Avatar: Ya Fruitcake by FantasyStockAvatars on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is a FREE Avatar:
:pointr: You are free to use this image on deviantArt as your icon. For rules of use, you may look here: [link]

⭐ This avatar is meant to be saved as a GIF file. There are three different animated versions of this in the download including one without text.

FAQ #147: How do I upload an avatar?


:thanks: :iconoibyrd: :thanks:
I got written permission from `oibyrd to use her art to make free avatars for people to use at dA, and I wanted to celebrate her Daily Deviation Feature by using it: "Ya Fruitcake"

Contratulations :dance: to `oibyrd for her DD! :hug: It's awesome to see that one of the nicest people at this site was recognized for her artistic merits.

Thanks for letting me use your gorgeous artwork! :heart:
I'm sorry this is belated; I've had my head up my ass.

-----End Credits-----

Font: Fiolex Girls
Text: "Fruity Love"