Burrowing Gorgon by EvolutionsVoid on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Be wary of the gorgons that slither deep below the earth. The crude tunnels are their kingdom and the dark caverns their throne. Brazen claws tear through earth and stone, and their jutting teeth chew through iron and flesh alike. The winding labyrinth below is scarred by their many spines, as they wriggle through the dirt like worms. From their head comes a mass of tendrils, like a nest of squirming vipers. They claw and probe at the darkened world around them, seeking the faint trails and hints of prey. They touch and taste the earth, following the slightest trace in hopes of finding an unfortunate meal. Prey that is lost in their tunnels is easily tracked and cornered, while victims up above will find the ground bursting from below their feet. Though their claws can rip through armor and their serpentine bodies can crush bone, the gorgon seeks to keep its prey alive. The gorgon does not want a shredded corpse, rather it wants fearful, staring eyes so that it may meet their gaze. Those who look into the obscene eyes of the gorgon will feel their flesh harden into stone, turning them into lifeless and terrified statues. Upon these petrified corpse the gorgon shall feed, gnawing away at the rock with its incisors. What nutrients or energy it gains from these frozen victims is unknown, but all gorgons eagerly devour every last crumb and pebble.

Those who seek the glory of killing one of these beasts should not take this task lightly. The myths and tales do not lie of their ferocity and power. Their claws and teeth can outmatch any weapon, and their horrible gaze can make the slightest mistake fatal. Closing one's eyes when faced with its sight will only do so much, as the gorgon has many ways to get what it wants. They are torturous and cruel when they snare a resisting victim, playing with their food until it begs for the painless death their eyes can bring. Even if you are free of its grip, their vicious cunning can be seen as you delve into their maze-like home. Taunts and false strikes from the many tunnels and shadows will birth fear in the hears of warriors, bringing out the panic that will easily seal one's fate.

If one truly wishes to slay a gorgon, then they should be wary of this one thing. As they grow and age, their very flesh shall turn to bronze. Skin and scales will slowly fall away to reveal a brazen shell that no blade can pierce. Starting at the tip of their tail and the claws of their fingers, the shedding will inch its way upward with each passing decade. The head of the beast is the last to harden, and when that happens, no man shall ever slay them. The lands of the ancient gorgons are ones long abandoned, as their reign is absolute and eternal. In those places, hope no longer remains, only the immortal beasts that rule below the earth. That is why so many warriors delve into that horrible underworld, as they wish to save their homes from this very fate. But even such a noble cause gives little comfort to those who seek these monsters. The land they are entering is born without sun and molded by the dust of the many before them.


Another apology gorgon here, with this one being my attempt to create a gorgon that was inspired more by the descriptions in the myth. There is still some deviations and changes, but I tried my best. I also went crazy with the colors and patterns for whatever reason. Just trying stuff out!

With having a creature that turned living things into stone, I thought it would make sense if they were some kind of geophage.