Unnamed Raion Clan Royal Family by FayeleneFyre on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

(I'm still trying to find names for the king and princess...)

All I have down is that the king is a ruthless ruler who follows in his ancestors footprints with continuing the cruel laws the clan has had for ages, and he's against the canine mobian race like past rulers; Especially against anyone who was once a follower of the Ookami Clan or the Kyuubi Clan or any mobian related to the same species of canine that said clans were of (wolf and fox/kitsune).

The Princess is against clan law, but is forced to follow it. She's secretly the lover of a commoner named Clash, who is a rare white lion that's in Clan Guard training. This forbidden relationship could easily be a quick sentence to death for Clash if the secret ever gets out. If he comes back to the clan as a high-ranked guard, he could then be worthy of the hand of the Princess. But for now, she waits for his safe return from his training.

All three of these clans (Raion, Ookami, and Kyuubi) used to be united, but Raion Clan history says that the wolves and foxes betrayed the lions and declared war. Though, as history truly unfolds, many learn that the wolves and foxes were peaceful and accepting races, while lions became overly-prideful in their power and became consumed in it. Present and innocent citizens of the Lion Tribe are now wondering if this horrible bloodstained path was actually carved by none other than their own race? And that maybe the lions betrayed the wolves and foxes? No one knows if the truth will ever be found, because it seems there are no more Ookami or Kyuubi clan members left alive to share their side of the story...

Story and characters belong to me.