head against his master's shoulder and then resumed eating, while the mage pulled a dark robe out of his saddlebag.
Sorilkad stepped into the middle of the yard, taking a look around. Turning away from the woman he closed his eyes and silently muttered a summoning spell. Behind him, Mari shook herself as an involuntary shiver ran down her back.


She asked in a small voice. Somehow it felt like the atmosphere had changed. The mage turned back to her, and seeing her discomfort he put his warm hands on her shoulder again.

“Mari. I don't like that you live out here alone. You need protection. Let me gift something to you to make yourself feel safe."

Mari raised a suspicious eyebrow while thinking of how he could give her safety without him being here. But then she heard slow footsteps behind her and as she turned she stared into the empty eyesockets of an undead guardian.

"What... How...Sorilkad? Where did that thing come from?"

The small woman was confused, but the dark elf chuckled darkly and pointed towards the skeleton.

"Her name is Fara. She will protect you and follow you if you give the command. Nothing will sneak past her. She was on ferocious little Bosmer once."

Mari looked from the skeleton to the mage and for the first time, she felt intimidated by his presence. There was something dark about her friend, she had never noticed before.

“That thing will not stay in my house!”

Malur shrugged with a smug grin.

“The cold won't bother her, she can't get any deader.”

He paused, putting his hand under Mari's chin and raised her head. For a moment he studied her face with a stern expression.

“I'm really worried about you. Edin will not let go so easily. I fear you are in danger... as is that asshole mage. My guess is, that this Nord will take revenge on him as well. And I fear he will try to kill you if he can't have you. If you need something, you'll find me at Chadlew Chapel. You are welcome to stay there as long as you want if you deem it unsafe out here."

Mari smiled up at her Dunmer friend thankfully. Sorilkad gave her one last courtesy nod, then turned away to leave her homestead. But before he could disappear in the dark, Mari held him back.

“Sorilkad. Be careful with the dark arts, please. It's dangerous magic.”

He just smiled at her and left. After he had disappeared in the darkness, the Breton turned to the skeleton. It was clad with light leather armour and clutched a sword in its hand. Mari sighed and shuttered, while the undead stood in front of her, swaying softly.

"Now don't look at me like this."

Mari sighed again, not knowing what to do with her newfound guardian. But the skeleton just turned around and started guarding the yard. The Breton woman bit her lips, feeling a bit bad for it to stay outside, but then again, it was dead already. She finally went inside, yet did not find any sleep. She sat in front of her fireplace, deep in thought until the sun rose over the mountains, and yet she was none the wiser about what to do

Sorilkad had only walked far enough from the little farm to be in private. There he pulled his black robe over his warm tunic and pulled the hood over his head and a scarf over his nose. He took one last glance around, before he closed his eyes, drawing a deep breath and calling upon his magicka. As he opened his eyes again, they glowed in an eerie green light. Every sound died around him, as the wildlife felt the surge of power. The atmosphere had completely changed, the air grew denser and the prickle of magicka felt like thousands of ants on his skin. Despite the icy winds blowing down the Jerall Mountains an electrically charged wind started to swirl over the ground, picking up dirt in the process. The whirlwind grew until it opened a portal. Inside it looked like clouds of black and red moved in a circular motion, highlighted by lightning. The faint hoofbeats of a galloping horse could be heard in the distance. Only seconds later a skeletal beast jumped out of the portal screeching in an otherworldly voice. The magic wind died down and the unworldly beast went to greet Sorilkad, by nudging his shoulder. The Dunmer mage gently patted the horse's head with a smile.

“Hello, Ur'bro.”

The skeleton horse nudged his shoulder nibbling at his robe, before pressing his head against it's masters chest. Sorilkad ran his thumbs softly over his lower mandibles.

“Come, my good boy, well have a bit of fun.”

Half an hour later the stable hand woke up and stepped outside of the small hud next to the stables. He woke up, as the horses had become restless and whinnied in fear. His eyes grew round and his heart dropped as he looked into the pen. The small white-brown ponies stood huddled together in the farthest corner, while directly in front of him stood a brown mare. Her tail swished back and forth as the stablehand took an insecure step forward. As the horse raised its head a little, the light from his open door fell on her. The stablehand stumbled backwards and fell. The mare's eyes were gone and there was a long gash along her neck. Her stomach had been ripped open, the entrails were missing and on one side the rips were showing. It was the horse of healer Parean, the one Edin had led away to kill. The mare pounded its hoove on the floor. The man tried to crawl away from him, as he saw a movement out of the corner of his eyes. Sweat began to pour out of every pore of his body, despite the chill of the night. He wanted to scream, but his throat was tight. A dark-clad figure slowly moved towards him, leading a skeletal horse by the reigns. Slowly the man bend down and grabbed the stablehand by the collar pulling him up. The Nord stared at the necromancer in fear. Cold, green glowing eyes stared back at him out of the shadows of the black hood.

“That horse belonged to a woman very dear to me.”

A dark gravelly voice hissed.

“She is under my protection. If you ever give her horse to Edin again, this...”

He pointed at the half-eaten horse.

“This will be you!”

The stablehand's gaze wandered from the necromancer to the horse.

“Are we clear?”

The dark mage rasped, shaking the old Nord for good measure.


He only managed. For a moment the grip on his collar tightened and then the stablehand was released. The dark-robed man straightened, fixing the gaze of his glowing eyes on the Nord for a couple of heartbeats longer before he pulled himself up into the saddle of the skeletal beast. As he trotted away, Mari's old mare followed him, leaving only a scared Nord behind.
The Nord scrambled to get into the safety of his hood, only then realising the wetness between his legs.