Ayato Itami #11 by F-SantilarioStudio on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

プロフィール (Purofīru)/ Profile:

いたみあやと (Itami Ayato)

Ayato Itami

Attire 11/12: Hart Foundation

Ayato Itami

Age: 21

Birth Date: December 1st 1997

Birth Place: Osaka, Japan

Hometown: Osaka, Japan

Fight Style: Fighter

Wrestling Debut: 2015

Alignment: Fan Favorite

Roll 12 = Wrestling Special Moves:

- Finisher: Front Grapple: The Rising Sun (Brainbuster Suplex)

- Signature #1: Back Grapple: The Shinigami Lock (Crossface Chicken Wing Choke Hold)

- Signature #2: Front Grapple: Crippler Crossface (Tribute to Chris Benoit)

- Signature #3: Jump From Post: Shooting Star Press

- Signature #4: Running At Downed Opponent: Hogan Leg Drop

- Signature #5: Front Grapple: Razor's Edge (Tribute to Scott Hall)

Roll 2 = Standing Combo:

- 01. Straight Punch

- 02. American Hook

- 03. Dropkick

- 04. Missile Dropkick

Roll 3 = Running:

- A. Clothesline

- B. Dropkick

- C. Missile Dropkick

Roll 4 = Counter:

- A. Clothesline

- B. Dropkick

- C. Missile Dropkick

Roll 5 = Corner:

- A. Corner Attack: Missile Dropkick

- B. Corner Front Grapple: Arm Drag

- C. Corner Back Grapple: Super Back Suplex

- D. Corner To Center: Del Rio Superkick

Roll 6 = Diving:

- A. Diving Missile Dropkick

- B. Diving Cross Body

- C. Diving Body Splash

- D. Diving Frog Splash

Roll 7 = Front Grapple:

- A. Anaconda Vice

- B. Missile Dropkick

- C. Jake Roberts' DDT

- D. Spike Piledriver

- E. Sharpshooter

Roll 8 = Back Grapple:

- A. Cobra Clutch Suplex

- B. Back Suplex

- C. Octopus Stretch

- D. Missile Dropkick

- E. Abdominal Stretch

Roll 9 = Downed Opponent:

- Running At Downed Opponent: Rolling Thunder

- Face Up, Near Head: Frog Splash

- Face Up, Near Legs: Fujiwara Armbar

- Face Down, Near Head: Boston Crab

- Face Down, Near Legs: Sharpshooter

Roll 10 = Apron Grapple:

- Inside Apron Grapple: Inferno Suplex

- Outside Apron Grapple: Inferno Tiger Suplex

Roll 11 = Avalanche Setup Corner:

- Front Avalanche Setup Corner: Superplex

- Back Avalanche Setup Corner: Super Back Suplex