It's Just A Joke! by Eyenoom on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I've heard many horrible excuses, but "It's just a joke" still happens to be one of the worst I know.

You might have meant is as a joke, and that's okay, as long as you stop it when you've been told to.
"It's just a joke" is not an excuse for you keep doing your shit.

:bulletgreen: What "It's just a joke" can be used for:
- Assuring your friend that it was meant entirely for fun, and you did not try to hurt them; A little 'sorry' fits well here too

:bulletred: What "It's just a joke" can't be used for:
- Keep doing what your friend told you not to do and just throwing "It's just a joke" in their face every time they ask you to stop.
- Implying that you now have premission to do whatever the fuck you want as long as it's 'a joke'
- Keeping your friend down in the belief that you're allowed to treat them in a way they don't like because you're only 'joking'

No matter how many time you say 'It's just a joke', bullying is still bullying~

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