_memories_II by fal-name on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Image Usage

My works are not stock images, they are not free for use. You may NOT use my works in any manipulations or designs inclusive but not exclusive to: manipulation artworks, websites, layouts, tubes, wallpapers, banners, blogs, CDs, posters, icons, etc.

Image Referencing

You are free to reference my images for drawings, illustrations, vectors and repost my images in NON-PROFITABLE articles/websites for features on the condition that they are NOT for profit/commercial/print/competition purposes. You DO have to ask for permission. You are required to give clear CREDIT to me and link back to my website/userpage, with my icon if posting on deviantART. Regarding reposting my works for features and articles, do not edit/crop/manipulate the image in any way (unless it is for image previews).

I do not give out hi-resolution images for referencing.

You may show me the finished works or related links
